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A brief overview on Power Distance, one of Hofstede's cultural dimensions. How do people react to authority according to their own culture? How likely are they to act upon their own initiative and to apply critical thinking in their daily doings? Let's discover it together!
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” (George Orwell) Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) "Power Distance", one of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, is the extent to which societies and organizations accept power inequality among their members. In societies characterized by a high index of power distance authority is never or rarely questioned, hierarchy is clearly established, power differentials and inequity are accepted. Does it sound familiar? Let's discover where your community ranks in the Power Distance Index. *** “Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less". (George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings) Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) Examples of high power distance cultures are: the Arab world, most Latin American countries, most Asian and African countries, some European countries (e.g. France and Poland) Examples of low power distance cultures are English- and German speaking countries, Scandinavian countries, some Latin American countries (e.g. Costa Rica) * NOTE: A limitation of Hofstede's model is that factors such as racial and colonial inequalities have not been taken into account into the measurement of power distance Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) In societies characterized by a high PDI (Power Distance Index) authority is usually centralized and autocratic, clearly distinguishing between leaders and followers, with both parties endorsing such level of inequality Hierarchy is normal and accepted, there is an emotional distance between individuals believed to be at different social levels People depend to a large extent on "power holders". Subordinates are not empowered and are expected to take orders, not to act or think independently. They refrain from expressing disagreement and accept to comply without questioning the situation Power holders are entitled to special treatment are are not usually approachable to their subordinates Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) From a business perspective, employees members of a high power distance culture are unlikely to do something unless explicit and detailed instructions are provided Communication (vertical/downwards) is cautious and ineffective: subordinates do not often have the chance to approach their managers and when they do, they fear raising issues that might put the power holder in a difficult position with consequent unpleasant repercussions Leaders spend most of their time micro-managing and controlling and they cannot focus on the "big picture". This factor, coupled with the usually poor quality of decisions deriving from a lack of meaningful contribution from the workforce, is, in the log run, bound to damage the organization Unethical behavior is likely to go undetected or unreported Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) Societies characterized by a low PDI (Power Distance Index) promote independence and individual empowerment. Authority is usually decentralized and democratic Unfairness is not tolerated and members of low PDI societies make great efforts in order to achieve social harmony and cohesion. On the other hand, a high level of personal accountability is expected In low PDI cultures it is common for juniors (in terms of either age or rank) to question and challenge the authority, since critical thinking is encouraged from an early age Leaders are more likely to "consult" and "guide" than they are to "impose". The societal structure is flat and great emphasis is placed on the importance of equal rights and opportunities Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance (G. Hofstede) From a business perspective, employees members of a low power distance culture are unlikely to be submissive towards their superiors and the "open door" policy is a rather common eventuality They value and take pride in problem solving abilities and they openly discuss issues and potential resolutions with their managers Upward mobility is the norm, both information and important resources are shared and accessible to most people Employee involvement and participation are important: supervisors encourage workers to take initiative, to act autonomously, to share their experiences and their views People tend to address power holders on a first name basis and to socialize with them during informal gatherings Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/
SOURCES - Hofstede, Geert H. (1997). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (second ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill - Hofstede, Geert H. (1997). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (second ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill - Lonner, Walter J.; Berry, John W.; Hofstede, Geert H. (1980). Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship Maria Antonietta Marino - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariaantoniettamarino/