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What In The WORLD Is BENCHMARKING ? ?. ?. Benchmark. …and WHY would I want do it ? ?. Determine your Worth…Communicate your Value—with Benchmarking . Medical Library Association Benchmarking Taskforce October, 2000. Benchmarking Task Force. Chair- Bernie Todd Smith

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  1. What In The WORLD Is BENCHMARKING ? ? ? Benchmark …and WHY would I want do it ? ?

  2. Determine your Worth…Communicate your Value—with Benchmarking Medical Library Association Benchmarking Taskforce October, 2000

  3. Benchmarking Task Force • Chair- Bernie Todd Smith • Board Liaison - Roz Dudden • CHLA Liaison - Elizabeth Reid • Administrative Team - Deb Rand • Content Team - Janie Kaplan • Publicity Team - Susan Schweinsberg Long • MLA Staff - Kate Corcoran • Training Team - Jacque Doyle • Southern Chapter Benchmark Co-Educators: Linda Markwell, Kay McCall

  4. Why Benchmark? • B Buy-outs • E Ernst & Young • N Negative earnings • C Competition • H High costs • M Managed care • A Accountants • R Return on investment • K Knowledge-based information

  5. Give me a “B”, “E”, “N”, “C”, “H”, “M”, “A”, “R”, “K” ! ! E B … Wha..da..ya..got?? BENCHMARK!!! YEH!!!

  6. Benchmarking IS: • a process used to determine and implement a “better way” to do a job; • a way to evaluate performance; • based on the belief that someone is doing some things better than you are! Improve your own performance: • find out how other organizations do things • adopt the best practices you find

  7. Benchmarking is NOT Counting • comparing the count of resources of libraries (e.g., number of books in each library) • comparing the number of completed processes (e.g., number of ILLs filled in each library) These activities have value, but they are NOT benchmarking.

  8. Benchmarking doesinvolve comparibility • Makes resources and processes comparable between institutions • Number of librarians per number of medical staff • Number of books per total hospital employees • Institutional data is crucial for comparing • Patient discharges • Outpatient visits

  9. Value of Benchmarking • Compare your library’s processes to other institutions. • Helps you justify expenditures for: • collection development • staffing • new services • infrastructure

  10. MLA’s BenchmarkingNetwork Phase I - Beta Testing (Fall 99-Winter 00) • Determine “minimum” data set • Develop benchmarking screens in members-only area of MLANET • Open beta pages for data entry • Beta ends November 15, 2000 • Analyze data/user comments • Train Benchmarking Chapter Educators (BCEs)

  11. MLA’s BenchmarkingNetwork Phase II — Database live (2001) • Add data elements • Open pages for full data collection • Review comments and revise instrument • Develop report interface • Connect institutions with benchmarking partners

  12. MLA’s BenchmarkingNetwork Phase III — Future Expansion • Link MLA benchmark data to other organizations’ data (e.g., AAHSL) • Expand benchmarking data for specialty libraries and services (e.g., consumer hlth) • Develop and provide formulae to serve as outcome measures • Develop criteria and list of institutions with “best practices”

  13. Benchmarking Network Beta • Need at least 100 MLA-member library profiles • Benchmarking Taskforce will review user comments and adjust questionnaires • Data from beta used only to test reliability unless user wants to keep

  14. Benchmarking Network Beta Benchmarking Network Beta How do I do it? • Visit www.mlanet.org/members/benchmark.html • Print out and complete the data worksheets • Enter worksheet data in beta questionnaires [you need your MLANET username (ID#) and password (e.g., 12345, MVI98765)] • Include problems, comments, clarifications, requests in comment fields

  15. Benchmarking Network Beta Benchmarking Network Beta Network Beta How long will it take? • Collect data for worksheets • Enter data in online database (20-30 minutes) What if I have questions? • Contact your local “BCEs”: Linda Markwell or Kay McCall • Contact Kate Corcoran, <corcoran@mlahq.org>

  16. Benchmarking Network Beta Benchmarking Network Beta Network Beta MYTH MYTH: Only INSTITUTIONAL MLA members will be allowed to enter data into the Benchmarking Project when it goes LIVE. WRONG!!!!!

  17. Benchmarking Network Beta Benchmarking Network Beta Network Beta MYTH MLA does NOT yet know what access personal MLA members will have to the benchmarking data. There is no benchmarking product YET, so NO decisions yet. This does NOT mean that MLA will not allow individual or personal members to have full access, it just means that MLA does not have any details YET about how it will work.

  18. Benchmarking Network Beta Benchmarking Network Beta Network Beta Participants: • 34 to date (10/19/00) • only 4 Southern Chapter participants Potential Southern Chapter Participants: • 85 Institutional (Hospital) MLA members • Over 300 personal MLA members in SC WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS!!!

  19. Give me a “B”, “E”, “N”, “C”, “H”, “M”, “A”, “R”, “K” ! ! E B … Wha..da..ya..got?? BENCHMARK!!! YEH!!!

  20. Benchmark Network Beta Questions • Why might you want to participate? • What would prevent you from participating? • What data are we NOT collecting? • What questions do we need to clarify to apply to your situation? • Where can I find out more about benchmarking?

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