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CAUTI Care and Removal Program. Preventing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections: What You Need to Know Mohamad Fakih, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Wayne State University School of Medicine St John Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, MI. 1.
CAUTI Care and Removal Program Preventing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections: What You Need to Know Mohamad Fakih, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Wayne State University School of Medicine St John Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, MI 1
An 82-year-old woman was admitted for congestive heart failure… She had a urinary catheter placed and was started on diuretics. She appeared frail. Her physician and nurses felt that keeping the catheter in place would make her more comfortable. On the 5th day of admission, she started complaining of chills, had a fever of 102°F, and her BP dropped to 90 systolic. Blood cultures and urine cultures grew Escherichia coli. She was diagnosed with symptomatic CAUTI and had to be treated with intravenous antibiotics.
A 78-year-old nursing home resident was admitted for a gastrostomy tube change… The ED nurse noted that he was incontinent. The male patient was confused because of long-standing dementia. Although a bladder scan did not show any urinary retention, the nurse spoke to the ED physician about placing a catheter. Several hours after the catheter was placed, the patient pulled it out, leading to a urethral injury and hematuria. This required a urology evaluation.
Objectives Describe urinary catheter use and the epidemiology of CAUTI. Explain what CMS and HHS have done. Review how to reduce CAUTI risk (proper insertion technique, appropriate use). Address the CAUTI Emergency Department Improvement Intervention. Discuss how to sustain improvements. Address metrics.
Epidemiology Urinary catheters are frequently used in the hospital setting. The presence of the indwelling urinary catheter increases the risk of urinary tract infections.
Urinary Catheter Utilization About 15 - 25% of patients will have a urinary catheter placed during their hospitalization. Many are placed either in the intensive care unit, emergency department or the operating room.
Mean Use of UCs (NHSN): ICU > General Wards (Edwards, Am J Infect Control 2009; 37:783-805, Dudeck, Am J Infect Control. 2011;39(5):349-367; Am J Infect Control 2011;39(10):798-816 )
Inappropriate Use • 40% - 50% of patients from non-intensive medical and surgical units may not have a valid indication for urinary catheter placement. • This can occur: • At the time of placement • With continued use
Inappropriate Use in non-ICU: Michigan Experience 2007-10 (Fakih et al, Arch Intern Med 2012;172:255-260)
Very Elderly Women Are at High Risk for Unnecessary Utilization • One center; evaluated urinary catheter (UC) placement for all admissions from the emergency department over 12 weeks. • 532 (11.8%) of 4521 patients had a UC placed. • Inappropriate placement: older (mean age 71.3 vs. those with indication 60.0 years, p<0.0001, and patients with no UC placed 56.2, p<0.0001). • Half of women ≥80 years with a UC placed: no appropriate indication. • UC placed without indication: women 2 times more than men, and very elderly (≥80 years) were 3 times more than those 50 or younger. (Fakih et al, Am J Infect Control 2010;38:683-8)
Partnership for Patients Falls Venous thrombo-embolism Adverse drug events Isn’t this a patient safety issue, not just CAUTI?
Catheter-Associated UTIs (CAUTIs) • Hospital-acquired bacteriuria and candiduria in 25% of those with urinary catheters placed for a week • Risk of bacteriuria: about 5% per day • Symptomatic UTI: 16-32% of those bacteriuric (Tambyah, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2002;23:27-31; Saint S, Am J Infect Control 2000;28:68-75 ; Dudeck, Am J Infect Control. 2011;39(5):349-367)
Mean CAUTI Rates: Changes with New Definition *Prior to the new SUTI definition (Edwards, Am J Infect Control 2009; 37:783-805, Dudeck, Am J Infect Control. 2011;39(5):349-367; Am J Infect Control 2011;39(10):798-816 )
CMS and Hospital-Acquired Conditions High cost, high volume or both Result in the assignment of a case to an MS-DRG that has a higher payment when present as a secondary diagnosis Could reasonably have been prevented through the application of evidence-based guidelines http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HospitalAcqCond/
Ten Non-Reimbursable Selected Conditions by CMS (October 2008) More pressure ulcers with immobility? More falls with UCs? • Foreign Object Retained After Surgery • Air Embolism • Blood Incompatibility • Stage III and IV Pressure Ulcers • Falls and Trauma • Manifestations of poor glycemic control • Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection • Vascular Catheter-Associated Infection • Surgical Site Infection-Mediastinitis, bariatric, some ortho • DVT/ PE post orthopedic cases http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HospitalAcqCond/
Health and Human Services Targets (http://www.hhs.gov/ash/initiatives/hai/prevtargets.html )
What Is Our Goal? Reduce the number of CAUTIs. Provide tools for hospitals to reduce the risk for CAUTI.
