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EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION. ITC Meeting, February 15. 2013 Christopher W. Olsen Interim Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning and Professor Jeffrey Russell Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning , Dean and Professor Linda Jorn

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  1. EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION ITC Meeting, February 15. 2013 Christopher W. OlsenInterim Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning and Professor Jeffrey Russell Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning, Dean and Professor Linda Jorn Associate Vice Provost for Learning Technologies and Director of DoIT AT


  3. EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION • Enhancing teaching and learning • Expanding capacity/reaching new learners • Developing new revenue-generating educational programs (“self help”) Phase 1: 2011-2012 • Mining, sharing, leveraging existing activities Phase 2: 2012-2013…

  4. Phase Two Educational Innovation:2012-2013 VISION GOALS OUTCOMES & EI PROJECTS METRICS Where are wetrying to go? What does success through innovation look like? What will we do to get there? How will we know we achieved success? Improve capacities and generate new resources to enhance student learning and research excellence. Transform education to enhance learning Generate savings and resources • Improve learning through redesigned curriculum • Curriculum redesign • Project based learning • Integrated baccalaureate degrees • Improve delivery through technology and student experiences • Blended learning • Online degree completion • UW-Madison Experience Online • Serve more students and graduating more students • Enrollment planning • Expanded audiences • Post-baccalaureate degrees & certificates • Create agile infrastructures • Structures and collaborations • Calendaring: Expanded use of available time • Revenue generating models • Partner internally, System-wide, and nationally to advance EI goals • Learning outcomes • Student time to graduation • Graduation rate • Increased number of students served • Revenue generated • Resource savings Note: These efforts requires coordination across various support systems including: Learning Management Systems, Enrollment Management & Learning Analytics, Academic Planning & program delivery, learning spaces, budget allocation models to align incentives, and instructional support & development.

  5. EI LEADERSHIP GROUPS Leadership happens at every level! • EI Core Team • Jeff Russell & Chris Olsen, Linda Jorn, John Coleman, Maury Cotter, Mo Bischof, Ben Miller • EI Points … • EI Advisory Committee …

  6. EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION FUND • Putting funds in the hands of innovators! • All faculty and instructional staff • Project support, partial summer salary, software development, AT support, etc. • EI budget + SITI funds (thank you!) (philanthropy in the future?) • 75 pre-proposals, 53 departments, 14 schools/colleges/units • 2/22 full proposal call • 4/19 funding announcements

  7. GOALS • Address demonstrated student instructional need • Example: Large waitlist courses • Increase flexibility for students • Better use technology for teaching and instruction • Improve time to degree • Efficiently use faculty/staff time for course development/delivery • Improve use of campus resources • Examples: Classroom space, teaching tools • Attract new students SUMMER SESSION OPPORTUNITY


  9. NEW POST-BAC DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES • 7 programs already approved • 7 under construction; approval expected in the coming 6 months

  10. BLENDED LEARNING • “Road shows” • Professional development customized to individual schools/colleges/units • Ron Cramer, DoIT AT • Blended Learning Fellowship Program • Semester-long professional development for representatives from each school/college/unit • TimmoDugdale, DoITAT • Summer 2013 workshop – stay tuned

  11. MOOCs and UW-MADISON • MOOC thought paper and FAQs • http://edinnovation.wisc.edu/resources/ • Engagement with UC, ASEC, Leadership Council, faculty/staff across campus – intentional, thoughtful approach • Chancellor strong support as one part of EI • Experiment - learn-by-doing • Substantial discussion with Coursera

  12. EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION • Culture change • Envisioning higher education in the years ahead • Merging the best of all approaches • Learning by doing • 149 projects at various levels of engagement in current EI inventory



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