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Introduction to zootechnics Animal husbandry : structures, herds

by Sébastien COUVREUR. Introduction to zootechnics Animal husbandry : structures, herds. ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS IN THE FRENCH AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. The 2010 household food consumption (consumption per product in billions of Euros) Source : Insee. Total 163,7 md€.

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Introduction to zootechnics Animal husbandry : structures, herds

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  1. by Sébastien COUVREUR Introduction to zootechnicsAnimal husbandry : structures, herds

  2. ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS IN THE FRENCH AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS The 2010 household food consumption (consumption per product in billions of Euros) Source : Insee Total 163,7 md€

  3. ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS IN THE FRENCH AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Evolution 2000 2007 -8 -38 -23 -17 -27 -20 -26 -29 -33 Large crops Marketgardening, horticulture Viticulture Fruits Dairycattle Beefcattle Other herbivores Swine, poultry Other

  4. Forage areas % of P.P. (Permanent Prairies)

  5. Forage areas

  6. I. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY : STRUCTURES, HERDS A. General data regarding animal husbandry B. Cattlebreeding C. Sheepbreeding D. Caprine breeding E. Pigbreeding F. Poultryfarming G. Rabbitbreeding H. Equines II. PRODUCTIONS ET USE OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS A. Milk and dairyproducts B. Meatproducts C. Eggs

  7. I. ANIMAL BREEDING : STRUCTURES, HERDS A. General data regarding animal husbandry Correspondingherd (heads) 2010

  8. I. A. General data regarding animal husbandry Millions de têtes 2010 Bovine breeds Cows Caprine breeds Goats Ovine breeds Sheep Pigbreeds Sows Poultrybreeds Chickens Layinghens Ducks Turkeys Equine breeds 19,5 7,8 1,43 1,00 7,5 5,8 13,9 1,13 296 144 46 26 23 0,43

  9. B. Cattlebreeding Herd (2011) in thousands of heads Dairycows Sucklercows Source : the European commission

  10. I. B. Cattlebreeding Thousands of heads France Herd (2011) Cows Other bovine species 19,0 EU27 86,2 World 1012,4 Source : the European commission

  11. I. B. Cattlebreeding Herd (2011) Dairycows In thousands of heads Suckerlycows Cowherds in the UE27 in December 2011 France Germany United Kingdom Spain Poland Italy IrelandThe Netherlands Romania Belgium Austria Portugal Danemark CzechRepublic Sweden 4 108 684 1642 1821 122 390 1 063 107 13 519 257 442 102 183 182 3 678 4 190 1 800 798 2 446 1 755 1 055 1 504 1 119 555 527 252 579 374 348 12,1 Millions heads 22,8 Millions heads Source : the Europeancomminssion

  12. I. B. Cattlebreeding Evolution of dairy and sucklerherds in France Dairycows Sucklercows In thousands of heads Source : the European commission

  13. I. B. Cattlebreeding Herd (2011) Scale of sucklercows From 0 to 80,000 heads From 80 to 160,000 heads From 160 to 400,000 heads More than 400,000 heads

  14. I. B. Cattlebreeding Herd (2011) Scale of dairycows From 0 to 100 000 heads From 100 to 160 000 heads From 160 to 400 000 heads More than 400 000 heads

  15. Dairycows Region Sucklercows I. B. Cattlebreeding Ille-de-France Champagne-Ardenne Picardy Upper-Normandy Centre region Lower-Normandy Burgundy Nord – Pas-de-Calais Lorraine Alsace Franche-Comté Pays de la Loire Brittany Poitou-Charentes Aquitaine Midi-Pyrénées Limousin Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Languedoc-Roussillon Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Corsica 6 922 114 824 78 590 85 429 221 467 173 322 475 874 83 980 156 616 19 468 49 929 469 824 143 630 133 463 270 642 473 457 464 730 175 162 494 685 79 941 17 994 39 332 5 954 98 702 115 051 128 811 59 220 425 674 57 956 162 457 179 816 41 862 191 064 452 137 627 001 88 694 102 522 137 675 35 185 267 769 228 159 20 122 8 807 58 Herd (2011) Source: The Office of Statistics and Studies (SSP) (annual agricultural statistics)