Reduce urinary catheter days leading to a reduction in days at risk for CAUTI Reducing Risk of CAUTI Reduce risk of introducing organisms to the bladder leading to a reduction of risk of CAUTI when catheter in place
Proper Insertion Technique • Perform hand hygiene before and after placement. • Maintain aseptic technique and use of sterile equipment. • Use sterile gloves, drape, an antiseptic solution for periurethral cleaning, and a single packet of lubricant for insertion. • Use the appropriate catheter size.
Maintenance of Urinary Catheters • Keep a closed system for the urinary drainage system. • Make sure urinary flow is not obstructed: • No kinks in the catheter. • Urinary bag should always be lower than the bladder. • Regular emptying of urinary bag.
Limit Use to Indications Clear Identification of what is considered an appropriate indication
Removal of No-Longer Indicated Catheters • Nurse-driven removal of no longer needed catheters • Pilot study: 45% reduction in unnecessary catheter utilization (Fakih et al, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2008; 29: 815-9) • Michigan collaborative: 25% reduction in use for 163 units (Fakih et al, Arch Intern Med 2012;172:255-260) • Most of the units involved were non-intensive care
2009 Prevention of CAUTI HICPAC Guidelines(Gould et al, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010; 31: 319-326)
HICPAC Guidelines vs. Other Acceptable Institutional Indications 2009 CAUTI HICPAC guidelines: based on expert consensus, not randomized controlled or quasi-experimental trials. Institutions may opt to have additional limited number of reasons for placing the urinary catheter which they may consider acceptable.
Main Elements of Program • Education of nurses on: • Appropriate indications. • Ways to avoid urinary catheter placement. • Evaluation of urinary catheter use and compliance with appropriate indications. • Sustainability: nurses own the process of evaluating for catheter appropriateness of use daily.
Two Important Items Train nurses to drive the process of daily urinary catheter evaluation (regardless of whether data is collected or not). Provide periodic feedback to the units on their urinary catheter use and compliance with appropriate indications.
Tools Used with Intervention • Lecture for nurses • Pocket cards, posters
Main Education is Performed During Nursing Rounds • Does the patient have a urinary catheter? • Reason for catheter use? • If no appropriate indication, the patient nurse will contact the physician for an order to discontinue the urinary catheter. • This process will be continued after implementation with the patient’s nurse owning the process. 30
Partnering with Residents, PAs, NPs • Resident physicians are responsible for a large number of patients in teaching hospitals and may have a significant effect on utilization if engaged. • PAs and NPs are responsible for a substantial part of the care rendered in some hospitals. • Residents, PAs, and NPs may help in 2 ways: • Evaluate the need for the catheter and discontinue if no longer needed. • Serve as an easier access to nurses to obtain order for discontinuation of no longer needed catheters.
Physicians Physicians should evaluate the need for the catheter daily. High volume physicians (hospitalists) may be selected to champion the effort. Physicians who are considered leaders and whose practice is followed by others (e.g., cardiology, nephrology) may also be instrumental in changing behaviors and monitoring of urine output in non-ICU.
Urinary Catheter Removal • Prompt removal should not be interpreted as an increased workload for either the nurse or nurse aide. • Highlight risks associated with having the urinary catheter. • Promote alternatives to the urinary catheter.
