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Indeed, closely related to the Self concept of Brahman is the idea that it is synonymous with jiva-atma, or individual souls, our atman (or soul) being readily identifiable with the greater soul of Brahman.
Within Hinduism there are two schools of philosophy which attentively attend to the problem of human bondage. Hidden, however, in the practice of Bhakti was the inherent and inviolable belief that the aim of all devotion was the attainment of the Supreme Self, though the path chosen for the purpose was circuitous and symbolic, rarely suggestive of any direct involvement of the eternal Brahman Himself in His original formless condition. Yogis usually believe that God co-exists with all of reality, manifesting itself to all living things that breathe life, from humans to flora and fauna. In Advaita Vedanta, the only reality is Brahman, the Oneness. Many famous Indians are Brahmans. The Brahman and cattle carrying percentages of Brahman breeding have been found extremely useful in the southern coastal area of the United States, where they have demonstrated their ability to withstand hot and humid weather and to resist insects. Glycogen storage disease caused by acid maltase (acid α-glucosidase) deficiency occurs as an autosomal recessive trait in Shorthorn and Brahman cattle. Brahman or brahma, and similar words, have various meanings, mostly related to Hinduism In the correct Indian pronunciation, the first a is long or short as indicated, and the h Brahman is pronounced as a voiced consonant. There can be only one Absolute beyond this universe, and the Absolute which lies as the base of our consciousness is the same Absolute which lies as the base of the phenomena of the universe. It can be said that there is only one Atman or Brahman and many jivas all inclusive from single celled amoeba to human. Although he repeatedly said that the Buddha speaks the words of Dhamma, and it is difficult to debate with him, but because of the pressure of those brahmans, Ᾱśvalāyana became ready to debate with the Buddha. It deals with the non-dual nature of the Brahman and the Atman. But Brahman is there and gives life to all, as the seed produces the fig tree. The individual soul is identical with the Highest Self (Brahman). This is the form that manifests the essence He is pervading everywhere and The Lord embodies the Highest Knowledge of Brahman present in the core of the Vedas. 6 81 105 The universe and the soul inside each being is Brahman, and the universe and the soul outside each being is Brahman, according to Advaita Vedanta. It then becomes possible to 'see' or 'experience' the state of Brahman by seeing into our consciousness.