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Reference projects Mining

MAREC provides instruments and concepts for sustainable mining through the entire mining life cycle. Reference projects Mining. Mine Closure ENCI Pit Maastricht Nl. Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos Client: Heidelberg Cement - ENCI Description:

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Reference projects Mining

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  1. MAREC provides instruments and concepts for sustainable mining through the entire mining life cycle.

  2. Reference projects Mining

  3. Mine Closure ENCI Pit Maastricht Nl Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos Client: Heidelberg Cement - ENCI Description: • Closure of 130 hectares open chalk pit mine • Transformation into natural area, leisure and innovative business park Services provided: • Project management and financial planning • Stakeholder participation • Post closure landscaping and ecological design

  4. Portuario – Puerto Busch project (PVPMMPB) Bolivia Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos Associated parties: DHV Client: Bolivian Ministry of Public Works, Services and Housing Description: • Transport study between Mutun- iron ore area and existing infrastructure • Tender documentation for selected transport means • Assessment of environmental feasible solutions Services provided: • Advice on feasibility study, ecological and hydrological situation • Design review, review environmental impact assessment

  5. Environmental aspects Marlin Mine Guatemala • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Client: Solidaridad – Aqua4All • Description: • Study on the possible negative impacts of the Marlin Gold Mine in Guatemala • Services provided: • Desk study on hydrological and environmental aspects • Desk study on dam stability

  6. Re-opening Konraud mine Kazakhstan • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Associated parties: Fichtner FME (De) • Client: Kazakhmys Services Ltd. • Description: • Feasibility study on re-opening the abandoned Konraud Copper mine • Services provided: • Review of mining plan • Field assessment • Financial study (cost price assessment, risk assessment, multi variable analyses)

  7. Tomislawace Lignite Mine Poland • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Client: Fundacja Greenpeace Poland • Description: • Study on the hydrological effects of closing the Tomislawice lignitemine near lake Lubstwoski Poland (Nature 2000 area) • Services provided: • Hydrologeological review and assessment, including water balance and development of surface water (SOBEK) and groundwater modeling (MODFLOW) • Recommendations for closing

  8. Impact studies on shale and coal gas production • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Associated partners: AEA/CE-Delft (European study), Fugro/Arcadis Dutch study • Client: European Union, Ministry Economic affairs • Description: • Study on the effects of shale and coal gas production • Services provided: • Geological, geohydrological, geomechanical assessment • Effect studies on seismic activity, noise, ecology etc. • Assessment of legal aspects

  9. Albanian Hot Spot Study • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Associated partners: IC Consulenten ZT, S&E Consulting engineers • Client: UNDP • Description: • Assessment of 26 hot spot areas • Half of the sites involved (former) mining sites, including Rehove copper mine, Perrenjas, Bulquize mine, Guri Kuq tailing dam and Elbasan and Burel ferrochrome smelters • Services provided: • Site investigation, risk assessment • Development of prioritising tool, prioritising • Assessment of remedial options

  10. Rehabilitation of 3 Serbian sites Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos Associated partners: NIRAS, REC Client: EU agency for Reconstruction Description: • Assessment and ranking of hot spots in Savah river area, including Cupper Mines of Bor, Majdanpek and Rudnik • Preparation of remedial action plans for three sites including the Bor mining area Services provided: • Site investigation, risk assessment, • Feasibility studies, remedial action plans, cost estimates • Stakeholder involvement

  11. Zinc ash project Campina Region • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Associated partners: Medusa, Tauw, Fugro • Client: Province of Brabant (ABdK) • Description: • Assessment of 1,100 km of tailing ore (zinc) roads by using innovative investigation techniques • Based on results, risk assessment and cost estimates the various sites were ranked for remediation • Services provided: • Site investigations, risk assessment • GIS-database • Development of remedial strategy

  12. Bor Serbia Rehabilitation project Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos Associated partners: REC, Dvokut ECRO, Energoproject-hydroengineering Client: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Serbia Description: • Rehabilitation of the Bor mining area (in total 4,000 ha.), including tailing ponds, tailing dams Services provided: • Various studies (environmental, geohydrological, geotechnical, etc) remedial plans, preparation of remedial tender documents • Landscaping • Permitting, stakeholder involvement, training etc.

  13. Arsenic mine waste project Georgia Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos Associated partners: CENN, Balast Nedam Client: Dutch gouvernament (EVD Netherlands, PSO environment) Description: • Former arsenic mining area, still containing large deposits and waste sites for toxic Arsenic. Waste materials must be isolated in order to protect humans and environment Services provided: • Site investigations, risk assessment • Design of containment options • Stakeholder involvement

  14. Case study mining on Romang Island Indonesia • Executed by MAREC partner: Witteveen+Bos • Associated partners: Saxion highschool • Client: Nuffic • Description: • At Roman Island a program is currently under way to develop mining activities. Gold and other minerals are present • Services provided: • Course on the use of GIS and remote sensing for sustainable mining development

  15. Groundwater monitoring networkBelgium • Executed by MAREC partner: Eijkelkamp AgrisearchEquipment • Client: Les Carrières du fond des vaulx • Description: • Minimize effects of mining activities • Protection of nature • Services provided: • Project management and installation of groundwater • monitoring network (GPRS & webapplication)

