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RP 3 Webinar Series: Reliability

Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:00pm – 2:00 pm. RP 3 Webinar Series: Reliability. Overview of the RP 3 Reliability Checklist. Presenters for this Webinar. Neil James Manager Distribution Operations, Santee Cooper Rick Anderson

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RP 3 Webinar Series: Reliability

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:00pm – 2:00 pm RP3 Webinar Series: Reliability Overview of the RP3 Reliability Checklist

  2. Presenters for this Webinar • Neil James Manager Distribution Operations, Santee Cooper • Rick Anderson Electric Systems Engineering Manager, Fayetteville Public Works Commission

  3. Review Panel • 2 - Large utilities • 2 - Medium utilities • 2 - Small utilities • 1 - JAA/SA • 1 – Reliability Representative • 1 – Safety Representative • 1 – System Improvement Representative • 2 - Human Resources Representatives • 2 - T&D Officers • 2 – Safety Officers • 2 - System Planning Officers Total = 18 member Review Panel of your peers

  4. What is RP3? • Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) program • Peer-evaluation of your utility’s reliability, safety, work force development, and system improvement • Two main goals: • Help public power perform a utility operational self-check by benchmarking on a national level • National recognition of the excellent service you provide to – customers, your community leaders, state and federal regulatory agencies, and members of Congress

  5. Reliability – 25%

  6. Application Walkthrough

  7. Application Walkthrough

  8. Application Walkthrough 2. Use check boxes below to indicate each reliability statistic tracked by your utility and provide the most recent year’s calculation (January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013). Please list the preferred time period of measure for each index below. If your utility uses a different time period or method of calculating the index, explain in the area below. Refer to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1366 standard for more information on reliability statistics. Also indicate your organization’s goals/targets for each tracked index:

  9. Application Walkthrough

  10. Application Walkthrough

  11. Application Walkthrough

  12. Application Walkthrough

  13. Application Walkthrough

  14. Application Walkthrough

  15. Application Walkthrough

  16. Review & Application Process Applications due: September 30, 2014 • Preliminary check by APPA Staff: October 2014 • Review Panel Taskforce: mid October 2014 • Request for clarification/information is sent to applicants: November 2014 • Final Review: December 2014 • Applicants receive notification of their application’s outcome: January/February 2015 • Official award/announcement: APPA’s Engineering and Operations Conference in Sacramento, May 17-20, 2015

  17. Where to start: • Download the Application Packet Visit PublicPower.org/RP3 and click on Application • Read the RP3 Application GuideAll forms, checklists, and RP3 questions are explained • Assign one point person that will compile the final submission • Complete checklists - Small utility may ask for help on specific sections from state association or joint action agency - Large utility may divide the sections among different departments 5.Review final checklists and all forms and Submit

  18. RP3 References • Visit PublicPower.org/RP3 • Call/email other RP3 designated utilitiesPreview their application or just ask general questions (full list of designees is on the website) • Email your questions to RP3@PublicPower.org • Call us: 202/467-2900, Engineering Services • Webinars are recorded and can be accessed online

  19. Safety Checklist Friday, April 25 1-2 p.m. EST Next RP3 Webinar

  20. Questions?

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