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CLEO-III Trigger Systematic Studies Progress Report – M. Selen

CLEO-III Trigger Systematic Studies Progress Report – M. Selen. Axial Tracking Study more or less completed Work done by Inga Karliner (build on work by Randal Hans) Bottom line: Efficiency for PT>200 MeV ~ 99.9% Stereo Tracking A natural extension of the above

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CLEO-III Trigger Systematic Studies Progress Report – M. Selen

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  1. CLEO-III TriggerSystematic StudiesProgress Report – M. Selen • Axial Tracking • Study more or less completed • Work done by Inga Karliner (build on work by Randal Hans) • Bottom line: Efficiency for PT>200 MeV ~ 99.9% • Stereo Tracking • A natural extension of the above • Studies done by Charles & Randal have shown this is also extremely efficient. We will quantify this soon. • Calorimeter • Work proceeding in || with CLEO-c sharing (show some plots). • Studies done by Topher Cawlfield (build on work by Jesse Ernst) • Timing • This was “tuned” when the trigger was commissioned. • Will quantify after calorimeter turn-on study.

  2. Mixer/Shaper Crates (24) Drift Chamber Crates Gates CLEO Mixer/Shaper Boards ctrl. DR3 - TQT G / CAL TILE (16) AXTR(16) AXX(16) Flow control & Gating DFC DAQ ASUM Analog TIM TIM Barrel CC Axial tracker QVME DM/CTL DM/CTL TILE(8) STTR(12) L1D ASUM Stereo tracker Endcap CC QVME TIM DM/CTL Level 1 decision AXPR TRCR CCGL TRCR CC Digital TPRO(4) TIM SURF SURF TPRO(2) DM/CTL TCTL TIM DM/CTL CLEO-III/cTriggerSystemOverview

  3. Layer 9 = “key” InnerLookup OuterLookup Inner/Outer track correlator

  4. “Hadron” “Electron” Tracking Systematic Study • Approach: • Look at CLEO-III Data-5 through Data-16 • Select events that pass EL-track line • (#AX>0)&(#CBmd>0)&(AX+CB time) • Select by L3 classification • Loop over “good” reconstructed tracks (c2/dof<3.5, d0<1.5cm, etc…) • Ignore highest momentum track (assume it caused trigger) • Examine trigger status of all other tracks (did it “pass” or not)

  5. To see if a track “passes” trigger: • Extrapolate fit back to layer 9 to see which of the 112 key wires should be asserted. • See if the track-finding hardware for this wire, or either of its immediate neighbors, reports a correlated track. • A track is called “Isolated” if there are no other tracks within ±5 key wires. • If trigger does not fire,see if its because of: • Missing hits (OK) • Hardware (BAD) • Study as a function oftracks PT and cos(q)

  6. No Trigger - hardware “Isolated Tracks” In Electron Events All Tracks PT 1/PT 1/PT No Trigger -missing hits 200 MeV Total Efficiency 1/PT 1/PT

  7. No Trigger - hardware All Tracks “Isolated Tracks” In Hadron Events PT 1/PT 1/PT No Trigger -missing hits 200 MeV Total Efficiency 1/PT 1/PT

  8. No Trigger - hardware All Tracks “Non-Isolated Tracks” In Hadron Events PT 1/PT 1/PT No Trigger -missing hits 200 MeV Total Efficiency 1/PT 1/PT

  9. cos(q) cos(q) cos(q) cos(q) No Trigger - hardware All Tracks “Isolated Tracks” In Electron Events Cos(q)(PT > 200 MeV) No Trigger -missing hits Total Efficiency

  10. cos(q) cos(q) cos(q) cos(q) No Trigger - hardware “Isolated Tracks” In Hadron Events All Tracks Cos(q)(PT > 200 MeV) No Trigger -missing hits Total Efficiency

  11. cos(q) cos(q) cos(q) cos(q) No Trigger - hardware “Non-Isolated Tracks” In Hadron Events All Tracks Cos(q)(PT > 200 MeV) No Trigger -missing hits Total Efficiency

  12. Axial Tracking Summary: • For PT > 200 MeV we lose the following due to missing hits: • 1 of 41,500 isolated electron tracks • 13 of 10,500 isolated hadron tracks • 1 of 4,100 non-isolated hadron tracks • Overall efficiency > 99.9% • We don’t lose any tracks due to “missing hardware”.

  13. Axial Raw key wires 112 Clustered key wires 112 Axial matching cells 48 Stereo - U 48 high 48 low Stereo - V 48 high 48 low high low high Stereo Tracking

  14. 1.0 Needtostudy .8 .6 .4 .2 Topher’s study of CC “turnon” behavior

  15. CC time – TR time LOW Time Bucket 5 20 10 15 10 20 MED 30 40 Key Wire 50 60 HIGH 70 80 90 100 110 #track Ev-time Timing Issues

  16. Summary & Plan • Axial Tracking Trigger studies more or less finished • Efficiency >= 99.9% for PT > 200 MeV • Stereo Tracking study is next • Expect similar results • Calorimeter studies also under way • Understand turn-on behavior for each TIXEL • Threshold, Width, Max-efficiency • Also needed for MC • Must include sharing. This is non-trivial. • Timing is an issue that still needs to be addressed • TR relative to CC • Overall efficiency

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