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Age of Contact: European Exploration

Learn about conquistadors, missions, and reasons for exploration during European colonization in America. Discover key explorers, Spanish advantages, conquests, and the Columbian Exchange.

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Age of Contact: European Exploration

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  1. Age of Contact:European Exploration

  2. Vocabulary Words • Conquistador- A Spanish soldier/explorer who wanted riches & power, as well as wealth & glory for Spain, in the conquest of the Americas. • Mission- a religious settlement.

  3. Reasons for Exploration Gold _____________ European countries wanted to increase their global wealth. _____________ Catholic church supported expeditions in hopes of converting natives to Christianity _____________ Expeditions led by Conquistadors looking for wealth & fame. God Glory

  4. T H E R E A S O N SAFFRON CINNAMON Saffron, the world's most expensive spice, is costly because more than 225,000 stigmas must be hand picked to produce one pound NUTMEG PEPPER

  5. Routes over land were dangerous & costly Western Europe wanted an all-water route to Asia

  6. 33 days

  7. Important Dates • 1492: Funded by the Spanish crown, Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic hoping to find a faster route to Asia. • Following the example & knowledge of Columbus, other Conquistadors will claim territory in the “new world.” Are we there yet!

  8. Never sets foot in Texas Columbus

  9. Aztecs

  10. Spanish Advantages • Guns, Germs, & Steel - Advanced technology

  11. Spanish Advantages

  12. Spanish Advantages Indian Allies (military) 500 Conquistadors Persuaded thousands of other Native Americans that hated Aztec rule to join the Spanish as allies.

  13. Important Dates by 1521 • Aztecs are conquered & all their gold is taken.

  14. Hernan Cortes • Cortes eventually seizes the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan(renamed Mexico city) • Becomes a base for exploration called New Spain • His success inspires other Spaniards to explore North America

  15. New Spanish Towns & Missions • Spain was/is a Catholic nation • Spanish wanted to convert Indians to Catholicism • Priest & nuns established missions • Helped protect claim of their territory

  16. Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda • 1519- Explored & created the 1st map of the Gulf Coastregion (including the Texas coast). 1st Europeans to see Texas coast

  17. Panfilo de Narvaez • Sent on an expedition to conquer land between Florida & Mexico • Ships that were supposed to pick them up never did. • Stranded, they built small boats. • Go through a hurricane and get shipwrecked. Drowned

  18. Cabeza de Vaca • Shipwrecked near Galveston • (part of Narvaez expedition) • Survived with Karankawa 8 yrs.

  19. Location of Galveston Island; the castaways referred to as "Isla del Malhado," or Island of Misfortune.

  20. Removed an arrowhead from an Indians chest & sewed up the wounds= great fame as a healer Cabeza de Vaca described native dwellings as portable structures made of mats placed on four arches. When it was time to move to the next camp, the Indians would remove the mats and carry them on their backs.

  21. Cabeza de Vaca • Eventually found his way back to Mexico City & then went back to Spain. • Wrote a book describing plants & animals (bison) in Texas.

  22. Popular Legend- 7 cities containing vast treasures. One of the cities was reportedly called Cibola.

  23. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Sent on an expedition to find Cibola- 7 cities that were rich in gold, silver, & gems. Searched for 5 months going through the Texas Panhandle Cibola turned out to be an adobe village Didn’t want to go back empty handed = continued to search but he found no gold.

  24. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado • Explored the Texas panhandle. Searching for Quivera. 1st European to see Grand Canyon (Arizona)

  25. Coronado’s Report on [Texas] • “was a country (land) of fine appearance” and its soil promised good farming. He also reported that “there is not any gold nor any other metal- nothing but little villages.”

  26. (1581) Don Juan de Onate • Claims entire Rio Grande Valley for Spain • Founded the Spanish settlements of upper Rio Grande, including El Paso (El Paso del Norte) • Set up missions along the Rio Grande

  27. Rene-Robert Cavalier Sieur de La Salle • 1682: Explored the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico & claimed Louisiana for France.

  28. Rene-Robert Cavalier Sieur de La Salle (1685) La Salle’s settlement – Fort St. Louisnear Matagorda Bay. Spainnow had to take action to make sure the Frenchdidn’t take over their claim to Texas.

  29. Results of European Exploration Transfer of plants, animals, & diseases • Columbian Exchange-

  30. Americas Europe, Asia, Africa Barley, rice, oats. Wheat, bananas, coffee, lemons, lettuce, okra, olives, onions, oranges, peaches, pears, radishes, soybeans, sugarcane, watermelons. Chickens, cows, cats, goats, hogs, honey bees, horses, mice, rabbits, rats, sheep • Avocados, beans, cashews, cocoa beans (chocolate), corn, papayas, peanuts, pecans, peppers, pineapples, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, vanilla beans, wild rice. • Guinea pigs, hummingbirds, muskrats, rattlesnakes, turkeys

  31. Results of European Exploration Diseases: Small pox & measles Cattle Mustangs - wild offspringof horses brought by the Spanish. Indians get horses trading/raiding = Indians become better hunters & fighters. Different fruits

  32. Spanish pronunciation of the Caddo Indian word Teyshas. The word = “friend,” & generally referred to the allied tribes of their confederacy. In Spanish, the sh sound is usually represented by j, h, or x = became - TEJAS Americans called it… TEXAS

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