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An exploratory thesis on past plagues in history and plausible connections as to what the causation might have been
A Sign of the Ages Age of Leo - 10498 BCE (Summer Equinox) Age of Cancer - 8540 BCE Age of Gemini - 6380 BCE Age of Taurus: 4220 BCE (Autumn Equinox) Age of Aries: 2060 BCE Age of Pisces: 100 BCE Age of Aquarius: (Winter Equinox)
Age of Cancer Age of Leo Age of Gemini Age of Taurus Age of Aries 10498 BC 8540 BC 6380 BC 4220 BC 2060 BC 2350 - 2150 BC ADAMA 11,251 UR 8,575 2,676 ABRAM 2,111 FROM NOAH TO ABRAM 2,676 YEARS 2000 BC Noah FLOOD or REGIONAL FLOOD 4788 BC ATLANTIS CATACLYSM ENOCH 7TH6909 BC GENESIS 4:23 and GENESIS 5:22 CONTRADICT ONE ANOTHER SANTORINI SUPER CALDERA EXPLODES UBAID/SUMER CIVILISATION 12400 BC *1600 BC 8800 BC 5200 BC VELA X +3600 +3600 +3600 +3600 3123 BC 10498 BC 4220 BC 2350-2060 BC 6380 BC ANATOLIA & ANCIENT GREECE/UGARIT/CHINA Age of Aries Age of Gemini Age of Leo Age of Taurus EGYPT EGYPT +3600 = *ZechariaStichin Cycle
1 “Adamis placed in the Garden of Eden to tend it but there is no suitable helper found for him. Therefore God opens up the flesh to take one of his rib bones, This is symbolic of Capricorn whose astrological rulership is over the bonestructure found in man. From man’s bones a woman is formed, symbolised by Cancer, the opposite sign in the Zodiac, which is governed by the Moonthat rules the female gender.” “It is the Serpentor Ophiuchus,the constellationdenotedby the serpent that entices the womantoeat” 1 ”The Bible of Hermes”, Andrew Frew, Pen press production 2006
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel CANCER-CAPRICORN The Sun's passage by precession through the sphere of Cancer with its opposite signCapricorn, designates the early third of the Atlantean period, which was intensely watery as the whole earth was covered by a dense, drenching fog. The Niebelung, or "Children of the Mist," lived then in the basins of the Earth. Cancer was not then represented by the same symbol as today; in ancient times it was pictorially figured as a beetle or scarab. This was the signature of the soul, for then mankind was much less body than soul. The sign Cancer is watery in its nature, and the fish part of Capricorn, the opposite sign, also helps to symbolize this state of life under water when the Sun went through the watery sign Cancer by precession. The Moon, the planet of fecundation, points mystically to this period of germination, when mankind first commenced to exercise the Creative function at the dictates of desire inculcated by the Lucifer Spirits. Thus mankind opened the Gate of physical Life through Cancer, and strayed into the terrestrial sphere, but opposite stood Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, ready to slay them with his scythe, and usher them through the Gate of Death back into the spiritual realms where they are at home. Capricorn was the opposite of Cancer and embodied the ideal that as the goat climbs the mountains, so man must leave the basins of Atlantis and come up from the mist.
'What we found was the nearest secure watering hole for animals and people, a type of all year round fresh water source.‘ He described the site as 'pivotal'. Dr Josh Pollard, from Southampton University and the Stonehenge Riverside Project, said he thought the team may have just hit the tip of the iceberg in terms of Mesolithic activity focused on the River Avon around Amesbury. 'The significance of David's work lies in finding substantial evidence of Mesolithic settlement in the Stonehenge landscape - previously largely lacking apart from the enigmatic posts - and being able to demonstrate that there were repeated visits to this area from the 9th to the 5th millennia BC.'
