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Andrew Landoch

Real-Time Operating Systems Overview. Andrew Landoch. Real-Time OS defined Real-Time OS Characteristics Examples of Real-Time Operating Systems Applications. Introduction. Real-Time operating system is:

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Andrew Landoch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Real-Time Operating Systems Overview Andrew Landoch

  2. Real-Time OS defined Real-Time OS Characteristics Examples of Real-Time Operating Systems Applications Introduction

  3. Real-Time operating system is: • “one whose correctness involves both the logical correctness of the outputs and their timeliness”. • Practical Example Real-Time OS Definition

  4. Hard Real-Time OS Firm Real-Time OS Soft Real-Time OS Real-Time OS Definition

  5. Must handle multiple threads • Must be able to prioritize tasks • Must be able to schedule based on priorities • Produce results in predictable timeframe Real-Time OS Characteristics

  6. Admission Control Resource Reservation Hard/Soft Real-Time Guarantees Real-Time OS Characteristics

  7. Small, Proprietary Kernels Quality of Service Kernels Real-Time Extensions of Commercial Operating Systems Real-Time OS Examples

  8. Real-Time Extensions of Commercial Operating Systems

  9. Aircraft • Flight Control Systems • Maintenance Diagnostics • Automotive • Control and Monitoring Systems • Safety Critical Systems • Android • ???????? Real-Time OS Applications

  10. Definition Hard Real-Time OS Safety Critical Applications were results are time critical Conclusion

  11. CEDENO, W. AND LAPLANTE, P.A. 2007. An overview of real-time operating systems. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 12, 40-45. • IEEE. Information Technology-Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)-Part 1; System Application: Program Interface (API) [C Language]. 1996 ANSI/IEEE Std 1003.1. • MONIGIA, BHUPINDER S., MADISETTI, VIJAY K., 2010, Reliable real-time applications on Android OS. http://users.ece.gatech.edu/~vkm/Android_Real_Time.pdf. • SCHMIDT, D.C. 2002. Middleware for real-time and embedded systems. Communications of the ACM 45, 43-48. • STANKOVIC, J.A. 1996 Strategic directions in real-time and embedded systems. ACM Computing Survey. 28, 751-763. • STANKOVIC, J.A. AND RAJKUMAR, R. 2004 Real-time operating systems. 28, 237-253. • SUSEELA, A.L. AND KUMAR, V.L. 2005. Embedded systems in real time applications, design and architecture. Ubiquity 2005, 2-2. • ZUBERI, KHAWAR M., PILLAI, PADMANABHAN, SHIN, KANG G., IMANI, TAKAAKI, NAGAURA, WATARU, SUZUKI, SHOJI 1998. EMERALDS-OSEK: A small real-time operating system for automotive control. Society of Automotive Engineers Congress and Exposition, 1999. References

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