  16. Breeds I. B. Cattlebreeding Calvesbearth in France Year 2010/2011 7 269 Dairybreeds milliers de têtes Sucklerbreeds Crossbreedcattle Sucklerbreeds Dairybreeds Crossbreedcattle 3 395 2 810 1 064 In thousands of heads In thousands of heads In thousands of heads

  17. I. B. Cattlebreeding

  18. C. Sheepbreeding Herd (2011) French herdin december 2011 Sucklersheep Thousands of heads Dairysheep 3,8 Sucklersheep 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 284 1 281 1 305 1 314 1 297 1 274 1 325 1 316 1 307 1 300 1 304 1 285 1 284 1 271 1 307 1 324 1 298 5 551 5 346 5 341 5 232 5 157 5 115 4 902 4 783 4 640 4 583 4 506 4 370 4 203 3 894 3 740 3 981 3 818 Million of heads 1,3 Dairysheep Million of heads Number of sheep Herd size Number of farmers Lessthan 100 sheep From 100 to 200 From 200 to 500 From 500 to 700 More than 700 sheep 29,9 % 24,2 % 35,8 % 6,4 % 3,7 % 8,2 % 14,2 % 46,9 % 15,3 % 15,4 % Source: FranceAgriMer (The French agricultural office) PBC 2011 (Award granted to sheeps and goats) Source: The Office of Statistics and Studies (SSP) December surveys

  19. I. C. Sheepbreeding Herd (2011) Dairysheep Sucklersheep In thousands of heads Source: The Office of Statistics and Studies (SSP) December surveys

  20. I. C. Sheepbreeding Herd (2011) Dairysheep Sucklersheep Reproductive herds in EU27 Sucklersheep 39,3 Million of heads In thousands of heads Dairysheep 24,7 Million of heads

  21. I. C. Sheepbreeding Herd (2011) Scale of sucklersheep From 0 to 80,000 heads From 80 to 200,000 heads From 200 to 400,000 heads More than 600,000 heads

  22. I. C. Sheepcattle Herd (2011) Scale of dairycows From 0 to 80,000 heads From 80 to 200,000 heads From 200 to 400 heads More than 400,000 heads

  23. Dairycows Region Sucklersheep I. C. Sheepbreeding Alsace Aquitaine Auvergne Lower-Normandy Burgundy Brittany Centre region Champagne-Ardenne Corsica Franche-Comté Upper-Normandy Ile-de-France Languedoc Roussillon Limousin Lorraine Midi Pyrénées Nord - Pas-de-Calais Pays de la Loire Picardie Poitou-Charentes Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Rhône-Alpes 0,1 474,1 7,6 0,7 0,9 2,7 1,4 1,1 83,3 0,4 0,6 0,0 95,7 1,2 0,3 697,6 0,4 1,3 0,1 0,0 7,6 9,8 30,4 134,7 381,6 83,8 169,6 54,8 140,4 93,9 8,6 49,1 64,4 9,1 170,7 373,1 171,5 679,1 37,2 108,0 67,6 441,1 576,6 297,5 Herd (2011) Source: The Office of Statistics and Studies (SSP) 2010 Agricultural census

  24. I. C. Sheepbreeding Number of meat breeds, in thousands of sheep Meat-type

  25. I. C. Elevage ovin Number of meat-type breeds, in thousandssheep Dairy

  26. I. C. Sheepbreeding Breeds

  27. D. Goatbreeding Million caprines, of which 90% are goats ~1,38 Herd (2011) 2000 2005 2011 Farms ≥ 10 goats Goats Farms Goats Farms Goats Farms Poitou-Charentes Midi-Pyrénées Rhône-Alpes Centre Pays de la Loire Proportion of the 5 regions 21 7 22 12 5 68 34 7 13 14 8 77 24 7 25 14 6 75 37 9 14 13 10 82 21 9 22 12 7 71 34 11 11 12 13 81 *Herd survey covering 12 regions in 2000 and 13 regions in 2005 and 2011

