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Science Concepts and Skills

Science Concepts and Skills . What you will learn from this lesson: The students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and the life cycles of organisms. The skills we will develop are observing, classifying, comparing, communicating, measuring, and predicting.

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Science Concepts and Skills

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  1. Science Concepts and Skills • What you will learn from this lesson: • The students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and the life cycles of organisms. • The skills we will develop are observing, classifying, comparing, communicating, measuring, and predicting. • The students will learn new vocabulary words associated with the life cycles of a monarch butterfly. • The students will be reading butterfly books this week to go along with this lesson. • We will also be getting quizzed on the information we learn this week through this presentation and our worksheet handouts.

  2. DISCOVER BUTTERFLIES Learning the Life Cycles of a Monarch Butterfly

  3. STAGE 1 A monarch butterfly egg is not much bigger than a pin. A monarch is an egg for 3-8 days! Female monarch butterflies lay their eggs only on milkweed plants. When the eggs hatch, milkweed is the only food monarch caterpillars will eat.

  4. STAGE 2 Then, when the time is just right, the caterpillar will nibble its way out of the egg. It is now a very hungry caterpillar and the egg will be its first meal. A monarch is a caterpillar for 7-17 days!

  5. STAGE 3 Before the monarch caterpillar finished the egg, it started nibbling the fresh green leaf that lay beneath it. For a time, the caterpillar ate constantly and grew to be quite fat. The monarchs spend the caterpillar stages of their lives eating and growing.

  6. STAGE 4 • Then, when the time was just right, the caterpillar fastened itself to the stem of a plant. A chrysalis gradually hardened around it. It is in a chrysalis stage for 8-15 days! The changes that happen inside a chrysalis are like magic. “It’s like a mouse turning into a hummingbird,” says monarch scientist Dr. Lincoln Brower.

  7. The Chrysalis

  8. STAGE 5 This butterfly just came out of its chrysalis. Within days, the males and females will begin to mate. The females will lay their eggs again and the life cycle will start all over.

  9. Science Dictionary • butterflythe adult stage of this colorful, winged insect • caterpillarthe larval or wormlike stage of a butterfly or moth • chrysalisthe hard shell covering the pupa • habitatthe place where a plant or animal lives • metamorphosisthe changes that happen during a lifetime • pupathe third stage of metamorphosis when the larva is changing into the adult insect inside a hard shell or cocoon, also called a chrysalis

  10. FASCINATING FACTS • The monarch caterpillar gains 2,700 times its original weight in just 2 weeks. Growing at the same rate, a 6-pound human baby would weigh about 8 tons. • Monarchs taste with their feet, as do all butterflies. • Monarchs have green blood. • The Monarch’s wings are covered with tiny, powdery scales, which look like the shingles on a house. These fragile wings are easily damaged, but landing on water even falling into it- - won’t hurt them. • You can identify the male Monarch by a black dot along a vein in each of its rear wings. These spots release a scent that attracts the female. • The migrating Monarch flies alone, rather than with other Monarchs, at speeds of 10 – 30 miles per hour and never at night. It can soar as high as 7,000 feet and glide great distances on air currents. When it must cross large bodies of water, it may rest by floating on the surface.

  11. REFERENCES Kepler, Lynne (1996). Discover Butterflies. A Year of Hands- on Science, (32-42). Howe, James (1987). I Wish I Were A Butterfly. Harcourt Brace & Company, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32887

  12. Academic Content Standards Objective: Life Sciences Level: Grade 2 Diversity and Interdependence of Life #8: Compare the activities of Ohio's common animals (e.g., squirrels, chipmunks, deer, butterflies, bees, ants, bats and frogs) during the different seasons by describing changes in their behaviors and body covering.

  13. Discoveries of a Monarch Caterpillar/Butterfly • LIFE SCIENCE • SECOND GRADE • OBJECTIVE: To develop awareness of the life cycle of a caterpillar/butterfly and to learn the interesting facts about butterflies. • DIRECTIONS: Answer the following multiple choice questions about the Monarch Butterfly. If you get an answer incorrect it will automatically take you the slide to show where to find the correct answer. If your answer is correct it will take you to the next slide showing you were correct. Please do this individually. This quiz is worth 16 points.

  14. QUESTION#1 How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly? When it falls asleep it wakes up as a butterfly. Overtime the caterpillar goes through stages which then turns it into a butterfly. The caterpillar just grows up to become a butterfly.

  15. CORRECT! Please move forward

  16. QUESTION #2 What is the first stage in a caterpillar’s life? Chrysalis stage Butterfly stage Egg hatch stage

  17. CORRECT! Please move forward

  18. QUESTION#3 • What comes after the chrysalis stage? • Butterfly • Caterpillar • Egg

  19. CORRECT! Please move forward

  20. QUESTION #4 Do Monarchs taste with their feet? A TRUE B FALSE

  21. CORRECT! Please move forward

  22. QUESTION #5The monarch caterpillar gains how many times its weight in just 2 weeks? A. 2,000 timesB. 2,500 timesC. 2,700 times

  23. CORRECT! please move forward

  24. QUESTION #6 This is the third stage of metamorphosis when the larva is changing into the adult insect inside a hard shell or cocoon, also called a chrysalis. Larva Pupa Chrysalis

  25. CORRECT! Please move forward

  26. QUESTION #7 The place where a plant or animal lives. Metamorphosis Chrysalis Habitat

  27. CORRECT! Please move forward

  28. QUESTION #8 Which one is in the correct order for a life cycle of a monarch butterfly? Chrysalis, Egg, eats, Big Caterpillar, Small Caterpillar, Butterfly Egg, Big Caterpillar, Small Caterpillar, butterfly, Eats, Chrysalis Egg, Small Caterpillar, Eats, Big Caterpillar, Chrysalis, Butterfly

  29. CORRECT! You have completed the QUIZ!!!

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