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German Outreach News

Learn about the latest developments in German particle physics research, including new collaborative networks, outreach programs for schools, and innovative exhibits. Stay informed about communication strategies at CERN/LHC and explore upcoming events to engage with the public.

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German Outreach News

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  1. German Outreach News • Helmholtz-Alliance „Physics at the Terascale“ • German CERN/LHC Communicator • LHC Communication Plan • New or Amended Exhibits • Translation of brochures • Programs for schools and teachers Michael KobelDresden University of Technology(representing the German OeKo/GELOG groups) European Particle Physics Outreach Group Meeting, CERN, 4.10.2007

  2. New improved structure for particle physics in Germany • structured network comprising 17 universities, 2 Helmholtz institutes and 1 Max Planck Institute: http://www.terascale.de • tool for more effective collaboration among experimentalists+ theorists • Common infrastructure for research at LHC and ILC • Detector Development (Labs in DESY, Bonn, Heidelberg) • Computing (National Analysis Facility at DESY, esp. Zeuthen) • Physics Analysis (Working Groups, Tools) • Accelerator Science (DESY, Aachen, Bonn, Hamburg, Wuppertal) • Coordinating Helmholtz Centre: DESY • First of several Strategic Helmholtz Alliances • Matched funding of 25 M€ over 5 years (many tenure track positions) • Effective ~50% increase of funding for German universities

  3. German CERN/LHC Communicator • New Position offered at DESY via • Helmholtz Alliance (1/2) • „Awareness of CERN“ program of German BMBF ministry (1/2) • Application closed at 1.10.07 • Many good applicants • Tasks • Coordination of CERN/LHC Communication • Press and Media • Brochures and Flyer • German CERN/LHC Web pages • Organisation of Central Events / Exhibits • LHC opening exhibition (?) • Science Bus (?)

  4. LHC Communication • So far: • 2.2.2007: Inauguration of the BMBF „Focus-of-research Projects“ (FSP-ForschungsSchwerPunkte, e.g. www.fsp101-atlas.de ) • 2 German Journalist‘s Days at CERN • 1.-2.11.2006, ~ 20 Journalists, organized by MPI Munich + DESYhttp://www.teilchenphysik.org/journalisten.htm • 2.-3.8.2007, for German „Science Press Organisation“, org. by M.Hauschild et al. http://hausch.web.cern.ch/hausch/Visits/Wissenschafts-Pressekonferenz.html • Multimedia • 06/07: German LHC film „Big Bang in the Tunnel“ (MPI Munich + FSPs)http://www.mppmu.mpg.de/presse/index_de.html(DVD+trailer) • English version being worked on, follow-up possible • Translation of ATLAS episodes, CERN brochures, etc…planned • Planned: (funding pending, last concept version 15.6.07) • Central LHC Exhibition in Berlin (possible venue: unused Metro station) • parallel to official CERN inauguration (October 08?) • address all targets: public, schools, politicians, journalists • Build or collect demo-material, hands-on exhibits etc. • Dialogue with philosophers

  5. New or Amended Exhibits • Wooden ATLAS Model (similar to PPEP in UK) • Under construction at DESY • CAD files will be made available • Amended mechanical Linear Accelerator • Includes velocity measurement,Great for competitions! • Built at Dresdenhttp://iktp.tu-dresden.de/Linac/ • copied to DESY,Göttingen, UK,… • 3-Generation Neutrino-Pendulum • Designed by M.K. in Bonn and Dresden • copied to Münster, DESY, Hamburg, … • Mimics exactly 3-generation mixing

  6. More on Neutrino-Pendulum • Perfect Correspondence: • Adjustable to anymixing matrix • „Calibration“ ongoingby high-school student(J.Pausch, Dresden) • Optical readout toPC or Scope possible • Web-Site under construction http://neutrinopendel.tu-dresden.de • video animationshttp://neutrinopendel.tu-dresden.de/animation.htmlmass_1, mass_2, mass_3solar_mixing, atmospheric_mixing • documentation • construction plans (to come)

  7. New or translated brochures • New HERA brochure in German and English • Distributed at End-of-HERA • http://pr.desy.de/index_eng.html  Broschures & Leaflets • CERN brochures in German(and other languages) • Overview by Thomas Naumann, EPPCN, September 07 • Same for Videos • Some newly translated brochures • Several Planned to translate • EPPCN document for Council: • "A policy for language versions of CERN print, online and multimedia productions and their distribution in the Member States“ • responsible: Th.Naumann

  8. Teacher training • National Teacher training courses in Freiburg, Göttingen, Mainz, Münster, … • In total 200 physics teachers (2007) • work with the Kamiokanne experiment • presents the master class idea • Includes visit at CERN (2-3 days) • Often includes astro particle physics • German-language CERN training courses • 4 courses in 2007, total 150 teachers • Very positive feedback • Impressed from on-site experiences

  9. Further programs for schools • Kinder Uni (for 6-12 year-old kids)http://www.die-kinder-uni.de/ • Tübingen: Descartes prize 2006 • *sometimes* particle physics (e.g. Siegen 2007) • Saturday morning physics at many (~20) places • http://www.teilchenphysik.org/samoph.htm • Rent-A-Scientist (presentation in schools)(e.g. http://physik2.uni-goettingen.de/outreach/rent-a-scientist ) • Talks about particle physics • Universities Aachen, Berlin, Bonn, Dresden, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Mainz, Wuppertal,…. • 20 different presentations including experiments, videos, …

  10. Conclusions & Outlook • Helmholtz-Alliance boosts particle physics in Germany • Outreach funding still not completely settled • Application for BMBF „Awareness of CERN“ funding pending • LHC communication planning continues • CERN/LHC communicator will start begin of 2008 • Work on exhibits and brochures ongoing • Many activities for school

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