  28. I. D. Goatbreeding Herd (2011) 2000 2005 2011 Farms ≥ 10 goats Farms Farms Goats Goats Farms Goats 10 to 49 goats 50 to 99 goats 100 to 199 goats 200 goats and more Number 47 23 21 9 8 400 14 20 35 31 695 000 31 23 27 19 695 000 7 14 32 47 715 000 26 19 28 28 5 500 5 9 26 61 845 000

  29. I. D. Goatbreeding Dairybreeds

  30. E. Pigbreeding Herd (2011)in thousands of heads Region Number of pigs Ille-de-France Champagne-Ardenne Picardy Upper-Normandy Centre Lower-Normandy Burgundy Nord – Pas-de-Calais Lorraine Alsace Franche-Comté Pays de la Loire Brittany Poitou-Charentes Aquitaine Midi-Pyrénées Limousin Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Languedoc-Roussillon Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Corsica 8 182 131 144 328 594 137 489 100 100 112 1 511 7 898 392 414 433 149 295 248 29 23 65 Scale(in thousand of heads) From 0 to 200 From 200 to 500 From 500 to 1 000 From 1 000 to 2 000 More than 2 000

  31. I. E. Pigbreeding Herd (2011)

  32. I. E. Pigbreeding Herd (2011) en milliers de têtes China EU NorthAmerica Brazil Russia+Ukraine Japan+SouthKorea Other 477,1 150,8 85,8 36,7 25,2 18,2 9,1 EU27 World France Herd in2011 in millions of heads 148,5 799,9 13,9 Source : Commission européenne, USDA

  33. I. E. Pigbreeding Breed Predominance of commercial crossbreedingsystems Alliance of maternal performance and carcassqualities 28% of breeders own 55% of herd. Distribution of sownumbers Distribution of fattening pig numbers Number of farms 2900t Herd 1,1 million Number of farms 12 250 Herd 13,8 millions Farm size Farm size 40 – 100 pigs 100 – 200 pigs > 200 pigs 26,0% 46,0% 28,0% 10,0 % 34,5 % 55,5 % 50 – 400 pigs 400 – 1 500 pigs > 1 500 pigs 39,1% 36,0% 24,9% 8,8% 29,6% 61,6% Source : SSP Source : SSP

  34. F. PoultryFarming 296 Million heads in 2011

  35. I. F. Poultryfarming In thousands of tec In thousands of cwe (Carcass Weight Equivalent) Production France Germany United Kingdom PolandSpain Italy The Netherlands Hungary Romania Portugal 1 864 1 663 1 558 1 330 1 278 1 232 762 396 350 331 Sources: The European Commission, SSP, MEG, UNA, DEFRA EU27 France World Gross indigenouspoultryproduction In million of tec 1,86 12,4 101,6 Source : FAO

  36. I. F. Poultryfarming All poultrymeat / 2008 / % of agricultural land Regional proportion Lessthan 0,5 % from 0,5 % to 1 % from 1 % to 2 % from2% to 4 % from 4 % to 6 % More than 6 % Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  37. I. F. Poultryfarming Broilers Regional proportion Lessthan 1 % From 1 % to 2 % From 2 % to 3 % From 3 % to 4 % From 4 % to 6 % More than 6 % Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  38. I. F. Poultryfarming Roastingducks Regional proportion From 0,00 to 1,00 From 1,00 to 2,00 From 2,00 to 3,00 From 3,00 to 4,00 From 4,00 to 20,00 From 20,00 to 31,14 Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  39. I. F. Poultryfarming Force-fedducks Regional proportion Lessthan 1 % From 1 to 2 % From 2 to 4 % From 4 to 6 % From 6 to 15 % More than 15 % Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  40. I. F. Poultryfarming Turkeyhens and cocks Regional proportion Lessthan 1 % From 1 to 2 % From 2 to 4 % From 4 to 6 % From 6 to 20 % More than 20 % Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  41. I. F. Poultryfarming Guineafowls Regional proportion Lessthan 1 % From 1 to 2 % From 2 to 4 % From4 to 6 % From 6 to 8 % More than 8 % Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  42. I. F. Poultryfarming Egg-layinghens Regional proportion Lessthan 2 % From 2 to 4 % From 4 to 6 % From 6 to 8 % From 8 to 20 % More than 20 % Source: ITAVI production according to AGRESTE - 2008 aviculture survey

