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Welcome to Dawley Christian Centre

Welcome to Dawley Christian Centre. Prayer. H&P 767. Give me the faith which can remove And sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the childlike praying love, Which longs to build thy house again; thy love, let it my heart o'erpower, And all my simple soul devour.

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Welcome to Dawley Christian Centre

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  1. Welcome to Dawley Christian Centre

  2. Prayer

  3. H&P 767 Give me the faith which can remove And sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the childlike praying love, Which longs to build thy house again; thy love, let it my heart o'erpower, And all my simple soul devour.

  4. I would thy precious time redeem, And longer live for this alone: to spend, and to be spent, for them Who have not yet my Saviour known; Fully on these my mission prove, And only breathe, to breathe thy love.

  5. My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord, Into thy blessed hands receive; And let me live to preach thy word, And let me to thy glory live; My every sacred moment spend In publishing the sinners' friend.

  6. Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart With boundless charity divine: So shall I all my strength exert, And love them with a zeal like thine; And lead them to thy open side, The sheep for whom their Shepherd died.

  7. Charter for Circuit Review

  8. 2010 2011 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June • Steward’s Strawman • Research about future of area • Brainstorming • Finding out what the options are • Researching the best examples of successful circuits • Church • Consultations • Sharing the Options • Finding out the local • mission scene • Testing ideas We are here CLT Consultation 06/11 • First draft of • Future State Model • Principles • Vision • Roadmap • Main draft of • Future State Model • Principles • Vision • Roadmap • Implementation Plan • Final draft of • Future State Model • Principles • Vision • Roadmap • Implementation Plan Circuit Consultation Day 19/03/11 Circuit Consultation Day 23/5/11 Circuit Meeting Approval 23/06/11 Prayer Stream

  9. Membership Money The Gospel of Jesus The vital role of the Methodist people We need change now to secure our future and fulfil our mission The “Burning Platform”

  10. Our Design principles • Doing less, but doing it better • Freeing up our resources so they can focus on mission opportunities • Re-group for mission – not maintain a managed decline

  11. Communities of Interest No Services Per Cluster/Church Circuit Focus Delegate to Clusters Quality > Quantity Using the Power of the Network Buildings The Plan Supporting & Enabling Training Styles Mission Resources & Talents Worship Knowing the talents, resources & interests Circuit Magazine - Refresh Plan Helping people access external resources Circuit Review Topics Communication & Tools Connexion & District Comms Worship Leaders Implementation & timing People Leadership & Governance Number Pastoral Care Type (Ministers/Deacons/ Lay/Admin etc) A phased plan Money Organisation & Structure Wealth to Income Checkpoints Local Preachers H2 Form Clusters Education One Urban Telford Church? Stewardship Beyond Telford • More feedback • Refresh LP • Meeting Training & Development Naming & Identity

  12. CLUSTER FOR A PURPOSE • Change of local structure to create: - • Stronger localised ‘Church’ with increased quality in • WORSHIP • COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • MISSION ACTIVITIES TO CREATE DISCIPLES • Through greater use of individual gifts used in a team approach

  13. CLUSTER FOR A PURPOSE - BENEFITS • Supportive team of churches • Shared Resources e.g. people, gifts, buildings • Shared Officer Role • Able to react to local needs in terms of mission – out reach • Shared services planned • Build local ecumenical links if appropriate • Greater use of individual gifts e.g. pastoral care, Worship Leaders • Shared service styles to meet congregational needs • NOT AN ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION – IT’S ABOUT FELLOWSHIP

  14. AIMS OF CIRCUIT TO ACHIEVE BY SEPT 2016 Grow membership by 200 people Achieve strong mission projects Improve the quality of worship Increase Lay involvement by 200 people in areas such as pastoral care Increase Worship Leaders to 40+ people Achieve 10 new Local Preachers in Training Financially sound for a ten year projection Increase circuit giving to other charities Everyone in our community will know they are loved by God Everyone will have a high quality experience of Church every week Everyone in our Churches will be encouraged and enabled to play their full part as a member of the body of Christ