  16. Monitoring equipment & services Botswana • Executed by MAREC partner: Eijkelkamp’s distributor in Botswana • Associated partners: Aridus Hydro Geotechnik • Client: Jwaneng diamond mine • Services provided: • Supply & installation of geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring & plant infrastructure

  17. Grade control drilling, Indonesia • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client: PT WedaBayNickel • Description: • Gradecontroldrillingfornickel in laterite and saproliteformation • Services provided: • Sampling forconstructionmaterialssuch as e.g. gravels and sands • Drillingsmall diameter water wellsforlocalmunicipalities

  18. Grade control drilling, Colombia • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client: Minatura Colombia • Description: • Gradecontroldrillingfor gold in alluvialdeposits, large diameter samples up to 45 meters in oldtailings and virginmaterial • Services provided: • Installation of monitoringpipes to measureground water fluctuation

  19. Bauxite deposits, Surinam • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client: Boskalis, Surinam • Description: • Comprehensive training forgradecontroldrillingforBauxitedeposits, sampling in hard and soft formationswith 99 % recovery and high production per day • Services provided: • Blast hole drilling and dewateringwells

  20. Grade control drilling, India • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client: GEMM • Description: • Gradecontroldrillingfor titanium sands • high production per day and 99 % recovery in saturated sands • Installation of water wells, monitoring wells

  21. River and off shore titanium sampling • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client:Guinea titanium • Description: • Accurate sampling of offshore and oceanelementsforgradecontroldrilling • Soft sediment sampling with SSD patentedAquaLock sampler up to 40 meters deep. 100 % determination of mineraldepositsinstead of dredgingit all

  22. Soft mineral sands • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client:BMP Indonesia • Description: • Sampling of soft mineral sands in jungle • Low footprint rig to avoid damage to surroundings • Installation of water wells for local villages

  23. Grade control drilling Russia • Executed by MAREC partner: SonicSampDrill (part of Royal Eijkelkamp group) • Client: Ural Platinum • Description: • Grade control drilling for platinum in the far East in arctic conditions • Accurate sampling to allow accurate land stripping instead of 100 % excavating

  24. Groundwater basic investigation Korea • Executed by MAREC partner: EijkelkampAgrisearch • Client: Ministry of Water • Description: • Groundwater basic investigation with waterloggers in 162 cities in order to manage water

  25. Environment-friendly cutter • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Government of Hungary • Description: • Removal of a thin polluted silt layer in a lake in Hungary • Services provided: • Design of an environment-friendly cutter, which can remove the polluted silt layer without polluting the lake

  26. Environment-friendly jig • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Dutch government • Description: • Improving the cleaning of contaminated material by using special jigs • Services provided: • Development of a new method of jigging for the cleaning of contaminated material

  27. Dust prevention for coal transport • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Port of Rotterdam • Description: • Development of alternative coal handling and transport methods, aimed at prevention of dust and sound pollution of coal transport by using slurry transport instead of a belt conveyer • Services provided: • Conceptual development on the hydraulic transport of coal for harbor terminals

  28. Domingas Project • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Mineraçao Rio Novo • Description: • Assessment of minimized-impact mining methods for a diamond and gold mine in Brazil • Services provided: • Planning and control of the tailings • Development of a sustainable dredge mining method • Resulting in mitigating measures and efficient method

  29. Mining of diatomite in Iceland • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Mining company in Iceland • Description: • Feasibility study on the mining of diatomite with minimized impact of the top biolayer • Services provided: • Environmental Impact Assessment of the potential mining operation • Study on how to minimize impact on the top most sediment layer • Extensive tests on laboratory scale

  30. Dredge mining of Chalk • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Holcim • Description: • Evaluation of the possibilities to extend mine life of chalk quarry in Germany • Services provided: • Study on the feasibility of using dredge mining equipment for the mining of chalk • Tests for the behavior of dredged chalk during transport • Providing a possible sustainable solution to prevent environmental impact on sensitive marshlands

  31. Grensmaasproject • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: RWS – directie Limburg • Description: • Mining and processing of sand and gravel for the ‘grensmaasproject’, in a challenging environmental framework • Services provided: • Study on different ways to mine and process the sand and gravel • Incorporation of environmental boundary conditions in the process design

  32. Dry to wet mining operation • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Millennium Inorganic Chemicals • Description: • Changing a heavy minerals mine in Brazil from dry mining methods to a wet mining operation, increasing the lifetime of the mine with >10 years • Services provided: • Evaluation of wet mining methods • Water management • Tailings management • Training of personnel

  33. Rehandling of tin tailings • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Minsur SA • Description: • Rehandling of tin tailings in Peru • Services provided: • Study on the possibility of tailings rehandling with a dredge mining option

  34. Gold mining in Colombia • Executed by MAREC partner: IHC • Client: Mineros de Antioquia • Description: • Improvement of gold dredge mining process efficiency by the introduction of dedicated clay overburden stripping dredgers • Services provided: • Evaluation of mining process optimisation • Design of an overburden dredger • Training of personnel • Study on the reclamation of the land

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