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Please do not talk at this time Aug. 20

Please do not talk at this time Aug. 20. HW: Complete BOTH Sides of pg. 10A. Vocab Quiz on Wed/Thurs. As you come in, please silently review for your CIS/ Review Vocab quiz. You may not use your CIS or any notes on the quiz itself. CIS Quiz.

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Please do not talk at this time Aug. 20

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  1. Please do not talk at this time Aug. 20 HW: Complete BOTH Sides of pg. 10A. Vocab Quiz on Wed/Thurs. • As you come in, please silently review for your CIS/ Review Vocab quiz. You may not use your CIS or any notes on the quiz itself.

  2. CIS Quiz

  3. WWI Review (pg. 10A)We will start with WWII as our first unit in this class, but to understand WWII you need to remember WWI. They are directly linked and we will be comparing them later. DO NOT LOSE THIS PAPER! Find a partner or work alone to fill out this chart on WWI. In each box DESCRIBE the topic. That means you will make it clear with as many examples and details as possible. • For an A, Include LOTS of details and specifics and highlight Social, Political and Economic in 3 colors

  4. Please complete the Vocabulary Review Cross Word (Pg. 10B)Some of these words will appear on Wed/Thurs quiz!You can find all the vocabulary words from World Studies in the Glossary file in the documents folder on the web page.

  5. Anonymous Questions Please, take out a piece of paper and write an ANONYMOUS question or questions for me. What do you want to know?Do not put your name on this paper.

  6. Please do not talk at this time Aug. 21 HW: Vocab Quiz on Wed/Thurs, covering Review Vocab and Today’s words. Vocabulary Word Maps • Today we will be making Vocabulary Word Maps. • You may remember these from last year, or you may have done something similar in the past. • All Key Vocabulary will be done this way in this class. • We’ll do the first one together • Please get out a piece of paper and put your Homework, Pg. 10, on the corner of your desk.

  7. Word Map: Appeasement Copy this chart onto a piece of paper 1. Glossary Definition- The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace. Versions of the word: 2. Examples- give examples of the vocab word 3. Related Words- List words related to this concept 4. My Definition- Write a definition in your own words 5. Graphic- Draw a picture or symbol that represents this idea… Pg. 11A

  8. Vocab Word Maps! Please make a vocab word map for the following words. Put these on Pg. 11A/B. • Allied Powers The group of nations (Great Britain, France, USSR, U.S.) that opposed the Axis Powers. • Axis Powers The group of nations (Germany, Italy, Japan) that opposed the Allied Powers. • Occupation Taking and holding control of a place by military force • Label these Vocab Word Maps Pg. 11A/B as well…

  9. Please trade papers and make additions or corrections. Pg. 11A

  10. Above and Below the Surface Tree- Pg 12A Consider this tree… There is the part that everyone can see easily because the tree grows so tall above the surface…. And there are the roots that you can’t see at all because they are below the surface…. But you know they are there… How do you know the roots are under the tree?

  11. Above and Below the Surface Questions: There is the part that everyone can see easily, the who, what, when and where of life. We call these Above the Surface Questions that get Above the Surface Information. And there are the parts of life that are just hinted at, that you have to figure out based on what you know….the why, how and what if of life. The could, would and should of life…We call these Below the Surface Questions, that get Below the Surface Information. This tree is also a symbol for things in life….

  12. Above and Below the Surface Questions: Who What When Where Draw this tree on Pg. 12A in your notebook and add the two boxes of questions…. How Why What If Could Would Should

  13. Please do not talk at this time Aug. 22/23 HW: Finish Venn Diagram on Communism and Fascism Please get out a piece of paper for your Vocab Word Quiz. You may have 5 minutes to review your vocab words.