  15. Organisation and Structure • We will invite the current Church communities to form Clusters. The basis of Clusters will be based on natural affinity. Church communities will be encouraged to use a number of factors as a consideration e.g. geography • Church Councils will be established at Cluster level and these are the meetings that Presbyters will be required to attend – all key appointments and decisions will be made at Cluster level • Local Church communities can establish local meetings, if required) that can input to and implement decisions taken at Cluster level . Once the Clusters are established, there is no expectation or requirement for a Presbyter to attend the local meetings • The mandatory offices for a Methodist Church will exist only at Cluster level

  16. Mission • The Clusters will be encouraged to organise for mission at a Cluster level • Clusters will be encouraged to consider mission opportunities at Cluster level and use resources from across the Cluster (the most suitable people in the most suitable location). Best practice and success will be shared and celebrated at a Cluster level • Over and above the Clusters, the Circuit will facilitate the sharing of best practice, experience and resources • Resources will always be prioritised towards mission activities. For example, all applications to the Circuit Model Trust Fund (CMTF) will need to demonstrate how the expenditure will contribute to growth

  17. Pastoral Care • A network of recognised and authorised pastoral visitors will be established by each Cluster. A Pastoral group comprising pastoral representatives from each Church community and the Presbyter will be established by each Cluster. • Each Church community is invited to consider the opportunities for encouraging discipleship and each Cluster will be asked to develop a discipleship plan. • Each Cluster is asked to explore how to more effectively combine pastoral care with mission. • The Circuit will provide opportunities and funding for training and certifying pastoral visitors

  18. Worship • Each Cluster will be provided with a Presbyter or Local Preacher for one Cluster service per week • In order to use the Circuit’s worship resources most effectively each Church community will be provided with a Presbyter or Local Preacher for one Service per week (over and above the Cluster service), if required. • Space needs to be provided in the plan that allows all Presbyters to enjoy regular worship where they are not officiating • All Services will be planned to be taken by a Presbyter, Local Preacher or Worship Leader, all of whom will be supported with active programs of training and continuous development

  19. People • Each Cluster will have one Presbyter • We will maintain our current number of Presbyters for at least the next 5 years, using funds from the CMTF if necessary. This will be reviewed at the 2 year checkpoint. • A senior Lay Person will be identified within the Cluster to work alongside the Presbyter • The Circuit will organise a Circuit event to encourage Worship Leaders to develop and build their ministry

  20. Resources and Talents (inc Buildings) • There is no long term future in living off the cannibalisation of the circuit by simply waiting for the next building sale. Asset sales need to be considered in the wider mission of the circuit and revenues from such sales need to help deliver the future mission of the circuit. • The Clusters will be responsible for optimising the best use of their resources and assets and will be encouraged to align their assets with strategic mission opportunities • Once the Clusters are formed, the number and location of manses will be reviewed by the Circuit Stewards, in conjunction with the Presbyters. • The circuit will facilitate and enable the sharing of skills, talents and resources across the Clusters • The Circuit will help members access District, Connexion and Ecumenical resources, including funding

  21. Communication & Tools • As part of the Implementation phase, the Circuit Stewards will review the administration support needs for the Circuit • Once the Clusters are established, a revised Circuit Magazine/Plan will be published. The Plan will be changed to reflect the new Clusters

  22. Money • We will run a Stewardship campaign, using modern materials such as TRIO with the aim of changing the culture around money The aim is to restore a better balance in focus between faith and money • We will continue to provide education on how money is collected and used within the Circuit • We will build-on and provide further transparency about the financial status of the circuit 1, 3 and 5 year forecasts Payment of Assessments – e.g. we will celebrate generosity more publicly

  23. Money • Cluster will be used as a significant component in calculating the assessments (eg a Cluster Levy) and we will use this opportunity to further review the basis of the assessments. • After a transition period, funds will be held and managed at Cluster level. Training will be provided for Cluster level Treasurers. • We will allocate a sum of money from the CMTF for the purposing of implementing the review recommendations – amount to be confirmed before Circuit meeting • We will hold back CMTF funds for any further building projects until the Clusters are formed and working. We will agree this with District so that we avoid a CMTF levy.

