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When you are constructing a new home, one of the most important things is to see to it that the floor is as level and flat as possible. This is particularly important with modern precast concrete beam and block floors, which have a distinct camber that can cause problems when it comes to laying floor finishes.<br>
For this reason, it is necessary to install a floor screed over the top of the substrate in order to provide as level a surface as possible on which to lay the final flooring. For many years, a screed has been made from good old sand and cement, but recently, One very big advantage is just how fast a liquid screed can be installed compared with sand and cement.Sandandcementisoftenmixedonsitein a concrete mixer and then barrowed on to the substrate and laid by a man levelling it out with a trowel.
The liquid screed that we apply at UK Screeds whenyouuseourfloorpreparationservice in Gloucesteris also delivered ready mixed. What wedo is to set out levellinggauges which are called tripods and set them to the correct depth using a laser. This will ensure thatthelevelisperfectthroughoutthe building. We then attach a pump and a long hose to the delivery truck and simply pump thescreedontothesubstrate.
Ofcourse,thespeedoflayingmeansthatthereisa big cost-saving there as well, because a sand and cementscreedlaidbyhandinvolvesaconsiderable labourelement. There is one downside to our liquid screeds and thatisthatastheydry,theyformalayeroflaitance onthesurface.However, weremovethisby sanding the surface between 7 – 10 days after the screed is poured. Overall, the many benefits of a liquidscreedfaroutweightheuseof“20thcentury”sandandcement.
Address 5 ThorpesField Alvescot England Bampton Oxfordshire OX182QF PhoneNumber 01865660026 EmailAddress info@ukscreedsltd.co.uk CONTACTUS