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Ontario’s Employment and Training Network. Presentation to Service Delivery Advisory Group Service Delivery Opportunities July 19, 2007. Overview. What is Modernization? Key concepts in Service Delivery Designing Employment Ontario’s Service Delivery Framework. What is Modernization?.
Ontario’s Employment and Training Network Presentation to Service Delivery Advisory Group Service Delivery Opportunities July 19, 2007
Overview • What is Modernization? • Key concepts in Service Delivery • Designing Employment Ontario’s Service Delivery Framework
Modernization • The language of creating a “modern” government has evolved and encompasses a number of other concepts such as: • Horizontal government; Networked government, ESD; E-government; Innovation; Citizen-centred government; Quality service organization; etc. • Modernization is the focus of governments around the world at all levels, municipal/ local, provincial/ state, and federal • These concepts have been around for a long time: • Ontario has had: Connecting Across Boundaries: The Horizontal Organization (2003); The Innovation Culture in the OPS (2002); A Quality Service Organization (1999); Building the Ontario Public Service for the Future (1998) • The federal government had “Government On-Line” and “Modernizing Services for Canadians”
What does “Modern” mean for the OPS? • It means being relevant, flexible and effective in dealing successfully with the pressures of today's fast-paced world and anticipating future challenges and opportunities. For our purposes: • A modern public service keeps pace with the rising expectations of citizens for high-quality, cost-effective public services. It manages across boundaries and operates as one enterprise. • A modern public service focuses on achieving outcomes for citizens and ensures that people get value for their investment in public services. It is open and transparent. • A modern public service balances accountability for outcomes with the flexibility to achieve them. It nurtures innovation, while managing risk. • A modern public service is a professional organization that values its people and develops their capacity to learn, lead and thrive in a changing environment. - Excerpt from Introduction, 2006 OPS Framework for Action – A Modern OPS
Employment & Training Division Projects High Quality Cost Effective Services Dynamic & Innovative People Outcomes & Value for Money Program & Policy Coherence Organizational Development Service Delivery Management Framework Channel Development 5. Classification Review 1. Implement Program & Policy Changes a) Classification Review of IT02 and CD03 b) Full Classification Review 11. Channel Strategies 8. Service Delivery Model & Standards a) Content Management Framework b) Voice Channel Integration c) Web enabled Tools • Long-term Service Delivery Strategy • Service standards and measures Quantitative analysis of Service Delivery model options 2. Develop Mid-Term Initiatives a) Research & Innovation b) TES c) Employer Sponsored Training 6. Change Management Strategy a) Internal Communications Strategy & Framework b) Implement Leadership Development Program c) Restructure Program Functions and Align HO and regional responsibilities d) Implement Training Plan 9. Develop Access Strategies 12. Branding Implementation • Coordinated client flows (e.g., MCSS, MCI, SO, FLS, Multi-lingual) developed and communicated • Analyze barriers to access 3. Develop Long-Term Policy Strategy • Permanent signage implemented • Brand guidelines implemented 4. Program Evaluation 10. Service Delivery Contract Administration 7. Workforce Realignment and Management Governance & Accountability 13. Federal-Provincial Governance 16.a. Internal Governance: Establish Business Planning Framework a) Post-LMDA Governance b) LMI protocol c) Audit & integrity protocol d) Manage financial relationship with Service Canada 14. Inter-ministry Engagement . . . 16. Internal Governance 15. Formal Engagement of Stakeholders bi) Treasury Board Report Back bii) Chart of Accounts Rebalance Accountabilities& Manage Risk Enterprise Management & Business Continuity 21. Scale up Contingency, Security & Disaster Recovery 22. Operationalize Financial Processes 17. Long-term System Solution a) Establish EI Section 25 Approval Process b) Integrated Budget and Forecasting Process c) Operationalize EBSM Forms & Tools d) Implement Family Responsibility Office Processes a) Federal systems interface b) Business Case development c) Secure External Access 23. Business Process Re-Engineering a) Continuity of Operations Plan b) Operationalize IM/IT Processes c) Reassessment of Delivery Environment 24. Records Schedules 18. Privacy Framework 19. Accommodations Strategy 20. Controllership Review
Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) • Integrated service delivery is the result of bringing together related government services so that clients can access them in a single seamless experience based on their wants and needs. • Information technology is the primary enabler to delivering seamless services to citizens.
