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OVERVIEW OF ISLAM. By Lyle B., Ph.D. August 25, 2008. DIFFERENT VIEWS OF ISLAM. Islamic View -- all writings are done by believers; Muslims themselves. Academic View -- taught in schools by dhimmis: basics of religion; art, poetry, etc.; jihad not discussed; always respectful.
OVERVIEW OF ISLAM ByLyle B., Ph.D. August 25, 2008 [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
DIFFERENT VIEWS OF ISLAM • Islamic View -- all writings are done by believers; Muslims themselves. • Academic View -- taught in schools by dhimmis: basics of religion; art, poetry, etc.; jihad not discussed; always respectful. • Foundational View -- kafirs (unbelievers) use all Islamic texts to explain Muslim world: its politics, religion, history, victims; w/dots.[CSPI, p. x (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM -- THE COMPLETE WAY Islam, viewed completely, is a: • Complete political system, • Complete cultural system, • Complete religious system. [CSPI, p. viii (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
CORE BELIEFS OF ISLAM 1. Belief in Allah. 2. Belief in angels. 3. Belief in the revealed Books of God. 4. Belief in God’s many prophets. 5. Accepts concept of a last day. 6. Belief in divine measurement of humans. 7. Belief in life after death. [YE, p. 18 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM 1. Shahadah -- profession-of-faith. 2. Salat -- Daily prayer, towards Mecca. 3. Zakat -- Almsgiving, annual charity. 4. Saum -- Month-long Fast of Ramadan. 5. Hajj -- Pilgrimage to Mecca.[YE, p. 114 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
THE SHAHADAH Declaration of Faith: “I declare there is no god except Allah, and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” [YE, p. 115] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ALLAH, GOD OF ISLAM (a) • Allah/God means “the divinity.” • Allah has many different names, such as the Compassionate, the Merciful, etc. • Allah is unknowable and impersonal.[KRS, p. 249 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ALLAH, GOD OF ISLAM (b) • Allah absolutely monotheistic; no Son. • Allah wills directives & commands only. • Viewing Allah any different = a BIG sin. • Islam & Christian Worldviews differ.[KRS, p. 249 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ALLAH, GOD OF ISLAM (c) • Allah is sovereign over all things. • Only His divine will & commands are known. • Allah is absolutely transcendent. • He never reveals himself; He is not a “personal” God. [KRS, pp. 249-250 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (a) • Muslims believe in angels, esp angel Gabriel. [KRS, p. 250] • Jinn -- Intelligent & powerful spirits; <angels, >humans; may be good or evil. [KRS, p. 250] • Satan (Shaytan), an evil Jinn, and other bad Jinn seek to corrupt us. [YE, p. 29] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (b) • Muslims believe in Bible prophets. • Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet. • Muslims do not believe Jesus was a Son of God; Allah has no offspring. [KRS, p. 250, (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (c) • Muslims believe in absolute monotheism. • ISLAM means “peace” & “surrender.” • Muslim: “one who submits to Allah.”[KRS, p. 248 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (d) • No original sin. Allah forgave Adam and Eve -- no taint of sin. • No atonement. No need for Allah to atone for sins of mankind. • No Trinity. Allah abs monotheistic; Niceene Creed rejected. [YE, p. 208 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (e) • No Holy Spirit associated w/Godhead. • No Begotten Son. Allah did not have any children. • Mary, mother of God? No, no trinity, no quartet; Allah undivided. • The Bible. Not authentic, it has many errors and contradictions. [YE, p. 208 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (f) • Islam accepts Jesus’ virgin birth. [YE, p. 208] • Jesus not crucified; Allah raised Him up directly to Paradise. [YE, p. 213] • Islam is not a religion of grace and redemption. [KRS, p. 253] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (g) • Muslims believe Islam is God’s last and complete message to World. • If one learns about Islam, they are then compelled to become Muslim. [YE, p. 209 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (h) • Islam: Humans born good & responsible. • Islam: No “grace” or “redemption.” • Allah: Fair & impartial to all believers. • Get Paradise if “good” > “bad” actions; assuming a moral life. [KRS, pp. 252-253 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (i) • To Muslims, sin is willful disobedience. • Muslims not born into sin of Adam. • Islam: religion of justice based on deeds. • Deeds may be good/bad, judged by Allah. • Paradise -- based upon one’s good vs bad deeds. [KRS, pp. 252-253 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC BELIEFS (j) • Muslims have no assurance of paradise. • They must always strive for submission to Allah’s will. • Paradise -- involves spiritual rewards; including physical pleasures for men. • Hell -- Eternal banishment from Allah, with despair and punishment. [KRS, p. 253 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM & CREATION (a) According to the Koran: • God made time. A day to Allah is different than a day on Earth. • Six days to create everything; Earth and planets created during last two days. • Allah said “Be” and a “ball” of matter appeared, then spread out. [YE, p. 77 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM & CREATION (b) According to the Koran: • Heavens filled with “smoke.” • Planets & stars “swim” in their orbits. • The Sun -- giver of light. • The Moon -- reflector of light. [YE, p. 77 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM & CREATION (c) According to the Koran: • Earth is round (a sphere). • Earth’s surface is spread out like a carpet (crust). • Mountains have ”roots” to stabilize the planet (plate techtonics). [YE, p. 79 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM & CREATION (d) According to the Koran: • Rain -- It falls, collects, springs up from ground (water cycle). • Clouds -- Different ones for rain, hail, sleet, snow, etc. • Earth -- Surrounded by protective layer (ozone layer). [YE, p. 79 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM & CREATION (e) • Muslims point out that these scientific descriptions in Koran were unknown in Muhammed’s time. [YE, p. 79] • Muslim scholars agree that universe developed over long time period. [YE, p. 80] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAM & EVOLUTION (f) • Origin of life attributed to Allah; life arose via natural processes, separate from evolutionary processes. [YE, p. 81] • Muslims lean toward creationism regarding humans. [YE, p. 81] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
