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European Age of Discovery (Age of Exploration)

European Age of Discovery (Age of Exploration). What were the causes of European exploration?. Gold - desire to increase profits through trade. God -desire to spread Christianity. Glory -to make a name for oneself and one’s country.

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European Age of Discovery (Age of Exploration)

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  1. European Age of Discovery(Age of Exploration)

  2. What were the causes of European exploration?

  3. Gold- desire to increase profits through trade God-desire to spread Christianity • Glory-to make a name for oneself and one’s country

  4. What technological advancements made European exploration possible?

  5. Compass, Caravel, Astrolabe

  6. Who founded a school of navigation in Portugal?

  7. Prince Henry the Navigator founded a school of navigation in Portugal.

  8. Who was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa?

  9. Bartolomeau Dias sailed around the southern tip of Africa.

  10. Who was the explorer that found a direct sea route to Asia by sailing around Africa?

  11. Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa and made it to India.

  12. Why was da Gama’s accomplishment so important?

  13. Vasco da Gama’s voyage helped break the Muslim and Italian monopoly on trade with Asia

  14. What impact did Portuguese explorations have on European trade with Asia?

  15. Europeans gained control over a few ports.

  16. Who was the first European explorer to land in the “New World?” (The Americas)

  17. Christopher Columbus stumbled upon the Caribbean.

  18. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?

  19. Spain and Portugal decided to split the “New World” in order to avoid future conflict over this “new land.”

  20. Which conquistador conquered the Aztecs?

  21. Hernando Cortez conquered the Aztecs.

  22. Where is the Aztec empire located?

  23. The Aztec Empire was located in southern Mexico.

  24. Which conquistador conquered the Incas?

  25. Francisco Pizzaro conquered the Incas.

  26. Where was the Inca empire located?

  27. The Inca empire was located along the western coast of South America.

  28. Which empire was located in modern day Peru?

  29. The Inca Empire was located in modern day Peru.

  30. Which explorer is given credit for being the first to sail around the world?

  31. Ferdinand Magellan’s crew was the first to sail around (circumnavigate) the world.

  32. Which explorer was the 2nd person to circumnavigate the globe?

  33. Sir Francis Drake was the 2nd European explorer to sail around (circumnavigate) the world.

  34. What was the significance of Drake’s accomplishment?

  35. Sir Francis Drake’s voyage helped break the Portuguese monopoly of key sea routes.

  36. Which French explorer looked for a northwest passage through North America to Asia?

  37. I wonder if this waterway goes all the way through the continent? Boy if it does, I would have found a brand new route to Asia! Jaques Cartier looked for a northwest passage through North America to Asia.

  38. What is mercantilism?

  39. Mercantilism is the theory that a nation’s power is determined by its wealth. Money Power

  40. What does it mean to have a favorable balance of trade?

  41. A favorable balance of trade is attained when a country sells more than it buys. Buy Less Sell More

  42. What was the commercial revolution?

  43. The commercial revolution was a period when businesses and trade grew and transformed the European economies.

  44. What is capitalism?

  45. Capitalism is an economic system in which individuals own businesses with the goal of making a profit. Capitalism is based on the private ownership of property.

  46. What are joint-stock companies?

  47. A joint stock company is a business in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose and share the profits and the risk.

  48. How did colonies fit into the idea of mercantilism?What was the purpose of colonies?

  49. Colonies provided a market for finished goods and a source for new resources. Both of these things helped European countries become rich and less dependant on other countries.

  50. How did the large amounts of gold and silver taken from the Americas affect Europe’s economy?

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