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CONTRIBUTION OF THE ESF IN SPAIN TO THE COHESION POLICY. Mr. Carlos Tortuero Mart í n Deputy Director of the Adiministrative Unit of the ESF. MINISTERIO DE TRABAJO E INMIGRACI Ó N. THE MAP OF THE ENLARGED EU-27. THE EU-27 MAP. Convergence Objective: GDP < 75% of the Community average.
Convergence Objective: GDP < 75% of the Community average. Phasing-out: regions suffering from statistical effect. 2. Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective Phasing-in regions. 3. European and Territorial Cooperation Objective THE THREE OBJECTIVES FOR 2007-2013
ESF:A TOOL TO STRENG THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COHESION To fight against the unemployment. To retain workers in the labour market. To tackle demographic changes. To promote life-long learning. To promote education and vocational training. To promote equal opportunities between men and women. To promote social inclusion. KEYELEMENTS
NEW MAP OF SPAIN 2000-2006 2007-2013
REGIONAL CLASIFICATION • 19 Regions • 8 Regions in Convergence Objective • 4 Convergence • 4 Phasing-out • 11 Regions in Regional Competitiveness • and Employment Objective • 8 Phasing-in • 3 Regional Competitiveness &Employment • TerritorialCooperation Objective • Cross-border: Spain-Portugal, Spain-France, Spain-Morocco. • Transnational: Atlántic, Mediterráneo Occidental, Trasatlántica: Canarias-Azores-Madeira. • Interregional: all national territory. 2007-2013
THE NATIONAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE Lisbon Strategy National Reform Programme Community Guidelines for Employment National Strategic Reference Framework EC Regulations
OBJECTIVES 1. Improving the adaptability of workers, enterprises and employers to foster competitiveness, increase the productivity and improve the quality of job. 2. To attract and retain more people in the labour market; promoting the employability, the social inclusion and the equal opportunities. 3. To increase and improve the investment in human capital THE NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK
OPERATIONAL PROGRAMMES 22 Operational Programmes: 19 Regional Operational Programmes. 3 Multirregional Operational Programmes. OP Adaptability and Employment OP Fighting against discrimination OP Technical Assistance ESF PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE
OP Adaptability and Employment Objectives: To promote the sustainable work; to improve the adaptability of workers, and to promote the enterpreneurship initiative to optimised the working conditions and to facilitates the access to the labour market. The activities will be focused on the improving the Research Development and Innovation (R+D+i) 16 Intermediate Bodies Financing 4.301.414.575 ESF PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE
O.P. Fighting against discrimination Objectives. To combat the gender discrimination and any other kind of discrimination affecting the most vulnerable groups. 11 Intermediate Bodies 5 from public administration 6 from private organisations, in particular, NGOs, Financing 380.878.883 ESF PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE
O.P. Technical Assistance Objectives. To provide support for the startting, control, monitoring, evaluation and information and communication activities. Beneficiary The Aministrative Unit for the ESF. Financing 33.565.453 ESF PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE
To increase the employment rate, in particular of women. To reduce young unemployed. To reduce early school-leaving rate. To reduce temporal contract rate and labour accidents. To increase the investment in R+D+i. To increase the creation and modernisation of enterprises. EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND G OALS
AXIS 1 Promotion of the entrepreneurship spirit and improving the adaptability of workers, enterprises and employers. OBJECTIVE To increase the capacity of enterprises to be more competitive ACTIVITIES Life-long learning PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE 5-PRIORITY AXIS
AXIS 2 Promotion of the employability, social inclusion and equal opportunities between men and women. OBJECTIVE To prevent the unemployment, improve young employment and the equal opportunities between men and women. ACTIVITIES Integrated personalised paths PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE 5-PRIORITY AXIS
AXIS 3 Increase and improve the investment in human capital. OBJECTIVE To provide education and training according the new labour market requirements and to promote the continuosus training ACTIVITIES Continuous training. PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE 5-PRIORITY AXIS
AXIS 4 Promotion of transnational and interregional co-operation. OBJECTIVE To provide education and training according the new labour market requirements and to promote the continuous training. ACTIVITIES Mobility of experts and beneficiaries. Creation of networks and platforms for the exchange of methodologies and products, PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE 5-PRIORITY AXIS
