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IMO and its recent activity. Hiroyuki YAMADA Senior Technical Officer, Maritime Safety Division, IMO. About IMO Objectives, yearly theme, increasing interests in IMO Budget, structure and conventions Maritime safety and Marine environmental issues/trend Goal-Based Standards (GBS)
IMO and its recent activity Hiroyuki YAMADA Senior Technical Officer, Maritime Safety Division, IMO
About IMO Objectives, yearly theme, increasing interests in IMO Budget, structure and conventions Maritime safety and Marine environmental issues/trend Goal-Based Standards (GBS) Polar Code GHG reduction, Energy Efficincy Design Index (EEDI) Other recent topics Piracy off the coast of Somalia Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme Presentation Topics Page 2 Page 2
About IMO • IMO Convention: adopted in 1948, • entered into force in 1958 (over 50 years in existence) • A specialized agency of the United Nations (small but efficient in development of international regulations) • Member States: 170 (21 in 1958), Associate Member: 3 • Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs): 61 • Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs): 79 (increasing, various industry organizations in addition to shipping, e.g., the Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal (BIC)) • About 300 Secretariat staff (about half are professionals) Page 3 Page 3
IMO’sObjectives • Primarily a technical Organization, • concerning maritime safety and security; pollution prevention; and facilitation of maritime traffic • (There are over 50 international mandatory instruments, conventions and protocols) • Mission statement: • “Safe, Secure and Efficient Shipping on Cleaner Oceans” • In summary, IMO has developed various international instruments/regulations on ships in an efficient manner. Page 4 Page 4
World Maritime Day theme 2011 • "Piracy: orchestrating the response“ • to highlight and reflect upon the efforts made to meet the challenges of modern-day piracy. 2012 • IMO: One hundred years after the Titanic • “The time has come for us to return to this Organization’s roots and raison d’être, i.e. safety of life at sea” • (momentum for reform?) Page 5 Page 5
NGOs Page 6 Page 6
IMO structure Assembly (biennial) and Council (40 States) govern Organization. Five Committees are (once or twice meeting per year): 1 Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) – safety and security 2 Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 3 Legal Committee (LEG) 4 Technical Co-operation Committee (TC) 5 Facilitation Committee (FAL) – new Page 7 Page 7
Sub-Committees Sub-Committees reporting to MSC and MEPC, as appropriate 1 Bulk Liquids and Gases (BLG) 2 Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) 3 Fire Protection (FP) 4 Flag State Implementation (FSI) 5 Radiocommunication and Search and Rescue (COMSAR) 6 Safety of Navigation (NAV) 7 Ship Design and Equipment (DE) 8 Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety (SLF) 9 Standards for Training and Watchstanding (STW) Page 8 Page 8
Budget Assembly approved about £61million for 2010 and 2011 (£62million for 2012 and 2013, with 1.9% increase, is considered) About $ 50 million a year Page 9 Page 9
IMO and Goal-Based Regulations Brief history of goal-based regulatory approach embraced by IMO Prescriptive Approach New Technology Goal-Based Approach • Presecriptive regulations tend to represent past experience • Can hold back innovative ship designers • Today’s technology, makes easier to meet future challengers • MSC starts to incorporate goal-based regulations in SOLAS & related codes • New SOLAS regulation II-2/17 on alternative & arrangements • Althernative design regulations now also in SOLAS chapters II-1 and III Trend in regulatory framework: From prescriptive regulations/specifications to functional or alternative regulations, more flexible, meeting technology development, leading to goal-based regulations Page 11 Page 11
Guidelines fo Polar waters IMO instruments for ships operating in polar waters taking into account particular risks, e.g., severe weather, ice, remoteness and vulnerable environment • 2002 - MSC/Circ.1056 Guidelines for ships operating in Arcticice-covered waters • 2004 - ATCM requested IMO to extend to Antarctic • 2007 – MV Explorer sinking • 2009 – A.1024(26) – Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters Page 12 12
North-west Passage and North-east Passage (Northern Sea Route) that may reduce one-third of distance between Asia and Europe Page 13
Relevant madatory instruments to Polar waters Requirements affecting ships operating in polar regions Safety requirements apply to all ships which are subject to the Convention operating in Polar regions. Provides the mandatory level environmental protection with zero discharge requirements. SOLAS MARPOL UNCLOS STCW Legal framework governing the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of ocean space. Newly adopted guidance and recommendations for training and competency of officers and masters on ships in polar regions. Page 14 14
In 2009, MSC agrees to proposals for development of mandatory Polar Code due to decreasing ice, increasing traffic/visitors and environmental concerns Recognition that different measures are needed for Arctic and Antarctic areas The Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment (DE) started work in 2010 on development of new Code There has been an intensive work but much more to come Goal-based standards, risk-based approach How to deal with environmental issues? New instrument or amendments to existing conventions? Madatory Polar Code New IMO Mandatory Polar Code under development Page 15 15
The regulations apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above and are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013 Administration may waive the requirement of the EEDI (EEDI = CO2 emission (g)/transport work (ton mile)) The EEDI is a non-prescriptive, performance-based mechanism that leaves the choice of technologies to use in a specific ship design to the industry The SEEMP: a mechanism for operators to improve the energy efficiency of ships Reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from ships Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI to make mandatory of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships, adopted in July 2011 first mandatory instrumentother than Kyoto Protocol Page 16 16
Piracy YOUR LOGO Page 17 Page 17
During 2010 alone, 4,185 seafarers were attacked by pirates using firearms, even rocket propelled grenades; 1,090 were taken hostage; and 516 were used as human shields. No fewer than 488 were reported suffering significant psychological or physical abuse. There are several hundred seafarers currently being held hostage on board hijacked ships, with their time in captivity averaging six months Piracy waters off the coast of Somalia Appalling situation Page 18 18
MSC.1/Circ.1333 - Recommendations to Governments for preventing and suppressing piracy and armed robbery against ships MSC.1/Circ.1334 - Guidance to shipowners and ship operators, shipmasters and crews MSC.1/Circ.1334 - Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the Coast of Somalia (Best management practices:BMP4 MSC.1/Circ.1405/Rev.1 on Revised interim guidance to shipowners, ship operators, and shipmasters on the use of privately contracted armed security personnelon board ships in the High Risk Area MSC.1/Circ.1406/Rev.1 on Revised interim recommendations for flag States regarding the use of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships in the High Risk Area Piracy waters off the coast of Somalia Measures taken by IMO (in addition to previous resolutions) Page 19 19
Piracy waters off the coast of Somalia Djibouti Code of Conduct Page 20 20
Regional agreement signed in 2009 Following the Regional Co-operation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against ships in Asia (ReCAAP) To co-operate in the investigation, arrest and prosecution of persons; the interdiction and seizure of suspect ships; the rescue of ships, persons; and the conduct of shared operation the Code provides for information sharing, through three centres and national focal points establish a regional training centre in Djibouti Japan donated about $ 14m for a new fund Piracy waters off the coast of Somalia Djibouti Code of Conduct Page 21 21
IMO develops international regulations and member States implement them necessity of uniform implementation To provide an audited Member State with a comprehensive and objective assessment Volunteering States: 62, declaring their readiness to be audited Conduct of audits: 49 States audited since the commencement of audits in September 2006, to be 55 by the end of 2011 Auditors: 191 individuals nominated by 54 Member States and an Associate Member with 160 remaining active Expected to be mandatory under SOLAS, MARPOL, LL and Tonnage Measurement Convention Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Page 22 22
Thank you for listening www.imo.org Page 23 Page 23