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Development of the Wind Atlas for the South-East of New Brunswick . Presented by : Maryline Mallet Other members involved in this project : Yves Gagnon , Gérard Poitras, René Thibault. AIF Forum, May 19, 2006.
Development of the Wind Atlas for the South-East of New Brunswick Presented by : Maryline Mallet Other members involved in this project : Yves Gagnon , Gérard Poitras, René Thibault AIF Forum, May 19, 2006
Carte mondiale de la vitesse moyenne du vent géostrophique à 850 mb (~1000 m asl) pour les années 1976 – 1995 basée sur les données de réanalyse de NCEP/NCAR (Landberg et al.,2003) Global Context World mean geostrophic wind speed (m/s) at 850 mb (1000 m agl) for the years 1976-1995 from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis database (Landberg et al. 2003)
Canadian Wind Energy Atlas at 50 m Environment Canada
Wind Resource of NB50 m 80 m Gasset, Gagnon, Poitras, 2005
Objective of this Work • Produce a high resolution wind map of South-East of New Brunswick • Done in collaboration with the Greater Moncton Sewage Commission (GMSC) • Used for the sitting of the GMSC wind turbine
Methodology • Model - AnemoScope Wind Energy Simulation and Mapping Environment Canada • Input data Input weather data - Canadian Wind Energy Atlas at 5 km resolution Input surface data -High resolution topography and land use
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Two families of data • Surface data (ground and < 100 m agl) • Topography • Roughness and canopy • Surface weather stations • Distribution not uniform • Low reliability • Upper air data (> 200 m agl) • Mesoscale properties • Uniform distribution • Known reliability
Topography Land use Schematic view of what integrates mesh at the ground (Source: www.cru.uea.ac.uk ) Modelling of the Wind Resource Weather data Numerical modelling rebuilding fields of wind speed and others parameters of interest Wind energy potential
How AnemoScope Works ? Involves three major steps : • The wind climate classification to produce a wind climate database • Mesoscale simulation for a representative range of wind climate states • Microscale modeling to refine the mesoscale results and produce microscale wind statistics. The microscale computes the modification of the mesoscale wind solution due to the effects of local topography and terrain roughness.
AnemoScope users don’t need to perform the wind climate classification because a global wind climate database (Environment Canada) comes with the software. Source : AnemoScope
Mesoscale Wind Climate DatabaseEnvironment Canada 30 meters 50 meters 80 meters
Results • Topography • Land use
Topography • The topography data used for the simulations are from Geobase http://www.geobase.ca/ Information : • Scale : 1/50 000 • Ground elevations are recorded in metres relative to Mean Sea Level (MSL) • Datum : North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) • Projection : Geographic • Files are distributed in ASCII format and have a .dem file extension
Land Use Two data sources had to be integrated together -The land use data for the New Brunswick and the land use data for the rest of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada 1) New Brunswick Data : Comes from the Department of Natural Resources and Energy of New Brunswick (5 meters resolution) 2) Maritimes Data (Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia) comes from the Geogratis sitehttp://geogratis.cgdi.gc.ca/clf/fr Information : * Maritime strategic land use database (1987) * Vectors * Files are distributed in ERSI format and have a .eOO file extension * Original Map Scale: 1/250 000 * Projection : UTM * Datum : NAD1927
Conclusion • Production of a high resolution Wind Atlas of South-East New Brunswick • Installation of a wind turbine and anemometers in Dorchester • Correlation : Wind Atlas - Wind Measurements - Power Production