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Shipwreck investigation in the Port of Pori, Finland

Shipwreck investigation in the Port of Pori, Finland. Maija Matikka 20.11.2013 maija.matikka@nba.fi. Town of Pori. Port of Pori. Kallonlahti – wreck 2009. Antiquities Act 1963.

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Shipwreck investigation in the Port of Pori, Finland

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  1. Shipwreckinvestigation in the Port of Pori, Finland Maija Matikka 20.11.2013 maija.matikka@nba.fi

  2. Town of Pori

  3. Port of Pori

  4. Kallonlahti –wreck 2009

  5. Antiquities Act 1963 - thewrecks of ships and othervesseldiscovered in theseaor in inlandwaters, whichcanbeconsidered to beoveronehundredyearsold, orpartsthereof, areprotected as ancientmonuments - in planning of publicconstructionworksorurbanorzoneplansthedevelopershallfind out beforehandiftheprojectwillconcernancientmonuments - wheretheexecution of publicorconsiderableprivateworksconcern an ancientmonumentinsofar as theyrequirespecialinvestigationsorspecial action to preserve it, thedevelopermustpay for theinvestigation of thesite

  6. Dendrochronologicaldating 2009 and trial excavation 2010

  7. Excavation 2011

  8. Excavation 2011

  9. Lessonslearned • moreawareness of thepossibility of underwaterculturalheritagesites in portareas is neededin Finland • archaeologicalsurveys at an earlystage in theprojectplanning – avoidingsurprises; archaeologicalfindsarepossible in areasthathaveundergone heavy modifications • importance of positivecooperation

  10. Thankyou

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