1The Sumerian Kings List After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800years. Alaljar ruled for 36000years. 2 kings; they ruled for *64800years. Then Eridug felland the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43200years. En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28800years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36000years. 3 kings; they ruled for **108000 years. Then Bad-tibira fell After the flood had swept over, and the kingshiphad descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kic (Kish). In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for 1200 years Lugalbanda, the shepherd, ruled for 1200 years. Dumuzid, the fisherman,.., ruled for 100 .. Gilgamec, ..ruled for 126 years In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearerof Ur-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade, who built Agade …157are the years of the dynasty ofSargon In Urim, Ur-Namma became king; he ruled for18 years …Then Urim was defeated .. The very foundation of Sumer was torn out (?). The kingship was taken to Isin. *+**172800years 1 The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature *2 Kings combined reign **3 Kings combined reign
1Lugalbanda, theshepherd, ruled for1200years. Dumuzid, the fisherman, whose city was Kuara, ruled for 100 .. Gilgamec, …thelord of Kulaba, ruled for126 years Question: Why did the length of Earthly rule decrease so much – from reigns of 1200 years to only 126 years for Gilgamesh/Gilgamec? Why the sudden and extreme 1000 year drop/change? Are we really dealing in earthly solar years @ 365.24 days at this time, as Enoch points to 365 so eloquently? The problem is, Enoch the ‘Watcher’ is 5000 years earlier in the past Aeon. 1 The Sumerian Kings list
1During the period from c. 2350to2150 BC, we continue to see Elamlargely through Mesopotamian eyes. This was the time of the Old Akkadian dynastyin southern Mesopotamia which wasfounded by Sargon of Agade and ruled from an as yet unidentified capital in central Iraq. In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer ofUr-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade,who built Agade…157 are the years of the dynasty of Sargon Abram of Ur of the Chaldees 1The Archaeology of Elam : Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State, Cambridge World Archaeology, Page 85
Gill Broussard also points to the same time marker for ‘Noah’, although it’s my own opinion this is a later REGIONAL flood event and not a global cataclysmwhich was recorded thousands of years beforein ice core samples and tree ring data. 2349 BC is still a very interesting date for other contexts
Climate change and the collapse of the Akkadianempire: Evidence from the deep sea The Akkadianempire ruled Mesopotamia from the headwaters of the Tigris-EuphratesRiversto the Persian Gulf during the late third millennium B.C. Archaeological evidence has shown that this highly developed civilization collapsed abruptlynear 4170± 150 calendar yr B.P., perhaps related to a shift to more arid conditions. Detailed paleoclimate records to test this assertion from Mesopotamia are rare, but changes in regional aridity are preserved in adjacent ocean basins. We document Holocene changes in regional aridity using mineralogic and geochemical analyses of a marine sediment core from the Gulf of Oman, which is directly downwind of Mesopotamian dust source areas and archaeological sites. Our results document a very abrupt increase in eolian dust and Mesopotamian aridity, accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon dated to 4025 ± 125 calendar yr B.P., which persisted for ~300 yr (2154 BC [2304 BC (+/- 150 years)] – 2004 BC) H. M. Cullen, P. B. deMenocal, S. Hemming, G. Hemming, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964, USA
Recently Master and Woldai (2004) drew attention to a 3.4 km diameter circular lake that appeared when a marshland area was drained in Iraq. The authors suggest the most likely date of the inferred impact was around 2300 BC, fitting it in with Courty’s(1998) anomalous, and presumed extraterrestrial, layer of melted debris from Tell Leilan in Syria. If the impact case could be proved we might finally have an explanation for the widespread collapse of civilisation traditionally dated to around 2300 BC in the Middle East. “A few dozen sporadic impacts in the tens of megatons, and a few in the 100 to 1000 megaton range, must have occurred in the past 5000 years”. (Clube and Napier, 1982)
1The discovery that there was a real deluge to which the Sumerian and the Hebrew stories of the Flood alike go backdoes not of course prove any single detail in either of those stories. This deluge was not universal, but a local disaster confined to the lower valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates, affecting an area 400 miles long and 100 miles across, but for the occupants of the valley that was the whole world! 2Sir Leonard Woolley and Dr. Langdon who both discredited the Genesis record of the Flood, went out and excavated the regions of Ur and Kish in 1927 and found so much unmistakeable evidence of a flood that in March 1927 they wrote to the London times; “We were loathe to believe we had discovered confirmation of the deluge of Genesis, but there is no doubt about it now” Above: Sir Leonard Woolley 1Ur of the Chaldees, Page 24 [Pelican Books, first published 1929] 2All the Miracles of the Bible, Page 33 By Herbert Lockyer
Suffice to say that there is an ancient Chinese story wherein, in the year 2346 “BC”, the first emperor Yao meets the Divine ArcherShên I(clearly a version of Apollo). At the time there are terrible catastrophesincluding ten suns in the sky, famines, floodsetc. The Divine Archer sets out to seek the cause of these catastrophic events and finds that they are due to the activities of one Fei Lien (a wind spirit) (Werner 1995). Now, remembering the list of tree-ring dates, let us look at the associations of this story. In the Chinese stories Fei Lien,who was responsible for the calamities in the 24th century“BC” was also a minister of King Chòu. King Chòuis the last emperor of the Shang dynasty which ends traditionally in the 12th century “BC”. Hence, preserved in a Chinese story is a link from the 24th to the 12th century BC. But the Greek Apollo shoots arrows at the time of Troy(traditionally 12th century “BC”) while in China at the time of Chòu(traditionally 12th century “BC”) one No-chafinds a wonderful bow and three magic arrows...he shoots an arrow towards the south-west 'a red trail indicated the path of the arrow, which hissed as it flew' (a bolide description?) (Werner 1995). Subsequently it is observed that the arrowbearsthe description 'Arrow which shakes the heavens'. So, close to two of the tree-ring events we have Apollo associations. At 2345 BC we have the Divine Archer - Apollo. At the Fall of Troy, traditionally 12th century BC we have Apollo bringing plague. Perhaps with Arthurand Mongánand plaguearound AD 540 we have aspects of Lugh the Celtic Apollo.