Alternatives to Indwelling Urinary Catheterization Bladder scanners may be used in cases where urinary retention is suspected, or when the patient did not have any witnessed urine output and the clinician needs to evaluate for obstruction. Consider having bladder scanners available. Condom catheters may be considered in men that require fluid monitoring. Their use reduces the risk of urethral trauma (compared to indwelling urinary catheter). Condom catheters are not used in cases of urinary retention.
Alternatives to Indwelling Urinary Catheterization Intermittent catheterization may be considered in patients with non-obstructive urinary retention (e.g., patients with neurogenic bladder).
Following Implementation Evaluation of catheter need is incorporated into the patient’s nurse daily assessment. Physicians continue to evaluate daily catheter need. A champion from the unit will promote appropriate urinary catheter utilization on the unit; this will be encouraged through daily nursing rounds. Units involved will receive feedback on the results of program implementation.
Success with Implementation: Michigan Experience • The implementation included 163 inpatient units in 71 participating Michigan hospitals. • Urinary catheter use dropped from 18.1% at baseline to 13.8% at 2 years. • Appropriate urinary catheter use (based on the 1983 CDC guidelines) improved from 44.3% at baseline to 57.6% at 2 years. (Fakih et al, Arch Intern Med 2012;172:255-260)
Success with Implementation: Michigan Experience (Fakih et al, Arch Intern Med 2012; 2012;172:255-260 30% relative increase 25% relative decrease
Avoiding Inappropriate Placement Avoiding inappropriate placement may have a substantial effect on utilization. Consider areas of high placement (e.g., emergency department) to focus your efforts.
ICU Intervention • ICUs have a high prevalence of urinary catheter utilization. • Utilization may be significantly reduced in the non-ICU if patients transferred out of the intensive care units are evaluated for catheter necessity. ICU Transfer from ICU Non-ICU
ED Improvement Intervention Addressing CAUTI reduction outside the in-patient units…
Intervening in ED • The emergency department is an area where a large number of urinary catheters are placed. Urinary catheters placed ED All hospital units
Intervening in ED • Addressing the appropriateness of placement of urinary catheters in the ED may also help reduce unnecessary urinary catheter use. ED: Prevent inappropriate urinary catheter placement ED All hospital units
Early Efforts in the ED One center: institutional guidelines in ED, intervention with physicians; UC use dropped about a third with intervention, with physicians ordering fewer UCs post-intervention (Fakih et al, Acad Emerg Med, 2010; 17:337–340). Pilot work recently implemented in >30 EDs in Michigan (through MHA) and Ascension Health with successful results; key was engaging nurses and physicians using champions
ED Improvement Intervention • Expand the reach of the On the CUSP: STOP CAUTI national collaborative • Engage national societies to support the work • American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) • Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) • Goals: improve appropriateness of catheter placement, and proper insertion technique • Focus on the technical and adaptive (including teamwork and CUSP)
ED Improvement Intervention Resources National project support includes: Comprehensive ED Tool Kit with customizable resources Educational events: • National expert presentations • Coaching support by the National Project Team • In-person training opportunities Data collection and analysis: • Number of admits from the ED, including observation patients • Number of admits from the ED, including observation patients with a newly placed indwelling catheter
How to Get Involved • To get involved please contact: Keesha Mwangangi, Research Specialist at kmwangangi@aha.orgor (312) 422-2654 • See the project website for more information: http://www.onthecuspstophai.org/on-the-cuspstop-cauti/toolkits-and-resources/emergency-department-improvement-intervention/
How to Sustain Improvements Make sure that the process is part of the daily nursing assessment. Provide feedback on urinary catheter use over time to the units involved. Evaluating compliance with appropriate urinary catheter use may be helpful if no significant drop in utilization occurs. Example: SJHMC, Detroit: 5 years of the intervention, the prevalence of UC utilization on inpatient wards is 12-13% (down from 17.3%).
Does the Effect Persist? Nurse-driven removal of unnecessary catheters Incorporating the evaluation of catheter need during nursing rounds, and collecting urinary catheter prevalence twice weekly since 2007 Establishing institutional guidelines for the ED and education (Fakih et al, Am J Infect Control 2013; 41: 236-9) Urinary Catheter Prevalence (%) SJHMC, Detroit, MI