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Chapter 17-1 pg 512. One American’s Story (PG. 512). Who is speaking? What is the main idea? When did this take place? Where did this take place? Why is this story relevant?. Web from Chapter 17-1 Reading Study Guide. Wealth redistribution (Socialism). WCTU/ Carry Nation/ Prohibition.
One American’s Story (PG. 512) • Who is speaking? • What is the main idea? • When did this take place? • Where did this take place? • Why is this story relevant?
Web from Chapter 17-1 Reading Study Guide Wealth redistribution (Socialism) WCTU/ Carry Nation/ Prohibition Progressive Reforms City managers instead of political boss in charge of the city (Galveston, TX) YMCA/ Salvation Army/ Factory Inspection Act/ Florence Kelly
Change in class format 1. You won’t get a outline sheet for each unit 2. The units will be broken up into smaller chunks Example Unit 7 (7.1 chpts. 17&18; 7.2 chpts. 19, 20, 21) 3. I’ll give you LEQ cards for each unit…write your answers to the questions on the back of each card. 4. You’ll have to complete the RSG for each chapter in the unit 5. You’ll have to complete the workbook pages during the PowerPoint lectures 6. Vocabulary will be in the form of crossword puzzles, and the Section B in your workbook pages
Terms you’ll need to know… • Progressive movement • Florence Kelley • Prohibition • Muckraker • Scientific management • Robert M. La Follette • Initiative • Referendum • Recall • Seventeenth Amendment
Four Goals of Progressivism • The Progressive Movement aimed to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life at the turn of the century. • Promote social welfare • Promote moral improvement • Create economic reform • Fostering efficiency in govt • Many social reformers focused on the deplorable conditions in factories • Young Men’s Christian Asso. (YMCA) opened in many communities • The Salvation Army helped the poor get food/ aid • Florence Kelley advocated improving the lives of women/ children—she was appointed factory inspector in Illinois
Promoting Moral Improvement • Many people felt that the govt should enforce moral behavior onto the public • Prohibition (banning alcohol) became one such program • The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) spearheaded this movement • WCTU members would go into saloons and sing, pray, and begging bartenders to stop selling alcohol. • Having 245,000 members by 1911, the WCTU was the largest woman’s group in history
Carry Nation would go into saloons, scold the customers, and use her hatchet to destroy bottles of liquor
Creating Economic Reform • Many people in the US favored socialism as a way to “equalize” the wealth gap • Reformer Eugene V. Debs helped organize the Socialist Party in 1901—socialist felt capitalism was unfair, b/c govt favored big business over common people • Journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business and public life were known as muckrakers
Muckrakers • McClure’s Magazine was a monthly publication that focused on exposing the injustices done by people like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan
Fostering Efficiency • Frederick Winslow Taylor invented “Taylorism”, aka Scientific Management • He figured out exactly how long it should take for an employee to perform a specific task • Henry Ford reduced the workweek to 8 hours, and increased pay to $5 per/day to keep people happy
Reforming local govt • Many local govts were corrupt---political bosses would rewarded supporters w/ jobs, money, and openly bought votes w/ favors and bribes • A hurricane destroyed the city of Galveston, TX in 1900; the politicians really botched up the effort to rebuild the city, so the TX legislature took charge. • They appointed a 5 member commission of experts to take charge of a different city department—the city was rebuilt quickly, which convinced many cites to adopt the Galveston example • City managers were soon employed in nearly 250 cities by 1925 • Many city mayors were also striving to make their cities the best they possibly could
Reform at the State level Reform Governors • Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin led the way in regulating big business • He targeted the RR industry—taxed their property, regulated rates, cut out free rail passes for govt, etc.