“At this time terrible calamities began to lay waste the land. Ten suns appeared in the sky, the heat of which burnt up all the crops; dreadful storms uprooted trees and overturned houses; floods overspread the country. Near the Tung-t'ing Lake a serpent, a thousand feet long, devoured human beings, and wild boars of enormous size did great damage in the eastern part of the kingdom. Yao ordered Shên I to go and slay the devils and monsters who were causing all this mischief, placing three hundred men at his service for that purpose.” - Fei Lien, 2346 BC
“Tracking the Dragon across the Ancient Near East” Dr. Robert D. Miller II It was Watkins who clearly and magisterially synthesized the linguistic data illustrating the relationship between the Vedic myth of Indra defeating Vritra, the Avestan myth from Iran of Thraetaona slaying AziDahaka, and the Hittite Illuyanka myth. Here he is talking about myths from individual poetic traditions from which he reconstructs the Common Indo-European element: the storm god defeats the dragon-who-is-water and who stands for chaos, and this is celebrated in New Years‘ rituals The god Indra‘sprimary exploit is the slaying of the serpent Vritra- sometimes merely called “the serpent” - which releases pent-up waters (or stolen cows) - Vritra is called the “swelling serpent” In other hymns, what is released are “seven streams” (Rig Veda 4.28.1; 2.12.3) Indra came to the battleafter all the other gods had fled in fear The weapon with which he defeats Vritra is the iconic vajra, or thunderbolt, which becomes Indra‘s totem. The weapon was specially made for Indra for the combat and it is used to split Vritra‘s head. The victory over Vritra is mostly treated as a past event but the tenses fluctuate between past and present (e.g., Rig Veda 1.32.12-13), so that the impression is given that Vritra might not quite be dead forever (Rig Veda 1.32.14). In any case, Vritra is for now consigned to “the deep”
Indra himselfis the giver of agriculture a storm god and identified as a “bull” Indrawas sometimes portrayed as a bull. Indra is also symbolic of kingship It is possible, however, that this myth is not originally about Indra at all. Indra performed his deeds “like Trita” (Rig Veda 1.52.5), TritaĀptya that is, who in Rig Veda 1.187 dismembers Vritra. In RV 10.8.8, Tritakills three-headed Visvarupawith “ancestral weapons” In Iran, TritaĀptyareappears as Thrita, the haoma-presser (like Indra) whose son kills a dragon, but also as Thraetaonason of Āthwya, who slays the three-headed dragon or “snake of evil religion”. In Pahlavi literature, the dragon is chained to Mount Demavend until the end of the world Faridun, as Olga Davidson has shown, is Thraetaona. Faridun rides a bull, and his weapon against Zahhak is a bull-headed mace, forged by the smith Kāvaand he is depicted with this mace subduing Zahhak on a Sassanian amulet in the British Museum The Hittite version of the Indo-European dragon myth is probably also a direct inheritance from Proto-Indo-European times, and not a borrowing from a later period. In fact, it may provide better approximation of the Proto-Indo-European mytheme than the Rig-Veda
2349 BC – FLOOD EVENT 2346 BC -FEI LIEN & 9 SUNS IN THE SKY.This is also the Old Kingdom under therulership of 6th dynasty pharoahUnas 2375-2345 BC known for the Pyramid texts from the Book of the Dead
[1]My father gave me the heavens and he gave me the earth. I am Inana! Which god compares with me? …. Enlil gave me the heavens andhe gave me the earth. I am Inana! He gave melordship, and he gave mequeenship. He gave me battlesand he gave mefighting. He gave me thestormwindand he gave me thedust cloud. He placed the heavens on my headas a crown. He put theearth at my feetas sandals.. He put the holy sceptre in my hand. The gods are small birds, but I am thefalcon The heavens are mine and the earth is mine: I am heroic!...., in Agade the Ulmac is mine. Which god compares with me? [1] A hymn to Inana (Inana F): translation
