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How to Think About Foreign Policy. Structure Organization Process How Decisions are made Policy Substance of policy. US National Institutions. US Constitution. EXECUTIVE. Legislative. Judicial. Institutional Powers. Article One: Congressional Powers Declare War
How to Think About Foreign Policy • Structure • Organization • Process • How Decisions are made • Policy • Substance of policy
US National Institutions US Constitution EXECUTIVE Legislative Judicial
Institutional Powers Article One: Congressional Powers Declare War Raise and support armed forces Regulate armed forces Senate: approve executive branch officials Senate: advise and consent on treaties Tax and Spend money Article Two: Executive Powers Make treaties Appoint officials and ambassadors Commander-in-chief of armed forces
The Struggle for Power • Modern deference to President • Public Opinion: Foreign policy is a presidential power • When presidents ignore congress on foreign policy matters: public supports president • Congressional Power: $$$$$$$
Career vs. Appointee Transition 2008-2009 BushObamaCareer
What is US Foreign Policy? White House National Security Council Presidential Directives (from Federation of American Scientists) US National Security Structure
State Department (1789) State Dept home page Organization Embassies Careers Nations (includes background notes)
Department of Defense (1947) The Pentagon
DoD Structure DoD Organization The Department of Defense The Office of the Secretary of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff JCS Structure United States Army United States Navy Navy Structure United States Marine Corps United States Air Force Unified Command Plan Defense Intelligence Agency National Security Agency (NSA) Defense Science Board publications
Intelligence Community Director of National Intelligence (2005) ODNI Structure DNI National Intelligence Strategy (2005) National Intelligence Council National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB). Central Intelligence Agency (1947) World Factbook CIA list of World Leadersand Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments CIA-sponsored page of links on intelligence issues Freedom of Information Act details for CIA documents
Department of Homeland Security2003 • Secretary of Homeland Security • Structure
Congressional Oversight House Armed Services Committee House Committee on Foreign Afairs House Select Committee on Homeland Security House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Senate Committee on Armed Services Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Government Accountability Office (GAO) CRS Reports through the Federation of American Scientists
National Security Council Members of NSC President Vice President Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Secretary of Energy (2007) Any others the President wishes to add Advisors to NSC Chair JCS DNI
Current NSC Committee Structure NSC NSC Principals Committee NSC Deputies Committee NSC Interagency Policy Comm. NSC Interagency Policy Comm. NSC Interagency Policy Comm NSC Interagency Policy Comm
Current Homeland Security Council System Homeland Security Council (HSC) HSC Principals Committee HSC Deputies Committee HSC Interdepartmental Working Groups
2001-2009 NSC HSC NSC HSC Committees Committees NSC HSC Staff Staff 2009 NSC HSC NSC HSC Comm. Comm. National Security Staff Obama Modifications2009
Evolution of NSC System Statutory Design of NSC But sometimes President Sec. State SecDef Sec. Energy VP Other Invitees NSC Staff Advisers to NSC CJCS, DNI NSC Committees NSC Staff
Models of Decision Making • Analytical Model (Rational Actor) • Organizational Process Model • Bureaucratic Politics Model • Presidential Management Model • Competitive Model • Formalistic Model • Collegial Model
1. Analytical Model (Rational Actor) Cost Benefit Analysis
2. Organizational Process Model State Defense Treasury Commerce Homeland Security
Advice to the President Solution to foreign crisis? State: Negotiate Treasury: Sanctions Commerce: Trade DNI: Need better intelligence CIA: Covert Operations Defense: Use force Army: Ground troops Navy: Carrier air power Marines: Amphibious landing Air Force: Bombing
4. Presidential Management Model What Structures, if any, are used in decision making? Who is actually making the decision? Who does the president trust the most?