Envisioning an integrated service delivery • An idealized model of ISD would include the following features: • A single-entry portal for each delivery channel provides access to the entire network of services of all orders of government. There is no wrong door. • Each portal is clearly and consistently organized from the citizens’ perspective. • Service delivery is seamless, regardless of which government has responsibility for the service and of how many services, providers and channels are involved. • Service delivery is highly integrated at the the front and back ends of the system. • Citizens can receive customized (personalized) service tailored to their particular wants and needs. • The privacy and security of the system are assured. • Citizens can receive through each delivery channel the level of service they require. • Citizens can receive through each delivery channel the level of service a client needs regardless of their social, demographic, geographical or technological circumstance. • Citizens can readily understand which level government that is responsible for the service being provided. Kernaghan, K. (2007) Beyond Goodwill and Bubblegum: Integrated Service Delivery, The Digital State, p.105
Integrated Channel Delivery (ICD) • The result of joining up the major service delivery channels (internet, telephone, and service counters) to provide seamless service to clients. • Providing seamless transitions from one service channel to another is a central aspect of ICD. i.e. complete and fill application online –when person arrives in person staff have access to completed form when you set up appointment. • Key factor in ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of service improvements
Considerations in implementation of ICD • Need to ensure reasonable, equitable access to services for all clients, including disadvantaged clients • A single structure that manages all delivery channels can help minimize silos and competition • It is ideal to achieve ICD within organization before seeking it across departments, governments • Formal up-front agreements setting out the governance arrangements for ISD should allow for management and integration of service channels
Key Findings from Citizens First Four • Government service quality in Canada is continuing to improve. • Public sector services now often outperform private sector services. • The five key drivers of client satisfaction remain consistent: • timeliness, • outcome, • going the extra mile, • knowledge, • fairness. • Access - where to start, how to find what you want, how to make contact - is an issue. • There is concern about security and privacy of personal information.
Access is still an issue • Problems with accessing government services were identified in the inaugural Citizens First study. Despite improvements in service quality, ratings of access have shown little improvement since then. • The three factors that drive ease of access ratings: • Knowing where to start and how to get the service • Ability to easily find what or who you are looking for • Ability to contact staff when it is convenient The third point is the most important driver and the priority driver for improving access - Citizens First 4 (November 2005)
The Challenge • Clients are seeking services that cross ministry and jurisdictional boundaries • Government (federal, provincial and municipal) is increasingly relying on third party service providers for the provision of health and human services • Client confusion persists in accessing services through complex networks of service providers and government points of service • There is not a consistent approach to providing basic information on government programs and services nor are there standard referral protocols across the system • Information is inconsistent across web, voice and in-person service delivery channels and clients are increasingly using more than one channel to access a service
Service Delivery Framework Project Objectives • This project will focus on short and long-term strategies to improve client access, build seamless pathways and increase capacity across in-person, voice and web channels to provide seamless and integrated service for the client. • Service Delivery Framework and Standards (Long-term objective) • The development of the service delivery framework and standards will be used to lay the foundation for longer-term enhancements to the way that services are delivered and to identify the strategies required to move toward integrated service delivery across channels and service delivery excellence. • Enhanced Information and Referral Service (Shorter-term objective) • The project will also build on the first phase of enhanced information and referral implemented in 2006. A strategy will be developed to continue building capacity across channels to meet the enhanced information and referral standards and identify tools, resources and functions needed to sustain the service to be implemented in the short-term.
Strategic Considerations - ServiceOntario • ServiceOntario will be the Ontario Government’s “retail expert” that will deliver quality, cost-effective, secure transactional services that meet the needs of Ontarians • The bulk of Employment Ontario’s services are not transactional in nature • ServiceOntario will be a key partner for Employment Ontario in delivery of transactional services such as information and referral • One of our challenges is to distinguish for clients (or make the distinction irrelevant) between Employment Ontario, ServiceOntario, and Service Canada
Strategic Considerations: Partnerships • Employment and training services will continue to be provided through other ministries, multiple levels of government, community-based agencies (e.g., Service Canada, MCSS, private career colleges, etc.) • Developing partnerships will be critical to a coherent and integrated Employment Ontario system • Defining the breadth and depth of Employment Ontario services from a client-centred approach will require broad engagement
Strategic Considerations: Information & Referral • Develop a coherent approach to the provision of information and client referral services (e.g. system-wide referral standards) • Create clear client pathways to a full range of services regardless of the starting point by building interfaces to a common directory • Expand on the success of the Employment Ontario partnership with 211 to improve access to services • “Brand” government services within the 211 directory as a signal to citizens of service quality
Some key areas of focus moving forward • Know who our customers are and what they need and expect from us • Continue to build a service culture across TCU and the broader system – from policy through to our service delivery partners • Make changes that will have immediate, measurable impacts on clients • Consider implications of changes to services across access channels (voice, in-person, web, other) • Improve access to our services as a starting point and driver for integration • Ensure sustainability and scalability of service improvements