2,500 years ? The time frame is very specific – 2350 -2050 BC (the Code of Urukagina and the code of Ur-nammu,, and the founding of the City of Agade/Akkad by Sargon the Great). One cannot simply play around and leave a gaping 200 year hole of missing time like this. The Great Pyramid at Giza was allegedly constructed around 2,500 BC. What we have so far are 5 names – Ur-nammu, Ningal (mother of Inana), Inana, Gilgamesh and Sargon the Great and his founded city, Agade – all cited within the same time period. Inana is a Moon goddess as her Father was Suen, representing the Moon and the major deity of the city or Ur. But, Gilgamesh holds the Lion, symbolically….does it represent an older age of wisdom, or could it mean control over something The heavens are mine and the earth is mine: I am heroic!...., in Agade the Ulmac is mine. Which god compares with me?
Just as a curious side note… The Bayeux Tapestry Scene 1 - 1064 AD Harold and King William with Hawk/ Falcon and Hunting Dogs (with constellations above?)
As Harold is taken captive, the falcon is seen to be transferred to King William. Legend has it that Harold swore an oath to William at this time In some post-plague art, a woman can be seen holding a falconas she speaks with other ladies, not looking at the death in front of her eyes. The falcon represented ‘high society’ or upper classes (See later slides on plague art and arrows as symbols of plague/pestilences)
Halley’s comet is the alleged guest star from the Battle of Hastings, 1066 AD (11 years after 1054 AD ‘chinese guest star’) It’s also interesting to note that even though we hear no accounts of plague at this time, the arrow motif is present with a guest star appearance, a falcon symbol, warfare, ‘heroic’ (kingly, royal, regal) battles with spears, swords, lances, deathand an arrow in the eye 11 years after 1054 AD
The Epic of Gilgamesh was originally called “Surpassing all other kings" (Sumerian) and “He who saw the deep” (Akkadian) The earliest Sumerian versionsof the epic date from as early as the Third Dynasty of Ur (2150-2000 BCE) (Dalley 1989: 41-42). The earliest Akkadian versions are dated to the early second millennium (Dalley1989: 45). The "standard" Akkadian version, consisting of twelve tablets, was edited by Sin-liqe-unninni sometime between 1300 and 1000 BC and was found in the library ofAshurbanipal[1]who was in power from 669-625 BC in Nineveh. Nineveh is also the setting in the apocryphal Book of Tobit, and is where the Nineveh constant was discovered. [1] The Nineveh Constant and the Art of Time Travel (from http://www.dprins.demon.nl/convergence/9905.html) Gilgamesh, Louvre, Paris
From “The Epic of Gilgamesh” (Bull Worship/Sacrifice) The Big Dipper Constellation – The Plough – Fertility & Agriculture/Crops [1] Angered by Gilgamesh's refusal, Inanagoes upto heaven and complains to the high god ANU. She demands that ANU give her the Bull of Heaven. If he refuses, she warns, she will do exactly what she told the gatekeeper of the underworld she would do if he didn't let her in: “If you refuseto give me theBull of Heaven[then] Iwillbreak in the doors of hell and smash the bolts; there will be confusion [i.e., mixing] of people, those above with those from the lower depths. I shall bring up the dead to eat food like the living; andthe hosts of the dead will outnumber the living." ANU gives Inana the Bull of Heaven, and Ishtar/Inana sends it to attackGilgamesh and his friend EN-KI-D-U. Gilgameshand EN-KI-D-U killthe Bulland offer its heart to the sun-godShamash. [1]The Epic of Gilgamesh. Trans.N.K.Sandars.Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
(Heinrick von Balen(Note the Owl of Athena) Inannaflanked by ‘Watchers’ while standing on Lions
The Sun ‘conquering’ the Age of Taurus Mithras of Persia (The ‘Sun’) Bull (Taurus) Dog Star (Sirius) Scorpion (Ophiucus) Serpent (Alpha Draconis)
The “sacrificed” Bull of Mithras Symbol of Meryl Lynch Bank
