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DCS meeting 27.Sep.2002 Serguei Zelepoukine (IHEP, Protvino)

DCS meeting 27.Sep.2002 Serguei Zelepoukine (IHEP, Protvino). Contents: 1. Front-end electronics: problems & solutions. 2. DCS cabling outside the ECAL detector (CMS integration) 3. Other -- installation matters, the inside ECAL layout,.

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DCS meeting 27.Sep.2002 Serguei Zelepoukine (IHEP, Protvino)

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  1. DCS meeting 27.Sep.2002 Serguei Zelepoukine (IHEP, Protvino) Contents: 1. Front-end electronics: problems & solutions. 2. DCS cabling outside the ECAL detector (CMS integration) 3. Other -- installation matters, the inside ECAL layout, ...

  2. DCS/DSS front-end electronics --- as of beg. September, 2002: Precision temperature monitoring uses T-MUX as the front-end electronics. T-MUX module includes an analog multiplexer and a transducer, thus providing signal conditioning for 8-16 channels. Transducer (RBFE from LHC cryo controls) is RAD-HARD. Analog multiplexer is NOT -- but has been tested with good results in ATLAS. Proposal: make a multiplexer part changeable and replace it each 2-5 years of operation. This requires T-MUX to be placed outside CMS (on the infrastructure ?). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This same T-MUX can be used also with DSS temperature sensors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humidity monitoring will use the same analog multiplexer part, but a different transducer.

  3. Analog MUX 12 chan DB-25 connectors DB-25 connectors Power and control Power and control RBFE Output signal Output signal Support plate (metal) 12x STP cable (to sensors) TMUX board layout Serguei Zelepoukine 10.Sep.02

  4. T-MUX assembly Output signals to the counting room Output signals (DB-25 connector) Enclosure (shield) Support plate Power distribution board TMUX boards Control distribution board Cable locking Serguei Zelepoukine 10.Sep.02

  5. Temperature monitoring -- T-MUX allocation (only a half of T-MUX assemblies is shown) T-MUX 1 T-MUX 1 SM_18 SM_1 EB SM_9 SM_10 T-MUX 9 T-MUX 9 T-MUX 10 T-MUX 10 EE T-MUX 11 T-MUX 11 10 sensors per SM (EE) 10 sensors per quadrant (EE) T-MUX has 12 channels --> 1 T-MUX per SM or Quadrant Each T-MUX has 2 free inputs -- some of them are used for external auxiliary sensors. S.Zelepoukine 21.Aug.02

  6. T-MUX assemblies -- general layout Patch panel Patch panel A_1 CMS detector A_3 Analog signals Keithley 120 m Control distribution (top view) A _2 A_4 Power supply T-MUX assembly Counting room Cavern Analog signals (conditioned) Enclosure Patch panel Control distribution ... T-MUX Power supply Sensors S.Zelepoukine 21.Aug.02

  7. DCS/DSS front-end electronics --- as of end. September, 2002: • CMS integration team -- • T-MUX assembly can only be placed on balconies (no available space on the CMS • surrounding infrastructure). This will extend raw signal paths to ~ 50m (?). • Werner Lustermann -- • If the front-end electronics can only be placed on balconies -- ELMB can be used • as it is used now in H4, with 50 m cables... • (To provide SEE protection one can have a redundant ELMB configuration -- • 2x ELMB are connected to the same set of input signals, but only one • of them is powered and operated. In case of unrecoverable fault it is switched off • and the backup ELMB starts running. • Two separate CAN buses provide additional redundancy -- for the case if • unrecoverable fault blocks the whole CAN bus. • EP/MIC -- • RAD-HARD analog multiplexer (8 channels) design is now in progress. • Samples are expected end 2002 -- beg 2003. • Seems to be OK for DSS (no high precision required); • should be verified for use in precision temperature monitoring.

  8. 45 x 45 Keithley PC x 10 1 TMUX 45 x 10 x 45 Keithley PC TMUX 8 6 x 10 PC CAN 2 ELMB 45 x 45 Keithley PC 3 TMUX 45 1 PC CAN 4 TMUX ELMB 50 m 100 m Detector Balcony Counting room

  9. DCS/DSS cabling and the front-end electronics layout. Work in progress with the CMS integration team

  10. Counting room CMS Barrel Endcap Barrel ECAL DCS cabling and front-end electronics layout Electronics S.Zelepoukine 19.Sep.02

  11. ECAL DCS cabling and front-end electronics Precision temperature monitoring Cabling: One cable runs from each EB SM (patch panel) and from each EE quadrant to an electronics assembly at a balcony. In total 36 + 8 = 44 cable sections. Cable type is 18x STP (diameter = 12.3 mm; MCA36P, SCEM = - 18x2x0.22mm2). Several additional cables run from different points on CMS (to be defined) to electronics assemblies. These are for auxiliary external sensors; approx. quantity 10-20. Cable type is 1x STP (diameter = 5 mm; MC02P SCEM = 04.21.51.B - 0,22 mm2). Electronics: 4x electronics assemblies are foreseen (see the layout sketch). Each assembly holds several electronic boards and is mounted in a shielded enclosure. Enclosure can be placed in a standard 19” rack, or mounted standalone -- it does not need forced cooling. Approximate size is: width = 19”; height = 30 cm. Humidity monitoring Cabling: As for temperature monitoring (above) -- 44 cables sections of the same cable type. Again, 10-20 additional cable sections (like above) -- 1x STP. Electronics: The same as above -- 4x assemblies. (location - close to temp.mon assemblies, in the same rack?). S.Zelepoukine 19.Sep.02

  12. Summary: 1. Revise the front-end electronics solution (reconsider ELMB, R-hard analog MUX, …). 2. Urgently (next week ?) start the first iteration of the DCS cabling layout outside ECAL; also FE location should be defined -- balconies ? 3. Cabling and sensor probes inside ECAL -- is also an urgent task (to be done ultimately in this year -- November?). 4. Installation procedures -- inside / otside ECAL. When we have to have installed sensor probes/cables? Who will make the installation job? 5. We need to have a list of relevant ECAL milestones (dates!) to see how much we are in short of time.

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