  43. I. F. Poultryfarming POULTRY FEED PRODUCTION Chicken: 3.2 million tons Turkey-hen: 2.2 million tons Duck: 1.4 million tons BREEDING HENS Chicken: 6.4 million heads Turkey hen: 1.5 million heads Guinea fowl: 378,000 heads DAY-OLD POULTRIES Chicken: 91 hatcheries - 793 million chicks Turkey hen: 17 hatcheries - 118 million turkey poults Duck(1): 36 hatcheries - 100 million ducklings SLAUGHTERS Chicken: 97 slaughterhouses(4) - 897,200 CWE Turkey-hen: 32 slaughterhouses - 614,500 CWE Duck: 226,500 CWE Guineafowl: 36 slaughterhouses - 36,000 CWE PRODUCTION Chicken: 973,300 CWE(3) turkey-hen: 624,300 CWE Duck: 226,500 CWE Guineafowl: 47,200 CWE ANIMAL HUSBANDRIES 10,000 chicken(2) breeding 3,900 turkey-henbreeding 1,700 duckbreeding 1,600 guineafowlbreeding LIVE IMPORTS Chicken: 4,200 CWE Turkey hen: 1,900 CWE Duck: 100 CWE LIVE EXPORTS Chicken: 45,400 CWE Turkey-hen: 2,300 CWE Duck: 600 CWE Guineafowl: 5,400 CWE IMPORTS Chicken: 199,700 CWE Turkey-hen: 27,500 CWE Duck: 12,100 CWE Guineafowl: 100 CWE EXPORTS Chicken: 394,900 CWE Turkey-hen: 265,100 CWE Duck: 50,700 CWE Guineafowl: 2,600 CWE

  44. G. Rabbitbreeding In thousands of heads In thousands of heads EU grossindigenous production Italy Spain France CzechRepublic Germany 240,0 74,2 55,9 38,5 32,0 Source : FAOSTAT, SSP In thousands of heads Major world farmers Italy Spain France CzechRepublic Germany 240,0 74,2 55,9 38,5 32,0 2008 Production in thousands of tec France EU27 World 56 1 840 459 Source : FAOSTAT

  45. I. G. Rabbitbreeding More than half of farming rabbits are bred in three regions in Northwest France. In thousands of tec Number of breedingrabbits Pays de la Loire Brittany Poitou-Charentes Rhône-Alpes Midi-Pyrénées Auvergne Lower-Normandy Nord – Pas-de-Calais Centre region Aquitaine Other Totale FRANCE 320 220 122 72 61 57 55 50 37 28 165 1 187 Source : SSP

  46. H. Equines Saddle, sport, leisure and race horses Drafthorses Source: SSP - Annual agricultural statistics

  47. I. H. Equines French Herdin decembre 2011 Total outsidefarms Total France 582 300 158 100 horses horses 16 700 donkeys, mules and hinnies 49 400 donkeys, mules and hinnies

  48. I. H. Equines Scaledrafthorses From 0 to 2,000 heads From 2 to 5,000 heads From 5 to 8,000 heads More than 8,000 heads

  49. I. H. Equines ScaleSaddle, sport, leisure and race horses From 0 to 10,000 heads From 10 to 20,000 heads From 20 to 30,000 heads More than 30,000 heads

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