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Julia Child. By: Abby Jones “I can still almost taste it. And thinking back on it now reminds me that the pleasures of the table and of life are infinite.”. Introduction. Born: August 15, 1912 in Pasadena, California
Julia Child By: Abby Jones “I can still almost taste it. And thinking back on it now reminds me that the pleasures of the table and of life are infinite.”
Introduction • Born:August 15, 1912 in Pasadena, California • Married:Paul Child on September 1, 1946 • Died:August 13, 2004 • Burial place: Cremated-Ashes are scattered • Offspring:None
Social Contribution Julia Child had a big impact on the world by making French Cooking understandable to the average person. While she was in France, Julia took cooking classes. She was in love with French cooking. She worked hard every day. She never missed one class and she persevered through the classes being the only girl and getting made fun of. She told herself she wouldn’t give up. She then went on to be a cooking star! She wrote many books, had many TV shows, and received many awards in her lifetime.
Childhood • Julia’s family was very wealthy. They had a number of chefs who worked for them. • Julia was very tall for her age and she ate a lot. • Her family traveled a lot during the summer where Julia was exposed to a variety of hotels and restaurants. This gave her a love for travel. • At age four Julia was enrolled at a local Montessori school. She spent all of her education days there up until high school.
Adolescence & Young Adult • Julia was sent to boarding school in San Francisco, California for high school. • Julia then went to the same college as her mom did; Smith College. It is located in Northampton, Massachusetts. At that time women had very limited choices on colleges. • She graduated college in 1934 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She still did not know what she wanted to do though. • She moved to New York and had a number of jobs.
Adulthood-America • During World War II Julia moved to Washington D.C. to work for the Office of Strategic Services. • She met Paul Child in the summer of 1994 when they were both in Ceylon now called Sri Lanka. Paul was an OSS officer. He introduced Julia and made Julia like French cuisine. • Paul and Julia got married on September 1, 1946. • Julia became a housewife and began to cook.
Adulthood-Paris • A short time after Paul and Julia were married, Paul was assigned to the American Embassy in Paris. Julia decided to go with him. • While Paul was working, Julia had a lot of free time on her hands and she wanted to learn how to cook French cuisine. So she enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu. • Julia worked hard at Le Cordon Bleu learning the basics. She then moved on to the more difficult recipes. She never gave up. Julia graduated from Le Cordon Bleu in 1950. • During the next few years Julia and Paul traveled a lot and Julia perfected her book which later got published. • Julia and Paul spent four years in Paris before moving back to the U.S.
Adulthood-America • Julia and Paul moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts after Paul had a heart attack. • Julia continued to cook and she wrote many books, had many TV shows, and received many awards. • Paul had a series of strokes and had to move out of the house. • Paul died in 1994 at age 92. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered in Santa Barbara and in Maine. • Julia died on August 13, 2004 of kidney failure. She died peacefully in her sleep. Julia was also cremated and her ashes are scattered in the same places as Paul’s were.
Books, TV Shows, & Awards • 1961-Wrote the book: Mastering the Art of French Cooking • 1962-Had TV show called The French Chef • 1965-Won Emmy for French Chef • 1968-Wrote the book named after the TV show French Chef • 1970-Wrote Mastering the Art of French Cooking, volume II • 2003-Recieved American Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George Bush
President In U.S. in 1912 • When Julia Child was born, William Howard Taft was the President of the United States. William Howard Taft is the only man In U.S. history to have been both president and Chief Justice. • President George Bush awarded Julia Child the American Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2003. By then Julia was 91.
Interview -If I could ask Julia Child three questions, they would be….. • What is your most memorable moment in the kitchen? • At Le Cordon Bleu what were you feeling when you walked in and saw you were the only girl? • If you could have changed one thing that happened in France, what would it be?
Bibliography • Child, Julia, and Alex Prud'homme. My Life in France. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. Print. • Clipart Stove. Photograph. Vector Images. 2002. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://files.vector-images.com/clipart/gazstove_prg1.gif>. • George Bush. Photograph. Stand up for America. World Press, 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://standupforamerica.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/george-bush-official-2.jpg>. • Julia and Paul. Photograph. National Portrait Gallery. National Portrait Gallery. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://www.npg.si.edu/img2/namuth/childs2.jpg>. • Julia Child Cooking. Photograph. Cooking Link Central. Cooking Link Central, 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://articles.cookinglinkcentral.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/27ef6_Julia_france-300x300.png>. • Julia in the Kitchen. Photograph. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://msnbcmedia3.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/090728-Julia-child-hmed-12p.hmedium.jpg>. • Julia's House as a Kid. Photograph. I Am Not a Stalker. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://www.iamnotastalker.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/IMG_5559.jpg>. • Julia's Mom. Photograph. Minneapolis. Walker Art Center. Walker Art Center, 2006. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://www.walkerart.org/archive/0/B17371C5A42F89DC616C.jpg>. • Kari. Juia Child. Photograph. Karigoneglobal. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://karigoneglobal.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/julia-child-with-rolling-pins.jpg>. • Le Cordon Bleu. Photograph. All the Things She Said. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://mondaymacy.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/cordon-bleu-sign.jpg>. • Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Photograph. Julia Child. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://rgr-static1.tangentlabs.co.uk/images/bau/97803073/9780307381927/0/0/plain/mastering-the-art-of-french-cooking-journal.jpg>. • Paris, France. Photograph. Paris, France. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.watchmojo.com/blogs/images/parisfrance.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.watchmojo.com/top-10/2009/04/02/&usg=__KrnEXIQgF7Y2TvmDva7_FrA8mNA=&h=311&w=505&sz=42&hl=en&start=15&itbs=1&tbnid=dhS-JQUlt-B79M:&tbnh=80&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3DParis%2BFrance%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1>. • Smith College Campus. Photograph. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/4357975.jpg>. • Trip Advisor. Pasadena, California. Photograph. Trip Advisor. Trip Advisor, 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://www.tripadvisor.com/>. • William Howard Taft. Photograph. The Independant. 2010. Web. Apr.-May 2010. <http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00114/william-howard-taft_114088t.jpg>.