PROOF OF ALLAH’S EXISTENCE • Natural world -- Beauty and complexity, created by an intelligent being. [YE, p. 19] • Human abilities -- capacity for thought, belief, invention, creativity. [YE, p. 20] • Allah’s revelations -- His guidance and existence of religion. [YE, p. 20] • Human feelings -- we seek meaning of life, why do we exist? [YE, p. 20] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
THE COSMOS • The Word Muslim means submit or surrender. [YE, p. 20] • Allah created the cosmos; it submits to Him; hence it is Muslim. [YE, p. 21] • Animals are Muslim -- Allah taught them to do what they do. [YE, p. 21] • Plants are Muslim -- Allah programmed them to do what they do. [YE, p. 21] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (a) • ~570, Muhammad born in Mecca. [CSPI, p. 270] • At age 40 in Mecca, He received first revelation via angel Gabriel. [CSPI, p. 11] • During next 13 years in Mecca, He converted 150 people to Islam.[CSPI, p. vii] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
PROPHET MUHUMMED (b) • In 622 he escaped assassination in Mecca and migrated to Medina. [YE, p. 277] • In Medina, he began using violence to promote his new religion. [YE, pp. 279-285] • In 630, he became “Master of Arabia.”[RS, p. xii] • In 632, he passed away. [YE, p. 286] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
PROPHET MUHAMMED (c) • Muhammed received divine revelation. • Muslims believe he is the final prophet. • He is #1 moral example for Muslims. • He is perfect of all God’s creatures. • Muslims: “What would Muhammed do?”[KRS, p. 251 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC DIFFERENCES (a) Two major Islamic sects, Sunni & Shia: • Sunni ~85%; all successors to be blood relative of Muhammed. • Shia ~15%; all successors from Ali and his male decendents. They interpret Koran & other religious books differently. [YE, pp. 334-335 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
ISLAMIC DIFFERENCES (b) • Islam has three major movements: (1) traditional or orthodox, (2) modernist or secularist, (3) Fundamentalist (Wahhabism). • Wahhabism -- fundamental Islam; extreme, intolerant, uncompromising. • Some believe Wahhabism may die out.[KRS, p. 255 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
WHAT IS JIHAD? ‘The word “jihad” literally means to struggle or strive or work for something with determination.’ Two basic types of Jihad: • Personal struggle, such as quitting smoking. • Physical struggle, such as warfare for Allah’s cause (holy war). [YE, p. 166 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
TESTING ISLAM WORDVIEW (a) Islam has commendable positive features: 1. Belief in human reason & argumentation. 2. It has some rationality (coherence). 3. Believes cosmos real (scientific realism).[KRS, pp. 256-257 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
TESTING ISLAM WORLDVIEW (b) Commendable positive features, continued: 4. It can document historical truth-claims. 5. It believes in a single transcendent Creator. 6. Muslims believe in Jesus, as a prophet.[KRS, pp. 256-257 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
TESTING ISLAM WORLDVIEW (c) Negative aspects of Islam: 1. No coherence between Koran and Bible. 2. Non-existential, impersonal for living. Allah’s nature unknown. 3. Non-explanatory, superiority not real; e.g., sins of al-Qaeda and 9/11/01? Superior inconsistent with submission.[KRS, pp. 260-261 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
SUMMARY COMMENTS (a) • Islam: Trinity is idolatrous polytheism. • Islam: Incarnation is blasphemy. • Islam rejects “original sin,” man is only disobedient, not a lost sinner.[KRS, pp. 262-263 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
SUMMARY COMMENTS (b) • Islam denies need for a Savior. • Islam: Jesus did not die on the cross. • Islam: Jesus less prominent than Muhammed.[KRS, pp. 262-263 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
SUMMARY COMMENTS (c) • Christianity & Islam at odds w/ each other. • Each denies the essential doctrines of the other. • Their theological essentials are in conflict with each other.[KRS, pp. 262-263 (all)] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
SUMMARY COMMENTS (d) • “If Islam is true, then historic Christianity is false.” [KRS, p. 262] • “If Christianity is true, then Orthodox Islam is false.” [KRS, p. 262] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
SUMMARY COMMENTS (e) • In 2001, a leading Saudi Sheik, Almad Al Qatani, confirmed that: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity” … “Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.” [JCR, p. 28] [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]
BIBLIOGRAPHY (YE) Yahia Emerick. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam. Alpha, a Pearson Education Co., 2002. (JCR) Joel C. Rosenberg, author. The Big Untold Story in the Middle East. My world article, Long’s Christian Bookstore Cat., Fall 2008. (KRS) Kenneth R. Samples. A World of Difference, Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test. Reasons To Believe, BakerBooks, MI., 2007. (RS) Robert Spencer. The Truth About Muhammad : founder of the world’s most intolerant religion. Regnery Publishing, 2006. [1x-Islam-PP-Slides-LB.PPT]