2160 Miles 2160 YEARS = A CONSTELLATIONAL AGE (*The 3600 period is taken in reference to a possible cycle of appearances of a cometary or energetic stellar body, or cosmological effect which may cause terrestrial change) 4 WORLD AGES (Suns) in 13000 YEARS 100 BC 2060 BC [1600 BC] 4220 BC [5200BC] 6380 BC 8540 BC [8800 BC] 10498 BC [12400 BC] AGE OF PISCES THERA, SANTORINI SUPERCALDERA AGE OF ARIES AGE OF TAURUS VELA X SUPERNOVA AGE OF GEMINI UNKNOWN AGE OF CANCER VELA X / PHAETON CATACLYSM AGE OF LEO Taking ZechariaSitchin’s 3600 year orbit of Nibiruinto account for any supporting correlation TRACKING BACK FROM 2000 AD. Only 1600 BC has any correlation to a plausible 3600 year orbit of one objectThe originally proposed 3600 years may have considerably changed circa 1600 BC into a smaller cycle of 300-400 years after as Gill Broussard has proposed, which is entirely plausible.
1Timelines of Ancient Sumer Ubaid Period: 5000 – 4000 BC (+/- 200) Early Uruk (Erech) Period 4000-3400 BC(Vela X) Late Uruk Period 3400-2900 BC The Jendet Nasr Period 3400-3000 BC Early Dynastic Periods 3000-2370 BC(+/- 100) Akkadian Dynasty Period2350 – 2150 BC(Event?) Sargon and Naram-Sin200 years of disputes IIIrd Dynasty of Ur2150 BCE – 2002 BC Amorites/Elamites Conquered Uruk Isin-Larsa Dynasties 2000-1800 BC Babylonian Empireestablished after the decline of Sumer c.1800 BC 1Paul Collins, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, ‘The Sumerian Goddess Inanna’, 1994
Speaking of the ancient Assyrians (of Iraq) and the chemicals they produced by 650 B.C., in a paper read before the Society for the Study of Alchemy and Early Chemistry, Doctor Reginald Campbell Thompson, the author of A Dictionary of Assyrian Chemistry and Geology, informs us that “The sources from which our knowledge of Assyrian Chemistry is obtained are a very small part of the collections of cuneiform tablets in our museums, which may perhaps be reckoned at a quarter of a million roughly in number, and of this chemistry, almost all our knowledge comes from tablets of the Seventh Century B.C. But that the ancient Sumerians had a very practical knowledge of chemical methods even before the invention of writing, let us say, very early in the Fourth Millennium B.C., is to be inferred from the beautiful gold work found by Sir Leonard Wooley at Ur, and the copper and bronze castings found throughout Southern Mesopotamia. The written word, however, of their methods has survived only sparsely by comparison, this being due to three causes: first, the illiteracy of the craftsmen; secondly, the habit of all Guilds to conceal their methods by the use of cryptic expressions; and thirdly, the close guarding of secrets, which were frequently handed down from father to son by word of mouth. http://ancientskyscraper.com/252301.html
Rene norboorger – Secrets of the lost races, page 1 We know from the record that Cain lived in the land called Nod, meaning "place of exile." Genesis mentions that the land where he settled did not "yield her strength." There is no further information concerning the early years except that in approximately 4784 B.C. a son, Enoch, was born. Sometime between this date and Cain's death in 4059 B.C., Cain gathered his descendants together and built a city called Enoch City, named after his first son. Several observations can be made regarding the construction of this first city, which would require the development of a high order of mathematics; the manipulation of building materials, seemingly stones and wood; and a knowledge of architecture. A city also presupposes the beginning of some form of social and political organization, not only for the construction phase, but also for its subsequent maintenance and expansion. Upon assembling his descendants into one dwelling place, Cain set himself up as the first ruler over men, and by naming the city after his eldest son, he moved to establish a dynasty of rulers that would perpetuate his name.
