Ottoman Empire. By: Crystal Hailey.
The Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful and greatest civilization of modern history. The empire they built was very influential to the Muslim society. The Ottoman Turks came westward from central Asia where they first settled on the Anatolian peninsula and their military and culture spread and crossed over into Europe.
In the Ottoman Empire the subjects were divided by occupation and place of residence. In addition to the ruling class, there were four other main occupational groups, peasants, artisans, merchants, and pastoral people. The first three were called “urban” residents. Peasants tilled land that was leased to them by the state, and they were allowed to pass it down to their heirs. Artisans were organized according to craft guilds. Merchants were the most privileged class in the Ottoman society. Among these major groups there were also the tribal leaders and the subordinates. The tribal leaders collected taxes from areas under their control and sent one-fifth back to the bey where the sultan was in supreme authority. The position of the sultan was hereditary but not necessarily of the eldest son. The private domain of the sultan was called the Harlem which was located in the Topkapi in the center of Istanbul.
Philosophy: Leading Thinkers: Helmuth von Moltke. Significant Ideas: evolved strategies and tactical thinking for defensive warfare. Impact: Stronger army. Religion: Leading Thinkers: Ottoman sultans had claimed the title of caliph (“defender of the faith.) Significant Ideas: The members of the caliph were responsible for maintaining Islamic law or the Shari’a. Impact: Conservative of the Shari’a led to war against the Safavids. Economics: Leading Thinkers: Mehmed and his successor Bayezid. Significant Ideas: encouraged and welcomed Jews from different parts of Europe. Impact: Jews didn’t have to face persecution by the Christian counterparts.
Physical Sciences: Leading Scientists: Taqi al-Din. New Knowledge: wrote the last major Arabic work on optics, which contained experimental investigations in three volumes on vision, the lights reflection and the lights refrection. Astronomy: Leading Scientist: Ali al-Qushji. New Knowledge: provided evidence for the earths motion and completely separated astronomy from natural philosophy. Medicine: Leading Scientist: Serafeddin Sabucuoglu. New Knowledge: first illustrated surgical atlas and last major medical encyclopedia from the Islamic world.
During the Ottoman Empire there were no major advances or inventions in technology agriculture, transportation or communication. • Industry: Syria - Steel production. • Household Materials: Mount Lebanon - Silk production.