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The University of Illinois at Chicago / Howard Brown Health Center Treatment Advocacy Program

The University of Illinois at Chicago / Howard Brown Health Center Treatment Advocacy Program Coping with HIV Treatment & sexuality Introduction. Initial TAP Visits: Goals. Welcome to TAP During these first visits we will…. Discuss your coping with HIV

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The University of Illinois at Chicago / Howard Brown Health Center Treatment Advocacy Program

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  1. The University of Illinois at Chicago / Howard Brown Health Center Treatment Advocacy Program Coping with HIV Treatment & sexuality Introduction Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 1

  2. Initial TAP Visits: Goals Welcome to TAP During these first visits we will… • Discuss your coping with HIV • Begin discussing sexual safety, skills, and attitudes • Begin skills for HIV medications, if necessary. Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 2

  3. Initial TAP visits: Participation • TAP Participation: • We will discuss very personal issues involved with HIV. • TAP is most effective if you are open and honest about coping with HIV. • If you are uncomfortable with any question or topic just say so and we will skip over it. Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 3

  4. Initial TAP visits: Confidentiality Confidentiality: • Remember, everything you say here is strictly confidential. • All information is kept in locked files, and is used only for research or sessions. • What questions do you have about this? Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 4

  5. Health & Well Being TAP approach to coping; overall health • Our main goal is to promote your overall health Coping with Sexuality & Treatment In TAP we do that through skills for coping with… • Sexuality & sexual risk • HIV treatment Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 5

  6. Health & Well Being TAP approach to coping : Sexual Safety • Although you are HIV+, sexual safety is still very important. Coping with Sexuality & Treatment • A new STD or drug resistant strain of HIV is very harmful • It is important to not pass on HIV. Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 6

  7. Health & Well Being TAP approach to coping: Treatment adherence • Taking your meds all the time, on time, is also critical Coping with Sexuality & Treatment • Missed doses allow HIV to grow • Learning to cope well with treatment can help you stay on your meds. Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 7

  8. Health & Well Being TAP approach to coping: complete model Feelings & Moods TAP focuses on three key areas that affect HIV coping Coping with Sexuality & Treatment Disclosure & Support Alcohol & Drug use Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 8

  9. Health & Well Being Feelings & Moods in HIV Coping Feelings & Moods Coping with Sexuality & Treatment Depression, anger or other moods can make safety or treatment difficult We will talk about how your moods affect your coping during the brief interview Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 9

  10. Health & Well Being Disclosure & support in HIV Coping Support from others helps you both live with HIV and stay safe Coping with Sexuality & Treatment Disclosure & Support Talking to others about HIV = support Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 10

  11. Health & Well Being Alcohol & Drugs in HIV Coping Alcohol or drugs interfere with: • sexual safety • living with HIV • HIV treatment itself Coping with Sexuality & Treatment Alcohol & Drug use We will talk about alcohol & drugs as we go on Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 11

  12. Health & Well Being Coping with HIV We will begin by talking about how you are coping with HIV now. Feelings & Moods Coping with Sexuality & Treatment Disclosure & Support Later we will use information from this to help your HIV treatment be most effective. Alcohol & Drug use Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 12

  13. Welcome to TAP; Overview • What is going well for you now? • Where have things have been difficult? • How have your moods been? How are you feeling about HIV or HIV treatment? How have others reacted? • Negative / positive reactions from others? • Who have you been able to talk to? Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 13

  14. Welcome to TAP; Expectations What is most difficult about HIV infection for you? • Medications and treatment? • Sexuality & intimacy? • Talking to others about HIV? • Other areas? How would you want things to change in terms of treatment or sexuality? Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 14

  15. TAP introduction: Positive coping What has helped you cope with HIV? • Your relationship with your health provider? • Lover or partner? • Church? • Family or friends? • Support group or advocate? • Anything else? • How have these people helped? • How could your support be improved? Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 15

  16. Welcome to TAP; Questions & info. What questions do you have? • About HIV itself? • About treatments? • About sexuality or sexual risk? • About the TAP program or the research? Would it help review HIV, AIDS, and HIV treatments now? Click here for HIV Information Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 16

  17. HIV Treatment Status • Are you taking (or starting) HIV medications now? Currently taking or beginning meds. Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 17

  18. TAP introduction; not taking medications • Since you have not begun HIV medications we will begin with sexuality & sexual safety. When you begin meds we will review medication and adherence skills Go to sexuality, intimacy, and safety. Introduction to TAP 12/9/03 18

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