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The Church Today

The Church Today. Fr. Amado Picardal, CSsR, STD. Vital Statistics: Church Membership. There are over 1.045 billion Catholics all over the world. (16.6 % of the world’s population). Over 680 million (68%) Catholics are found in the Third World (Latin America, Africa, Asia).

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The Church Today

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  1. The Church Today Fr. Amado Picardal, CSsR, STD

  2. Vital Statistics: Church Membership • There are over 1.045 billion Catholics all over the world. (16.6 % of the world’s population). • Over 680 million (68%) Catholics are found in the Third World (Latin America, Africa, Asia)

  3. 5 Largest Catholic Population Brazil 147.3 million (79.9%) Mexico 122.2 million (87.8%) Philippines 70.9 million (81.9%) U.S.A. 63.2 million (22.5%) Italy 57.7 million (97.3 %)

  4. Vital Statistics: Church membership • From 1997 to 2000, Church membership of all the world increased by 39.8 million • The number of Catholics in America increased by 23.6 million, Africa by 17.1 million, Asia by 2.1 million • The number of Catholics in Europe declined by 3.1 million

  5. Vital Statistics: Church Personnel (as of 2000) • Bishops: 4,541 • Priests: 405, 178 (265,781 diocesan) • Permanent Deacons: 27,824 • Non-ordained male religious: 55,057 • Female religious: 801,185 • Members of Secular Institutes: 30,687 • Lay missionaries: 126,365 • Catechists: 2,641,888

  6. Statistics: Clergy (405,178) • From 1997 to 2000, the total number of priests throughout the world increased by 970. • The total number of diocesan priests actually increased by 2,260 but the number of religious priest decreased by 1,290. • In Africa, the number of priests increased by 1,886; in America by 1,626 and in Asia 1,927 (total increase in these three continents: 5,439) • However, in Europe the number of priests decreased by 4,739 during that period.

  7. Statistics: Female Religious • As of 2000, there were 801,185 female religious. • From 1997 to 2000, the number of Female Religious all over the world decreased by 18,091. • The number of sisters actually increased in Africa (by 2,729) and in Asia (10,226). • But they decreased in Europe (22,367) and in America (7,872).

  8. Statistics: Seminarians • As of 2000, there were 110,583 major seminarians and 106, 859 minor seminarians. • From 1997 to 2000, the total number of major seminarians increased by 2,566. The minor seminarians increased by 649. • All the continents registered an increase in the number of seminarians except Europe (decreased by 977 for the major and 2,574 minor)

  9. Statistics: Catechists • As of 2000, there were 2,641,888 catechists all over the world. • From 1997 to 2000, the number of catechists increased by 634,867 • All the continents registered a tremendous increase in the number of catechists. • The continents of America, Africa and Asia have the largest number of Catechists

  10. Major Trends in the Catholic Church • A vibrant and dynamic Church is emerging in the Third World • The European Church which was the ecclesial center of gravity for so many centuries is in decline. • Lay people are actively participating the life and mission of the Church • The emergence of Basic Ecclesial Communities in the Third World • The growth and expansion of renewal movements

  11. John Paul II, the supreme pastor & prophet

  12. A Prophetic Church The Church has become more prophetic (involvement in peace, justice and integrity of creation) • The Pope as a foremost prophetic leader in the World – speaking out against communism and liberal capitalism, the debt problem, abortion, war, injustices, etc. • Bishops’ Conferences all over the world taking stand on social issues. • Clergy and lay people becoming more active in peace and justice advocacy.

  13. A Servant Church • Religious Congregations devoted to social service • An extensive network for Social Service (Caritas, social action centers, refugee aid, hospitals, etc.) • Programs for Justice & Peace, socio-economic development, etc. • Catholic Funding agencies for development in the Third World (Misereor, Missio, Swiss Lenten Fund, etc)

  14. Implementing Vatican II • The Church under the leadership of John Paul II continues to implement the spirit of renewal began in Vatican II. • There are traditional Catholics who continue to resist and regard change as a Modernist heresy. • There are the liberals who are impatient with the pace of change and are even calling for Vatican III

  15. Issues in the Church • The sex scandals especially in North America and Europe • The clamor for optional celibacy and women’s ordination especially in Europe and North America (“We are the Church Movement”) • Centralization versus developing the local Churches (the Roman Curia & the Bishops’ Conference)

  16. The Church in the Philippines

  17. Vital Statistics: Church membership • There are 70.8 million Catholics in the Philippines (81.9%) • Only 15% are regular church goers • The rest are seasonal or occasional members (KBL, Christmas/Holy Week) • The nominal Catholics – baptized, but not evangelized or living actively as disciples.

  18. Personnel • 83 dioceses • 7,299 Priests (the ratio of priest to the Catholic population is 1:10,000) • 10,588 Religious sisters • 5,720 male religious Numerous lay leaders, catechists, lay pastoral workers, lay missionaries, BEC leaders, etc. (The secret weapon of the Philippine Church)

  19. Lay Missionary

  20. Significant Trends in the Church • The emergence of Basic Ecclesial Communities (pastoral priority in over 60 dioceses) • The rise of renewal movements (Charismatics, Couples for Christ, El Shaddai, BLD, etc.) • The increasing lay involvement in the life and mission of the Church • The active participation of young people in various movements, communities, & church activities.

  21. only in the Philippines

  22. The Prophetic & Servant Church The involvement of the Church in social transformation. • Toppling a dictator & corrupt president (EDSA I & II) • Social Action apostolate • Charity/Development work • Peace building (BUF, evacuation centers, peace zones/sanctuaries)

  23. Issues/Challenges • Sex scandals (2 bishops, clergy) – CBCP protocol • Lifestyle of the clergy – PCP II call to be a Church of the Poor • Greater lay participation in the decision-making process in the church – parish pastoral councils, diocesan assemblies, etc. • Renewed commitment of the clergy and lay people to social transformation, peace & development.

  24. Continuing Renewal of Church & Philippine Society • The Church in the Philippines continues to implement the renewal mandated by Vatican II and PCP II. • The Church continues the journey towards a new way of being Church • A community of Disciples • That live in communion • Participating in the mission of Christ as a prophetic, priestly and servant community • A Church of the Poor

  25. Conclusion • The Church in the world in and in our country continue to thrive amidst the challenges posed by contemporary situation and in spite the weaknesses within. • It remains vibrant and dynamic as it continues the mission Christ has entrusted to her: to proclaim the Good News to whole world and build up the community of disciples.

  26. The End Script writer Producer Director

  27. Goodbye!

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