Reform at the State level Child Labor • Child labor cont to be a large part of the factory system • Nat’l Child Labor Cmt. sent investigators into factories, org. exhibitions about the horrors of child labor • Succeeded in getting legislation passed in most states limiting child labor
Work Hours Elections • Courts set a 10-hour workday for women in 1908 (Muller v. Oregon) • Courts set a 10-hour work week for men in 1917 (Bunting v. Oregon) • Employees were made to compensate families after a worker dies as a result of the job • Citizens could place an initiative —a bill originated by the people rather than lawmakers —on a ballot • Then, the voters, NOT the legislators, would vote on the initiative called a referendum • The recall enabled voters to remove public officials by forcing them into another election before their scheduled time
The 17th Amendment • Prior to this amendment, each state’s legislature would choose its own US senators, which put more power in the hands of corrupt political bosses. • The 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913, which allowed for the direct election of US senators
One American’s Story (PG 519) • Who is speaking? • What is the main idea? • When did this take place? • Where did this take place? • Why is this story relevant?
Terms You’ll Need to Know… • NACW • Suffrage • Susan B. Anthony • NAWSA
Let’s Review the last section… Wealth redistribution (Socialism) WCTU/ Carry Nation/ Prohibition Progressive Reforms City managers instead of political boss in charge of the city (Galveston, TX) YMCA/ Salvation Army/ Factory Inspection Act/ Florence Kelly
In a chart like this one below, fill in details about working women in the late 1800s. What generalizations can you make about women at this time?
Women in the Workforce • Wealthy women could afford to stay at home and take care of their families—middle class/ poor had no choice but to find employment outside the home • Farm women have always been an essential part of family life: plowing, raising livestock, harvesting, etc • Once factorization took place, many women found jobs in the cities, even though they were not allowed to be a part of men’s labor unions • Women were employed in many garment factories, as well as telephone operators, maids, cooks, typists
Women Lead Reform • Dangerous conditions, low wages, and long hours caused some women to push for reform • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, where nearly 146 women died in NYC, sparked many to seek help • Vassar College, Smith and Wellesley Colleges, as well as Columbia, Brown, and Harvard Colleges began offering classes for women—new opportunities
Women and Reform • 1896: NACW- National Association of Colored Women—whose mission was to advance African American women; targeted reform in housing, education, and food/ drug laws • The Seneca Falls (Stanton/ Mott) was in 1848—many women were split over the 14th(born in US= automatic citizen) and 15th(nobody could denied suffrage based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude) Amendments, which granted equal rights to African Americans, but excluded women • Susan B. Anthony was a leading proponent of women suffrage • Anthony and Stanton created the National American Woman Suffrage Asso. (NAWSA) —the liquor industry feared if they voted, then prohibition would soon follow
Three-Part plan for Suffrage • 1: Try and convince state legislatures to grant women the right to vote (Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Idaho) • 2: Test the constitutionality of the 14th Amendment (Can not deny citizens the right to vote)—Anthony led women to try and vote 150 times, the case went to court—the women asked “Aren’t we citizens?”, they court said “yes”, but not in the case of voting • 3: Push for a national convention centered around passing an amendment to grant women’s suffrage
One American’s Story (PG 523) • Who is speaking? • What is the main idea? • When did this take place? • Where did this take place? • Why is this story relevant?
Terms You’ll Need to Know… • Upton Sinclair • The Jungle • Theodore Roosevelt • Square Deal • Meat Inspection Act • Pure Food and Drug Act • Conservation • NAACP
List the solutions that TR used to solve the four problems below. 1902 Coal Strike Unsafe Meat Processing Exploitation of the Environment Racial Injustice
A Rough-Riding President • In 1900, New York political bosses (remember Tweed) urged NY senator/ Governor Teddy Roosevelt to run as McKinley’s VP—he was brash, and they didn’t know what to do w/ him • The plot to remove him from NY state government (and thus, out of the hair of the political machine of NYC) worked, and Roosevelt became the VP of McKinley, who served only 6 months of his second term before he was assassinated, making Roosevelt the POTUS!