AXIS 5 Technical Assistance. OBJECTIVE To support the startting, control, monitoring, evaluation and information and communication activities. ACTIVITIES Activities of information and communication, evaluations, studies, creations of structures. PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE 5-PRIORITY AXIS
The promotion of equal opportunities, integrating mainstreaming of gender in all phases. Non-discrimination and fighting against social exclusion. Sustainable development. Innovation. Partnership. PROGRAMMING STRUCTURE CROSS-CUTTING PRIORITIES
4 million workers will be beneficiaries of the activities related to the adaptability and improvement of the skills. 3.7 million people will be beneficiaries of the activities related to improving the employability. About 2 million immigrants will be also beneficiaries of activities related to social inclusion. About 600,000 (six hundred thousand) disadvantage people will be direct beneficiaries. BENEFICIARIES
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Ministry of Labour And Immigration Ministry of Economy And Finance Certifying Authority Managing Authority Audit Authority
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Ministry of Labour and Immigration General Secretary of Employment Gral. Dir. of the Social Economy, Self-employment and the ESF Authority Administrative Unit for the ESF
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Administrative Unit for the ESF Deputy Direction of ESF Managing Authority Certifying Authority 5 Management Services Paying Unit 5 Control Services
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Deputy Direction; Head of ESF FUNCTIONS: To ensure the separation of functionsbetween theManaging Authority and the Certifying Authority by means of the designation (by Ministerial Order) of two Assistants Directions
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Managing Authority • Ensuring that the Certifying and Paying Authority has all the information needed on the procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditures for the purpose of certifications. • Elaboration of the annual and final reports. • Ensuring that the OP evaluations have been carried out in compliance with the Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006. • Elaboration of strategic reports on the contribution of the OP the national and Community priorities. • Elaboration of the description of management and control systems, ensuring the fulfilment in relation to the Information and communication requirements (art 69. EC Regulation 1083/2006). • Guiding the activities of the Monitoring Committee .
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Certifying Authority • Ensuring that the received information on the procedures • and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure and • expenditure statements provides an adequate basis for • certification. • 2. To receive payments from the European Commission • as pre-financing, intermediate and final payments. • 3. To make payments to the beneficiaries.
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Audit Authority: IGAE The Spanish Government has designated as Audit Authority to the General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE) within the Ministry of Economy and Finance, represented by a Head of Division.
Audit Authority: IGAE • FUNCTIONS: (art 62.1.d Regulation (EC) 108372006 • To verify the effective functioning of the management and control systems of the operational programmes in the framework of the strategy approved. • To ensure that the audits have been carried out on the basis of appropriate samples to verify the expenditure declared. • To summit to the Commission the audit strategy on the basis of the agreements reached with the different control bodies of the Autonomous Regions.
Audit Authority: IGAE ) FUNCTIONS (art 62.1.d Regulation(EC) 108372006 : To submit to the Commission an annual control report on the results of audits carried out in the framework of its own competences and on the reports carried out by different control bodies of the Autonomous Regions. To submit to the Commission a report of the shortcoming found in the management and control systems of the operational programmes. To submit to the Commission partial and final closure declarations assessing the validity and regularity of the applications for payments. To submit to the Commission the description of organisational and management system of its own Audit Authority and of any other body carrying out audits under the responsibility of the Audit Authority. To present the evaluation reports and declarations on the evaluation systems and shall report about the results obtained.
Audit Authority: IGAE FUNCTIONS (art 62.1.d Regulation(EC) 1083/2006 : To submit to the Commission the description of organisational and management system of its own Audit Authority and of any other body carrying out audits under the responsibility of the Audit Authority. To present the evaluation reports and declarations on the evaluation systems and shall report about the results obtained.