  24. Money • Once Clusters are formed, applications to use CMTF will be made by the Clusters. Applications will be first made to the Review Implementation Steering Group (RISG – see next slide) who will have a level of delegated authority from the Circuit Meeting. Applications exceeding the threshold, once they have gained the support from the RISG will be presented to the Circuit Meeting for approval

  25. Implementation & Timing • The Circuit will appoint a Review Implementation Steering Group (RISG) who will be in place for two years. This will comprise the Superintendent Minister (current and new), n Presbyters, n Circuit Stewards and the lay co-chair. It is intended that representatives of the Clusters will be added overtime and this body will evolve to become the Circuit Mission Group. • The Circuit will engage an employed person (part-time) to drive and enable the implementation. This will be funded as part of the Implementation Project from CMTF • The draft Implementation Plan will be the basis for the Implementation – this will be owned and driven by the RISG

  26. Implementation & Timing • The first phase of the Implementation plan will be focus on the identification and establishment of the Clusters (including the agreement of constitutions, funding arrangements and ministerial re-organisation). The Clusters will also be asked to consider their identity and name during this phase. This phase is envisaged to take between six and twelve months depending on the length of local discussions. The church communities are encouraged to own this process. However, it will be managed, supported and facilitated by RISG. There will be a number of set-piece events to enable and drive the process.

  27. Implementation & Timing • Clusters will be held responsible for achieving the time plans agreed by the circuit through the RISG • The Implementation Plan will include defined checkpoints which will be considered by RISG and the CLT. These will be used to monitor how successfully the review implementation is on-track to deliver the necessary changes.





  32. AIMS OF CIRCUIT TO ACHIEVE BY SEPT 2016 Grow membership by 200 people Achieve strong mission projects Improve the quality of worship Increase Lay involvement by 200 people in areas such as pastoral care Increase Worship Leaders to 40+ people Achieve 10 new Local Preachers in Training Financially sound for a ten year projection Increase circuit giving to other charities Everyone in our community will know they are loved by God Everyone will have a high quality experience of Church every week Everyone in our Churches will be encouraged and enabled to play their full part as a member of the body of Christ

  33. (continue overleaf) Feedback can be sent by completing this form and sending it back to the circuit stewards Alternatively feedback can be sent direct to the circuit stewards at stewards@telfordmeth.org.uk ALL FEEDBACK MUST BE WITH THE CIRCUIT STEWARDS BY SUNDAY 5TH JUNE Name Church

  34. The Circuit Stewards need your feedback • Feedback can be sent by completing the available form and sending this back to the circuit stewards • Feedback can be sent direct to the circuit stewards atstewards@telfordmeth.org.uk • Name and Church are optional ALL FEEDBACK MUST BE WITH THE CIRCUIT STEWARDS BY SUNDAY 5TH JUNE

  35. H&P 216 And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's blood? Died he for me, who caused his pain? For me, who him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be That thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

  36.  'Tis mystery all: the Immortal dies! Who can explore his strange design? In vain the first-born seraph tries To sound the depths of love divine. 'Tis mercy all! Let earth adore, Let angel minds enquire no more.

  37. He left his Father's throne above - So free, so infinite his grace - Emptied himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race. 'Tis mercy all, immense and free; For, O my God, it found out me!

  38. Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray - I woke, the dungeon flamed with light, My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed thee.

  39. No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in him, is mine! Alive in him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ, my own.

  40. We say the Grace together

  41. It’s time to leave but Please let us have your feedback (continue overleaf) Feedback can be sent by completing this form and sending this back to the circuit stewards Alternatively feedback can be sent direct to the circuit stewards at stewards@telfordmeth.org.uk ALL FEEDBACK MUST BE WITH THE CIRCUIT STEWARDS BY SUNDAY 5TH JUNE Name Church

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