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Using NUSL to Educate the Public about Radioactivity and Underground Science

Using NUSL to Educate the Public about Radioactivity and Underground Science. Thomas J. Bowles Los Alamos National Laboratory / University of Washington NeSS ‘02 Workshop 9/20/02. Nuclear Physics. LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY. NUSL and Educating the Public.

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Using NUSL to Educate the Public about Radioactivity and Underground Science

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  1. Using NUSL to Educate the Public about Radioactivity andUnderground Science Thomas J. Bowles Los Alamos National Laboratory / University of Washington NeSS ‘02 Workshop 9/20/02 Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY

  2. NUSL and Educating the Public • Natural radioactivity at NUSL: • Many of the research activities at NUSL require a detailed understanding and control of natural radioactivities. • A venue for public education: • NUSL provides a prime opportunity to educate the public about radioactivity. • The information provided will help to dispel the public’s distrust of anything “nuclear” and educate them about underground science. • There are > 2 million visitors a year to the Black Hills • We anticipate up to a few hundred thousand visitors a year to NUSL-Homestake Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY

  3. Reaching out to the Public Underground • The proposed Low-Level Counting Facility (LLCF) would be the first stopping point on an underground tour of NUSL. • The LLCF will include an adjacent classroom / theatre / hands-on museum. • The LLCF classroom would be a venue for: • Introduction to underground science • Presentation on radioactivity and nuclear issues • Viewing of operations of the LLCF Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY

  4. Underground Complex at NUSL Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY


  6. Ultra-Sensitive Gamma Counting & Detector Prototyping “CTF” Detector Modular Detectors PMTs Sample Prototype Detectors Scintillator Water Shield 12 m Ultra-Sensitive Flexible Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY

  7. Underground Presentations • A Brief History of the Universe • Movie of Big Bang through galaxy and star formation (ideally, this would be done in 3-D in a RAVE cave) • Formulation of the scientific questions NUSL is addressing • Demonstrate production of heavy elements including naturally radioactive ones - especially U and Th • Presentation of impact of radioactivity in our lives • U and Th are the primary driver of geological activity (geophysics) • Nuclear medicine • More than 30% of all hospital patients are diagnosed • or treated using procedures that employ radioisotopes • Nuclear Energy • Nuclear reactors provide 19% of the electricity in the US • Nuclear Forensics (LLCF) • Airport security, environmental monitoring, oil well • exploration, materials testing and modification, … Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY

  8. Beyond the Classroom • Tour of u/g experiments • Physics, geophysics, geomicrobiology • Classes (above ground) • K-12 and college teachers • Understanding radiation and its effects • Probing the origin of the Universe • Testing the laws of Nature • UGS/GRA opportunities - LLCF activities • Need to integrate with E&O activities in geophysics and geomicrobiology Nuclear Physics LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY

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