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Skimming. Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text . Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than a normal reading . In skimming you ignore the details and look for the main ideas. When do we use skimming ?.

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  1. Skimming Skimmingisusedtoquicklyidentifythemain ideas of a text. Skimmingis done at a speedthreetofour times fasterthan a normal reading. In skimmingyou ignore thedetails and look forthemain ideas.

  2. When do we use skimming? -Whenwewanttogetthemain idea of thetext. -whenwehave a lots of material toread in a limitedamount of time. -Whenwewanttoknowif a textwillbeuseful

  3. Strategiesto use when skimming -Readthetittle. -Readsubtittles. -Readheadings -Readsummarizes. -Readsubheading -Look illustrations -Readthefirstsentence of eachparagrapgh. -Readthelastsentence of eachparagraoh. -Don’treadeverywordonthetext. -Don’tReread.

  4. Differencesbetweenskimming And scanning Skimming: isusedtoobtainthemain idea of a text. Example: To decide if a textwillbeuseful and shouldberead more slowly. Scanning: isusedtoobtainspecificinformation. Example: Tofind a particular number in a telephonenumber.

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