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HSC Extension 1 Mathematics Marking Process

Learn about the 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics marking process to improve your approach and score. Examiners' advice and comments provide valuable insights for candidates.

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HSC Extension 1 Mathematics Marking Process

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  1. HSC and SC 2004 Feedback and Advice EXTENSION 1 MATHEMATICS Cath Whalan – ASOM – 2004 HSC Mathematics Extension 1

  2. An Overview of the Marking Process 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • In 2004 approximately 9 800 candidates sat the HSC in Extension 1 Maths. • Each of the SEVEN questions is marked by a team of five experienced maths teachers - a Senior Marker and four markers.

  3. An Overview of the Marking Process 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • MARKING GUIDELINES, developed by the examination committee, are given for all questions – these guidelines indicate the process for which marks will be allocated. • PART MARKS for each question are awarded according to the guidelines.

  4. An Overview of the Marking Process 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • HALF MARKS are never used –full marks may be awarded before the correct numerical answer is reached. • TRANSCRIPTION ERRORS (which do not make the question easier) are not penalised.

  5. Examiners’ Comments 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • Read the question carefully — watch for KEYWORDS e.g. 3 significant figures. • SHOW substitutions and working out clearly—marks are allocated for the PROCESS and the answer, not just the answer. • Watch the number of MARKS allocated to each part of the question — don’t write 1/2 a page of explanation for 1 mark!

  6. Examiners’ Comments 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • Remember Q2 is not as difficult as Q7—don’t look for trouble! • If you make a mistake, just put a LINETHROUGH it—NEVER use liquid paper.

  7. Examiners’ Comments2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • Take CARE—make sure you recall the FORMULA correctly — marks lost from careless errors are as ‘expensive’ as marks lost by not doing the more difficult questions. • CORRECT answers from INCORRECT working are not awarded marks - if you have made a mistake, fix the error in EVERY line of working - don’t fudge!

  8. Examiners’ Comments 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • LINK parts of a question—If (a) has parts (i) and (ii), often using the result in (i) makes answering (ii) easier. • Always check that your answer is REASONABLE.

  9. Examiners’ Comments 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • Draw large, clear DIAGRAMS in pencil—about 1/3 a page is a good size. • Use the notation given in the question. If you use different notation, clearly indicate on a diagram in your exam booklet what you are referring to.

  10. Examiners’ Comments 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • Write working out CLEARLY—some students can’t read their own writing, so markers have some difficulty awarding marks. i.e. ‘k’, ‘r’, ‘x’, ‘n’ often look the same when students write quickly and don’t take care! • Use the table of STANDARD INTEGRALS.

  11. Examiners’ Comments 2004 HSC Extension 1 Mathematics • When PROVING or SHOWING a given result, check that your answer is the SAME as the result given in the paper! • Keep an eye on the TIME—don’t spend so long on the early questions you don’t get to Q7!

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