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807. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. Key vocabulary: technology prototype design features flexibility strength hardness.

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  1. 807 Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype.

  2. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. Key vocabulary: technology prototype design features flexibility strength hardness

  3. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. Key concepts/skills: Level 1: Define key vocabulary. Level 2: Identify tools used to test for strength, hardness, and flexibility of materials. Level 3: Describe procedures to test design features of a prototype.

  4. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. • Testing a prototype • Structure – test the individual parts or sub systems for structural integrity • Strength – is the whole prototype and its parts strong enough to withstand normal stresses? • compression tests • tension tests • torque test (twisting forces) • many of these are done with computer animated drawings (CAD)

  5. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. 2. Durability – how long will the entire prototype withstand normal or prolonged use? • repetitive use • prolonged use • vibration testing • accidental stress • battery life

  6. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. B. Function – do the parts or entire prototype perform their function? • Sub systems - during normal use do all the individual parts do what they are supposed to do? • Overall function – do all the subsystems work together properly to perform the intended function C. Safety – are there any safety issues in the sub systems or the prototype as a whole

  7. Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. II. Measurement A. What you may measure • Volume- graduated cylinder • Mass- triple-beam balance • density- grad. Cyl. and balance • distance/ length- meter stick • compression forces- spring scale • Weight – spring scale • tension forces – spring scale • Torque – spring scale • Time – stop watch

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