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Immigration Restrictions/Border Control/I.N.S

By: Cole Ebersole. Immigration Restrictions/Border Control/I.N.S. History of Immigration Restrictions and Border Control. Immigration Restrictions Page Act of 1875- first restriction on immigration Emergency Quota Act of 1921- first quota placed on immigration

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Immigration Restrictions/Border Control/I.N.S

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  1. By: Cole Ebersole Immigration Restrictions/Border Control/I.N.S

  2. History of Immigration Restrictions and Border Control Immigration Restrictions • Page Act of 1875- first restriction on immigration • Emergency Quota Act of 1921- first quota placed on immigration • Dream Act- proposed to provide opportunity for illegal aliens to become legal residents and provides opportunity for education Border Control • Founded in 1924 as a government agency • Formed specifically to restrict illegal border crossings along the Mexico-US border

  3. Immigration Act of 1891- Creates Office of the Superintendent of Immigration Officially formed in 1933 by combining multiple agencies In control of the process of naturalization, how an immigrant becomes a citizen In charge of discovery and deportation of illegal immigrants History of I.N.S. (Immigration and Naturalization Service)

  4. Laws being created and passed supporting both reformation and restriction Illegal immigrants continuing to cross border Current state of ISSUE

  5. Opposing Viewpoints For Restriction • Immigrants are taking jobs • Ruining U.S economy by taking money from tax paying citizens • Can strengthen illegal drug trade in U.S For Reformation • American Dream should not be selective • Immigrant labor is lowering prices on consumer products

  6. Promote immigrant rights acts and laws Trying to pass Dream Act as national law Opposed to Arizona Law Support reformation of immigration restrictions Obama/democratic view

  7. Want to continue restrictions on immigration and borders Supports I.N.S raids and deportation of discovered illegal aliens Opposes Dream Act Republican views

  8. Wants to construct a more secure border fence Promises to halt all illegal immigration Wants to make it harder for illegal immigrants to find jobs Mitt Romney on Immigration

  9. Has embraced an open border with Mexico Supports legislation for education of children born to illegal immigrant parents Opposes idea of border fence RICK PERRY ON IMMIGRATION

  10. Michele Bachmann on immigration • Has been quoted saying immigration worked best under Asian Exclusion Act • Then quoted during GOP debates saying that we need to erase the problems with immigration that we have had in the past.

  11. http://topics.cnn.com/topics/border_control_and_customs http://newsone.com/nation/jothomas/dream-act-supporters-tell-obama-to-step-off/ http://www.illegalimmigrationstatistics.org/illegal-immigration-laws-amnesty/ http://trendsupdates.com/the-benefits-of-migrant-labor-or-the-grass-is-greener-out-there-and-eventually-also-at-home/ http://obama.net/obama-talks-arizona-immigration-law-blasts-brewer/ http://www.exposemittromney.com/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/25/rick-perry-texas-life-insurance-scheme_n_935666.html http://the-reaction.blogspot.com/2011/06/michele-bachmann-intelligent-design-and.html Picture citations

  12. Border Control, US. "US Border Control History." www.usbordercontrol.com. N.p., 5/6/2011. Web. 16 Sep 2011. <http://www.usborderpatrol.com/Border_Patrol92cg.htm>. Trac, INS. "INS History." TRACDHS Immigration Enforcement. N.p., 8/20/2011. Web. 16 Sep 2011. <http://trac.syr.edu/tracins/findings/aboutINS/insHistory.html>. Watanabe, Tereasa. "Dream Act students cheer Obama." Los Angeles Times. N.p., 8/18/2011. Web. 16 Sep 2011. <http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/08/dream-act-students-cheer-obamas-immigration-enforcement-policy.html>. Leavitt, Jennifer. "Immigration Agenda:Republicans vs. Democrats." Know It All Mall. N.p., 9/4/2011. Web. 16 Sep 2011. <http://www.knowitallmall.com/od/ussocialeconomicissues/a/GOPvLiberalView.htm>. CNN, . "What does Arizona's Immigration law do?." N.p., CNN. Web. 16 Sep 2011. <http://articles.cnn.com/2010-04-23/politics/immigration.faq_1_arizona-immigration-law-reform-sb1070?_s=PM:POLITICS>. Citations

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