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Alma 22-25. The World’s Richest People. Carlos Slim Helu Telecommunications - $73B Bill Gates Microsoft - $63B Warren Buffett Investing - $53B What if you asked them to exchange their money to feel the spirit once? Alma 22:7-11, 15-18, 21-22 Norman Perez. $205,000,000.
The World’s Richest People • Carlos Slim Helu • Telecommunications - $73B • Bill Gates • Microsoft - $63B • Warren Buffett • Investing - $53B • What if you asked them to exchange their money to feel the spirit once? • Alma 22:7-11, 15-18, 21-22 • Norman Perez $205,000,000
Alma 23-24 • Look for principles of conversion: • Alma 22:27, 23:1-2 • Alma 23:1-3. • Alma 24:6, 16–19.
Book of Mormon Evidences Alma 24 Caching Weapons
Book of Mormon Evidences When this practice is compared to the practice of “caching" by the Anasazi or the Hopi and other Pueblo tribes, we can gain a better understanding. The practice was to break or bury something upon the beginning or ending of and event. This is still a common practice by the Pueblo Indians. These caches of partially buried artifacts can still be seen at almost all Anasazi ruins including Mesa Verde, Canyonlands, Chaco Canyon, KeetSeel, Awatovi and numerous others. In the history of the Hopi or Anasazi upon leaving a village they break lots of pottery and either bury it or spread it in the direction they will be migrating. This not only showed the next group of migrating tribes the direction that the previous tribe exited but also deterred the thought of returning to the previous village. To this day it is still a major offense and extremely looked down upon to take or disturb a cache due to the sacred nature involved in the practice.
Book of Mormon Evidences Alma 23:17 Name Convention
Book of Mormon Evidences When a child is born, we say in English that his father and mother "called him X" or "named him X." The same is true in naming places, for example, "He called his ranch Pleasant Valley." But Hebrew expresses it quite differently: "He called the name of his son X." In Hebrew, it is the name that is "called," not the child or the place. Perhaps the best-known example from the Bible is the one found in Isaiah 7:14: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." This idiom is found in a number of places in the Book of Mormon: "we did call the name of the place Shazer" (1 Nephi 16:13) "and they called the name of the city Moroni" (Alma 50:13-14) "he had three sons; and he called their names Mosiah, and Helorum, and Helaman" (Mosiah 1:2) "they called their names Anti-Nephi-Lehies" (Alma 23:17)
”Real, personal sacrifice never was placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal in us upon the altar and letting it be consumed! A prerequisite to taking up the cross is giving “away all [our] sins” in order to “know God” (Alma 22:18) for the denial of self precedes the full acceptance of Him.” (Neal A. Maxwell, General Conference, April 1995) • Read Alma 24:20-24,26-27
“What we are speaking about is so much more than merely deflecting temptations for which we somehow do not feel responsible. Remember, brothers and sisters, it is our own desires which determine the sizing and the attractiveness of various temptations. We set our thermostats as to temptations.” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell) We should bury things that lead to temptation! Give me a few examples. • Read Alma 24:20-24,26-27
1 Ne 2:3 - Lehi obedient to the Lord and left Jerusalem 1 Ne 3:7 - I will go and do 1 Ne 4:6 – Nephi had to kill Laban 1 Ne 7:5 - Ishmael is a surrenderer 1 Ne 9:5 - 2 sets of plates Mosiah 3:19 - life will stink until you surrender to Jesus Moses 5:6 - Adam-Mode 3 Nephi 11:10-12 – Jesus in the Americas 3 Nephi 27:14 – Jesus’ ministry
In the Book of Mormon we read of Ammon and his brethren teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to a people who were “a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people.” Many of the people were converted and chose to leave behind their sinful behavior. So complete was their conversion that they buried their weapons and covenanted with the Lord that they would never use them again. • Consider the tender feelings of those fathers. How must they have felt to know that the rebellious actions of their past prevented them from protecting their wives and children at that moment of need? Knowing personally of the atrocities their sons would now face, they must have privately wept. Fathers, not children, are supposed to protect their families! Their sorrows must have been intense.
It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed. However, sometimes our poor choices leave us with long-term consequences. Their past choices had exposed these fathers to a carnal appetite that could again become a point of vulnerability that Satan would attempt to exploit. Satan will try to use our memory of anything previous to lure us back into his influence. We must be ever vigilant to avoid his enticements. • Such was the case of the faithful Ammonite fathers. Even after their years of faithful living, it was imperative for them to protect themselves spiritually from any attraction to the memory of past sins. (Elder Richard G. Scott, October 2013)
I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a latter-day saint and a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won’t look back, let up, or slow down. I’m done with letting the devil dupe me into thinking that wickedness is happiness. I know that a moment in the spirit annihilates the best that the world can ever offer me. I’m finished with questionable lyrics and movies, smooth knees, dusty scriptures, worldly talking, cheap shots, gossip, and anything else that prevents the spirit from striving with me. I no longer care about position or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, recognized, praised or rewarded. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. The commandments are not longer restricting; obedience is a quest more than an irritant. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, or lured away. I will not flinch in the face of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, or ponder at the pool of popularity. I won’t give up or let up until He comes. And when he returns in His glory, He will have no trouble recognizing me: His image will be in my countenance. I have surrendered to Jesus.