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Oklahoma Community Listening Session

Q. Oklahoma Community Listening Session. (BLANK) County Listening Session Month date, 2002. Q. What is the Purpose of the Listening Sessions?. Identify, discuss, and define the community's current and future needs and opportunities. Q. The Purpose of the Listening Sessions.

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Oklahoma Community Listening Session

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  1. Q Oklahoma Community Listening Session (BLANK) County Listening Session Month date, 2002

  2. Q What is the Purpose of the Listening Sessions? Identify, discuss, and define the community's current and future needs and opportunities.

  3. Q The Purpose of the Listening Sessions. . . Began in September and will continue through the first half of December 2002. Held in every county in Oklahoma.

  4. Q The Purpose of the Listening Sessions. . . To gather a broad set of input regarding community needs and opportunities from a mix of community leaders and citizens.

  5. Q The Purpose of the Listening Sessions. . . Partnership effort with participating agencies, groups, and organizations all working together for the future of BLANK County and Oklahoma.

  6. Q The Purpose of the Listening Sessions. . . First step in developing the Extension long-range Plan of Work for 2004-2009.

  7. Q Why Extension? Legislative leaders, Extension advisory councils, and local citizens have urged Extension to take an aggressive approach in supporting leadership and economic development.

  8. Q Why Extension? HR 1044 and SR 57 encourages Extension to: Aggressively approach supporting leadership and economic development.

  9. Q Why Extension? Focus resources on the needs of individual communities. Attain a broad, cross section of citizen input regarding community needs and opportunities.

  10. Q Why Extension? Develop and train local leaders and support leadership initiatives at the community level.

  11. Q Why Extension? Establish and maintain effective partnerships with other public agencies and organizations. Utilize the resources of OSU and the Extension system to help each community realize its fullest potential in the 21st century.

  12. Q Why Extension? Overview of Land-Grant Universities Created by the Morrill Act of 1862 in order to make available to “ordinary citizens” of the United States the benefits of higher education. Land-Grant Universities were charged with focusing on the “Agricultural and Manual Arts” that related to vocation of most “ordinary citizens” of the time.

  13. Q Why Extension? The Extension System The Smith-Lever Act (1914) created the Extension Service and charged it to: “ …aid in diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on the subjects relating to agriculture and home economics and to encourage the application of the same.”

  14. Q Why Extension? The Extension Goal The goal of Extension, “to improve the lives of ordinary citizens” through education has not changed since 1914. What has changed since 1914 is the definition and the needs of “ordinary citizens.”

  15. Q Why Extension? The Extension Mission Provide unbiased, research-based information and education through a statewide system of community-based, educational network of county offices in all 77 counties, staffed by Extension educators.

  16. Q Why Extension? Extension staff offers educational programs to improve the lives of Oklahomans, in the areas of: Agriculture and Natural Resources Community and Rural Development Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Youth Development

  17. Q Oklahoma Community Listening Session This process has two phases: 1) Listening Sessions 2) Focus Forums

  18. Q Oklahoma Community Listening Session 1) Listening Sessions long-range strategic planning meetings involve citizens, experts, and staff from other public and private groups identify, define, and discuss their community’s current and future needs and opportunities

  19. Q Oklahoma Community Listening Session 2) Focus Forums follow-up meetings to Listening Sessions comprised of citizens, experts and staff from local and state agencies designed to plan and implement a response that is realistic for the next 3-5 years, based on the expressed needs of the county and community

  20. Q What is the Question We Are Asking You To Consider? Guiding Question What are the critical issues in your community and in Oklahoma that need to be addressed to realize a positive future for you, your family, and your community?

  21. Q What is the Format for the Listening Session? Small breakout groups Answer the guiding question Identify and prioritize the list of items generated by the guiding question

  22. Q What is the Format for the Listening Session? Top issues from each small group will be reported in the large group session. Large group will vote again on a list of priority issues. The end result will be a list of citizen needs which are the Overall Priorities for BLANK County.

  23. Q What Will We Do With the Results? Information will be put into a County Report summarizing the results. Within three weeks, copies of the final County Report of the Listening Session results will be distributed to participants, key stakeholders, and elected officials.

  24. Q What Will We Do With the Results? The County Listening Session Report will be placed on the Listening Session web site for access by others at http://www.dasnr.okstate.edu/oces/ocls

  25. Q What Will We Do With the Results? In mid-January a State Listening Session report will be completed and will contain: Executive summary of the seventy-seven county reports All 77 county reports

  26. Q What Will We Do With the Results? State and County Reports will publicly share the process and information that was collected from the Listening Sessions Will list the counties needs, concerns, and assets Be used as a starting point for the Focus Forum

  27. Q What is the Next Step? We want to invite you to participate in the upcoming follow-up Focus Forum that will be held Month date, year (optional if you have your Focus Forum date set)

  28. Q What is the Next Step? Focus Forums: follow-up meeting comprised of citizens, experts, and staff from local and state agencies. purpose is to plan and implement a response that is realistic for the next 3-5 years. based on the expressed needs of the county and community.

  29. Q Oklahoma Community Listening Session Thank you for your participation! BLANK County Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL For more information regarding the Oklahoma Community Listening Sessions, visit http://www.dasnr.okstate.edu/oces/ocls

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