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C-BAR. How?. WIIFY - What’s in if for you?. Leadership Workshop Regions 4, 7, 10 Saturday, July 29, 2006. Jack Wetzel, CPIM, CSCP, Region 7 Director, Chapter Standards & Measurements president@topviewconsulting.com.

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  1. C-BAR • How? • WIIFY - What’s in if for you? Leadership Workshop Regions 4, 7, 10 Saturday, July 29, 2006 Jack Wetzel, CPIM, CSCP, Region 7 Director, Chapter Standards & Measurements president@topviewconsulting.com

  2. You must be logged on and your Chapter President must have added you to MyChapter to get this access.

  3. Download the C-BAR Handbook (Explains the program) Download Improved C-BAR Workbook (for planning & submittal. Follows Handbook)

  4. Improved Excel Workbook Mechanics

  5. Documentation Required • Documentation noted in bold print in the description of the requirement • Summarized at the bottom of both Section 1 and Section 2 • Yes = Points claimed • No = Points not claimed • Blank = Question not answered • Submit all documentation required • Do not submit documentation not required • Strive for 100% electronic documentation

  6. C-BAR Section 2 • Replacement for Passport - Awards • Much less time consuming • Chapters not participating in Passport should take a look at this. Many will submit Section 2 that did not submit Passport

  7. How to Plan Section 2 • Complete the C-BAR Chapter Implementation Tool page at the beginning of the BOD year to forecast your points • Fill out the “Completion Status” field • Assign action items • Update at least quarterly through March, then monthly.

  8. How to Achieve “Gold” • Use the Chapter Implementation Tool to develop a plan to get there • Borrow from other Chapters (list serve) • Marketing Plan format • PDM Evaluation format • Policies/Procedures • Metrics • Budget templates (Quicken, Quickbooks, Excel) • Narrative format

  9. WIIFY • C-BAR provides a structure to answer the question “what should we be doing as a Chapter?” – It Simplifies your job • Recruit members to perform well-defined tasks • Reduces BOD conflict because it aligns people to common goals • Awards increase self esteem and recognition! • Increases value to the membership

  10. C-BAR Section 2 vs. Passport There are many reasons for not participating in Section 2 C-BAR. Time is no longer one of them.

  11. Conclusion • Section 1 – Chapter Minimum Standards is required – due to Region July 31st • Section 2 – Much easier to implement than Passport • C-BAR Improved Workbook provides Chapter Implementation Tool & eases submittal • Electronic documentation preferred • Facilitates good Chapter management

  12. Denial Resistance Commitment Exploration Stages of Change Source: APICS SMR Course Material Session 9

  13. Panel Q&A

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