  14. Title: Great Depression Above and Below the Surface Tree Above the Surface:Please Draw a stick tree on Pg. 13A in your notebook. 1. Look at Chpt. 15, Sec. 2. (pg 472-475). Answer these Above the Surface Questions in the branches of your tree A. What were 3 causes of the Great Depression? B. When did the Great Depression happen? C. What problems did the collapse of the US economy cause in other countries? D. What did President Roosevelt do to respond to the Great Depression? Great Depression Statistic Great Depression Info Weimar Republic Fact Great Depression Fact Post War Europe Info Financial Crisis Fact

  15. Practice Above and Below the Surface Below the Surface:Now look at the roots of your stick tree… 1. With your Partner, look at the information you have gathered in the Above the Surface part of your tree. Chapter 15, sec. 2 Pg. 470 2. What connections can you find? 3. Can you identify any Cause and Effect relationships? 4. What Below the Surface questions can you answer with the info you have collected? How? Why? What if? Could? Would? Should? 5. Record at least 4 Below the Surface Questions in the roots of your tree and then answer them. German Gov Prints money to pay debts Inflation means money is worth less Bread costs < 1 mark in 1918, 200 Billion Marks in 1923 Q. How did inflation affect the savings of the average family? A. Families watched their life savings disappear as they paid 10 and 100 times the 1920 price for bread and other necessities.

  16. Look at pg 13AWith your partner… Choose the BEST below the surface question and answer from your pair. Be ready to put your best question and answer on screen with the document camera. If you want to add some of these to your own paper, you may do so.

  17. They are all Fascist leaders of the 1930’s. What do these men have in common?

  18. They are all Totalitarian leaders of the 1930’s. What do these men have in common? Mussolini Hitler Franco Hirohito Stalin

  19. Name that Communist Leader Mao Castro Stalin Lenin Kim Jong Il Khrushchev

  20. Get out a piece of binder paper and set up Cornell Notes. We will review Communism and then Fascism. Before we start, lets look at Pg. 8A and look at the Cornell Notes Rubric together. This is how I will score your Cornell Notes.

  21. Please do not talk at this time Aug 24 HW: Treaty of Versailles Paragraph due Mon. Finish Venn Diagram. 6th period: Please take out your CIS and put it on your desk so I can Check it off…. 5th/6th: Then take out Pg. 14 A in your notebook and review what you recorded this week on Communism for HW. I will check this off too!.

  22. Get out a piece of binder paper and set up Cornell Notes. We will review Communism and then Fascism. Look on pg 440 in your book to start

  23. Use p. 476-477: Fascism Rises in Europe

  24. Compare and Contrast Communism and Fascism- Pg. 14C • Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast these two political and economic systems.

  25. Communism Fascism Both 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. Title: Compare and Contrast Fascism and Communism – Pg. 14 C

  26. Communism Fascism Both 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. Title: Compare and Contrast Fascism and Communism – Pg. 13 C

  27. Communism Fascism Both 1. Capitalist economic system 1. Communist economic system 1. Use Propaganda 2. Minorities are to blame 2. Don’t support rights 2. The rich are to blame 3. Some people are just better than everyone else. 3. Don’t value Individual 3. Everyone should be equal 4. Don’t allow opposing point of view 4. Hitler 4. Stalin Title: Compare and Contrast Fascism and Communism

  28. Treaty of Versailles Review- Pg 16A • Make a chart to show what parts of the Treaty were Harmful or Advantageous to various nations. Use pages 424-427, especially the chart on pg. 427

  29. Treaty of Versailles Paragraph- For Homework Start: Summarize the Effects of the Treaty of Versailles Answer this question: The Treaty of Versailles was “A Troubled Treaty” because ________________, ______________ and _______________. (give at least 3 pieces of evidence)

  30. Conclusion • Then answer: Who is most likely to feel this treaty is unfair? Why do they feel that way? Give at least 2 reasons.

  31. Use Transition Words: • Giving an example: chiefly, especially, for instance, in particular, markedly, namely, particularly, including, specifically, such as, for example, for instance, for one thing, as an illustration, illustrated with, as an example, in this case • Addition: again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly • Summarizing: after all, all in all, all things considered, briefly, by and large, in any case, in any event, in brief, in conclusion, on the whole, in short, in summary, in the final analysis, in the long run, on balance, to sum up, to summarize, finally

  32. German Reparations Finally Paid Back • http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2010/1004/Germany-finishes-paying-WWI-reparations-ending-century-of-guilt

  33. Index so far…. • WWI Review- 10A • World Studies Vocab Review- 10B • Vocab Word Map- Appeasement, Allies, Axis and Occupation • Above and Below the Surface Tree- Pg 12A • Great Depression Above and Below the Surface Pg 13A • Communism and Fascism Cornell Notes- Pg 14A • Venn Diagram- Pg. 14C • BSQ- Fascism- Pg. 14D • Fascist Armies on the Move- Pg. 15A

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