1The art of the Naqadaculture shows a fair amount of war and violence; however, the beheaded prisonerson the Narmer Palette were unparalleled until those on the ivory plaque were identified. Interestingly, both come from Hierakonpolis, where actual evidence for the practice of decapitation, although rare, is also known 1 http://www.hierakonoplis-online.org, PDF, volume 19, 2/10/07, Page 14
1The Falcon Has Landed: Falcons in “The City of the Falcon” 1 “From their contexts within the elite cemetery, the HK6 falcons can be dated to the early Naqada II period andare therefore considerably earlier than any other known depiction of this bird of prey”. Of course, it cannot yet be proven that the very early kings of Hierakonpolis identified themselves with the falcon, but the strong traditionsconcerning early kingshipthat surround the site, and its close connection with the falcon god Horus in Dynastic times, not to mention its Greek name Hierakonpolis- “city of the falcon”, are all certainly suggestive” 1http://www.hierakonoplis-online.org, PDF, volume 19, 2/10/07, Page 9
The Uruk period, 3,750-3150 BCE,warrior “hero” kings, magnificent temples, intensive agriculture by means of irrigation, and the first pictographic writing in 3300 BCE Sumerian cuneiform documents dating as far back as 3100 BCE have been found. A flourishing cuneiform literature in the Sumerian language developed, reaching its peak in the centuries circa 2000 BCE Third Dynasty of Ur(2300 BC) "Ur-Nammu,the mighty man,the king of Ur, the king of Sumer and Akkad, has built the splendid Gig-Par for his Lady Ningal" (Plate VII, Nos. 2 and 3)
1Here, the Sumeriangod, Marduk, the son of Enki, became the god of Sumer and Chaldea. Here was the family ofEnki, a brother called Enlil, who caused the flood of Noah, and the father, Anu, the Ancient andHidden One 2Gen 6:4 :There were also giants on the earth in those days, andalso afterward, when theSons of Godcame into theDaughters of Menand they bore children to them. Thosewere themighty men, themen of renown 1Robert D.Mock MD 1 Abraham – The Son of a Sumerian Oracle Priest 2 The Book of Genesis
1Timelines of Ancient Sumer Ubaid Period: 5000 – 4000 BC (+/- 200) Early Uruk (Erech) Period 4000-3400 BC(Vela X) Late Uruk Period 3400-2900 BC The Jendet Nasr Period 3400-3000 BC Early Dynastic Periods3000-2370 BC (+/- 100) Akkadian Dynasty Period2350 – 2150 BC(Event?) Sargon and Naram-Sin200 years of disputes IIIrd Dynasty of Ur2150 BCE – 2002 BC Amorites/Elamites Conquered Uruk Isin-Larsa Dynasties 2000-1800 BC Babylonian Empireestablished 2000 BC after the decline of Sumer c.1800 BC 1 Paul Collins, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, ‘The Sumerian Goddess Inanna’, 1994
Ref: Luke 3:34-38 Chronicles 1:1-3 GIANTS Parenthesis () = GENERATIONS 950 NOAH Lived 350 years after the flood FROM ADAMA TO NOAH 8575 YEARS FROM NOAH TO ABRAM 2676 YEARS TOTAL (8575 + 2676) = 11,251 YEARS (+ 2000 BC to 1 AD) 600 (1)SHEM 98 Years old at the time of the flood 100 years begat Arphaxad, 2 years after the flood ELAM ASSUR (2)ARPHAXAD LUD ARAM 35 Years old begat Salah (Cainan) AGE REACHED AT DEATH 403 403 (3)SALAH/CAINAN 30 Years old begat EBER 430 34 Years old begat PELEG (4)EBER (5)PELEG 3O Years old begat REU 209 32 Years old begat SERUG (6)REU 207 30 Years old begat NAHOR (7)SERUG GIANTS 200 (8)NAHOR 29 Years old begat TERAH 119 (9)TERAH Ur of the Chaldees 205 20 Years old begat ABRAM, NAHOR & HARAN (10) ABRAM 4798 BC 2,676 2000 - 1750 BC