Young Life of TR • He was born to a wealthy NY family • He was an outstanding athlete (shooting, horseback riding, boxing, wrestling)
TR enters politics… • Great leader in NY politics; • NYC police commissioner • Asst. sec. to the Navy • Once he established himself as a political leader, he decided to go fight in Cuba…
Rough-Riders in Cuba • He advocated war against Spain in 1898 • His all-volunteer cavalry brigade (the Rough Riders) fought bravely against Spain in Cuba at the Battle of San Juan Hill • Upon his return, he was elected Governor of NY, and then nominated for VP under McKinley
TR • He became the youngest president in 1901 at 42 yrs old • He boxed in the white house, galloped 100 miles in a day • He was bold in politics as well— he believed that the natl govt should assume responsibility when states prove incapable of doing so w/ regard to welfare
Two Things he’s known for… The Bully Pulpit The Square Deal • He felt he could “bully” his programs through congress by influencing the news media to shape legislation • If big business victimized its workers, TR would see to it that the workers received a “Square Deal” • It’s the name of all of the social programs TR will sponsor
Using the Federal Power TRUSTBUSTING • By 1900, trusts controlled about 4/5 of the industries of the US—some like Standard Oil earned a bad reputation of unfair business practices (running companies out of business only to raise prices once they’ve attained monopolies) • Under the Sherman Act, Roosevelt ordered the Justice Dept to sue the Northern Securities Comp, which had a monopoly over the NW RR—the Supreme Ct dissolved the company, earning TR the nickname “Trustbuster”
1902 Railroad Strike • 140,000 coal minders in PN went on strike for a 20% pay raise, 9 hr workday, and the right to organize • The mine operators refused to bargain, and the 5 month strike caused coal reserves to run very low • Roosevelt decided to step in and settle the dispute by claiming if they couldn’t resolve it themselves, then he would have the US govt take over the business • An arbitration commission worked out a compromise • Roosevelt’s actions set a new precedent—when a strike threatened the public welfare, the federal govt would intervene
Railroad Regulation • Roosevelt wanted the entire RR industry to be regulated by the federal govt • Previously in 1887, Congress had passed the Interstate Commerce Act, and est. the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce the RR—they were not very effective • So, Roosevelt urged Congress to pass the Elkins Act in 1903, which made it illegal for RR to give rebates to companies for using a specific RR company, and they couldn't change their price w/o notifying the public • The Hepburn Act (1906) strictly limited the distribution of free RR passes—the most common form of bribery. It also gave the ICC the right to est. maximum RR rates • Review Question: Who was the Progressive Wisconsin Governor who first started regulating the RR industry?
Health and the Environment • After reading Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, Roosevelt responded to the public’s cries for action. • In 1906 Roosevelt pushed Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act, which dictated strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection that was used until 1990
Health and the Environment • Roosevelt continued to protect the health of Americans by getting congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act • Before, manufacturers could say anything about their products just to get them sold—they also put harmful ingredients in them • The FDA now regulated such claims and labels
Conservation and Natl Resources • By the late 19th Century, Americans had unknowingly exploited their natural resources/ environment • Farmers had clear-cut forests, plowed up prairies, cities dumped sewage in rivers, etc, etc, etc….
Conservation • Roosevelt established hundreds of millions of acres for National Parks • He hired Gifford Pinchot as head of the US Forest Service • To them, conservation meant some land would be preserved, and some would be used for the common good
Roosevelt and Civil Rights • Roosevelt did not focus too strongly on civil rights • He invited Booker T. Washington (head of Tuskegee Institute) to the white house for dinner • In 1905 African Americans held a civil rights conference at Niagara Falls • In 1909, the NAACP (Natl Asso for the Advancement of Colored People) was established
One American’s Story (PG 534) • Who is speaking? • What is the main idea? • When did this take place? • Where did this take place? • Why is this story relevant?
Terms You’ll Need to Know… • Gifford Pinchot • William Howard Taft • Payne-Aldrich Tariff • Bull Moose Party • Woodrow Wilson
Draw this diagram in your notes; fill in the causes that made Taft’s time in office difficult.
Taft Becomes President • Roosevelt pledged that he would not run for president in 1908—he handpicked his secretary of war—William Howard Taft—as the Republican Party nominee • Taft would run against the Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan (his 3rd time running!) • Taft easily won the election
Taft as president • Taft never really felt like the President—he was very cautious, and never used TR’s bully pulpit style of governing • Tariffs and Conservation will be his two biggest problems