References to Giants Genesis 14: 5-7 In the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the Kings that were with him came and attacked the Rephaim in Asteroth Karnaim, the Zuzim in Ham, the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim and the Horites in their mountains in Seir, as far as El Paran, which is by the wilderness Caphtorim, Amorites, girgashites, midianites, achites, jebusites, moabites, gibeonites(remnant of the amorites – 2 Samuel 21:2), Zarhites. Edomites, zumzummims(amonite word for giants) Geshursites, Maachathites, Zuzim– “Tall Ones” Rephaim– “Dead Ones” Emim– “Terrible Ones” Genesis 6:4 There were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward Horim – “Cave Dwellers” Avim – “Ruin Dwellers” The question is after what (afterwards) – is this a reference to the ‘biblical’ flood that hasn’t happened yet as Genesis 7 (akin to the story of Atrahasis) informs the reader of the impending flood coming upon mankind via the ark builder Noah, and what time frame is this taking place within if the Noah table is a later reinterpretation of a far earlier event or Sumerian Epic Chronologically, the next book in the pentateuch is the Book of Exodus which plants the events to a period around 1600 BC and the rule of ‘Moses’ (Ahmose I in the second intermediate period of dynastic Egypt) which describes catastrophic events such as fiery hail, bubonic plague, and evil winds. The Tempest Stella of Ahmose is just one document describing major flooding and destruction. The dating could go back as far as 1794 BC as another event is occurring that has parallels with The Tempest Stella of Ahmose. Also, if this is the Exodus where Ramses II is Pharoah (dated 1290-1224 BC) the time frame is off by 300+ years, and Ramsesis in the Cairo Museum with red hair so he, as the chasing pharoah obviously was not drowned, caught in and/or swept away in the red sea tidal wave
The dating is far too late as Abramhad apparently recently left Ur in Chaldea in Genesis 12 (The Middle Bronze age 2000 – 1600 BC) with his father Terah who was 130 when Abram was born and the Tower of Babel had already been destroyed (Genesis 11) and Sodom and Gomorrah still stand until the time of Lot – Post Egypt sojourn (Genesis 19)
(Genesis 11:31-32) Father Terah died aged 205years old at Haran in the land of Canaan (Genesis 11:27) Terah has 3 sons: AbramNahor and Haran 2200-2000 BC Leaving Ur of the Chaldeans Haran in the Land of Canaan (Genesis 11:29) Milcahand Nahor (brother Haran’s daughter marries Nahor) (Genesis 11:28) Haran diesleaving Milcahand Lot orphaned (and Ischar) 205 years (Genesis 12:4) AbramLeaves Haran aged 75 with Lot, Haran’sson and barrenSarai 75 years Abram 86 years when Ishmael is born of Hagar the Egyptian (Gen. 16:16) Mountain east of Bethel(and Aito the West) and built altars (Genesis 13:3) including previously at Shechem The Land of Egypt Lot departs to the Jordan (Genesis 12:10)Famine and Plagues (Genesis 12:17)
1The name of Abram meaning exalted father is changedto Abraham (Genesis 17) meaning the father of many. We have come to a very interesting part of the Torahfor there is a changein the exegesis of the cosmology. Each story dealing with a sign now also deals with its counterpart or opposite signin thewheel of the zodiac. ARIES - LIBRA 2060 BC TAURUS - SCORPIO 4220 BC GEMINI - SAGITTARIUS 6380 BC CANCER - CAPRICORN 8540 BC 10498 BC LEO - AQUARIUS VIRGO - PISCES 12658 BC 1 ”The Bible of Hermes”, Page 14, Andrew Frew, Pen press production 2006 http://www.penpress.net
“in chapter 14 of Genesis, of an ancient war that pitted an alliance of four kingdoms of the East against five kings in Canaan. It is a tale that has evolved some of the most intense debate among scholars, for it connects the story of Abraham, the first Hebrew Patriarch, with a specific non-Hebrew event, and thus affords objective substantiation of the biblical record of the birth of a nation. “The discovery was announced in a lecture by Theophilus Pinches to the Victoria Institute, London, in 1897. Having examined several tablets belonging to the Spartoli Collection in the British Museum, he found that they describe a war of wide-ranging magnitude, in which a king of Elam, Kudur-laghamar, led an alliance of rulers that included one named Eri-aku and another named Tud-ghula– names that easily could have been transformed into Hebrew as Khedor-la’omer, Ariokh, and Tidhal. http://amaickingdavid.blog.com/2015/01/29/%e2%80%9camraphel-king-of-shinar%e2%80%9d-was-not-king-hammurabi/