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CDA team. Evaluation Committee of LAAS-CNRS December 1-3, 2009. Outline. 1. Elements of understanding 2. Staff 3. Domain of research 4. Major results 5. Visibility 6. Notoriety 7. Data 2005-2009 8. Project. 1. Elements of understanding.
CDA team Evaluation Committee of LAAS-CNRS December 1-3, 2009 CDA
Outline • 1. Elements of understanding • 2. Staff • 3. Domain of research • 4. Major results • 5. Visibility • 6. Notoriety • 7. Data 2005-2009 • 8. Project CDA
1. Elements of understanding • CDA team was founded ex nihilo on October 1, 2007 with researchers from RST (disbanded September 30, 2005) and MAC. • Initial domain of interest: Scientific computing, combinatorial optimization, parallel computing. • Increase Computer Science orientation Move from Mocosy to SINC. • Specific approach multidisciplinary approach (Comp. Sc. and Appl. Maths); distributed computing, HPC. no other team works specifically in this domain at LAAS-CNRS (quite a few teams in France and in the world). • Priority research as defined by CNRS and others. CDA
2. Staff • 3 permanent researchers d. el baz (hdr, cnrs, head), m. elkihel (as. prof), j.m. enjalbert (as. prof.) • 3 nonpermanent researchers v. boyer (post doc), m. lalami (doct.) t.t. nguyen (doct.) CDA
3. Domain of research: Dist. Comp., HPC 3.1 New trends • Evolution of computer science changes in our vision of computing. • Rise of parallelism parallelism almost everywhere, many cores, GPGPU… • Advent of the Internet Age Internet of people and things, rise of network technologies. • Convergence of parallel and distributed computing lack of specialized processors for high performance computing. CDA
3.2. Challenges in distributed computing 3.2.1. Specific problems • Lack of centre and global clock • Unbounded communication delays • Faults and topology changes • Massive parallelism and heterogeneity CDA
Grand challenges • Easiness of programming and using architectures • Quest for efficient algorithms CDA
4. Major results • Design and analysis of distributed algorithms general purpose, dedicated architectures application to optimization, boundary value problems, pattern recognition. JCAM 2005, IMA JNA 2005, JCAM 2008. • Communication study and management PDP 2007, JPDC 2007. • Design of load balancing techniques JPDC 2005, PDP 2006. • Design of decentralized environment for HPC PDP 2005, Ter@tec 2009, Rempar 2009. CDA
4.1 Distributed algorithms • Asynchronous Algorithms with Order Intervals,AAOI convergence study, stopping criteria, implementation (LCS, N7, Wuppertal University). Fig. 2a Data exchanges in AAOI Fig 2.b Implementation on IBM SP4 up to 128 processors, convection-diffusion problem CDA
4.1 Distributed algorithms (cont.’d) • Design & analysis of distributed algorithms for state acquisition/pattern recognition on a smart surface mathematical modelling, synchronous and asynchronous algorithms, stopping criteria, convergence study. ANR Smart Surface (FEMTO-ST, InESS, LAAS-CNRS, LIFC, LIMMS). Fig. 3a the Smart Surface Fig. 3b communication network Fig. 3c Smart Surface Simulator CDA
4.2 Design of decentralized environment • High performance distributed peer to peer computing - self adaptive protocol, direct communications between peers; - ANR CIP (LAAS-CNRS, LIFC, N7, U. Picardie, EMD); - LAASnetexp, Nicta platform (Australia). Fig. 4b Results on NICTA platform up to 24 machines, obstacle problem Fig. 4a Protocol architecture CDA
5. Visibility • Cofounder of group KSO of GDR RO, 2007. M. Hifi, University of Picardie. • Cooperation with - G. Plateau, Paris XIII, - J.-C. Miellou, LCS Besançon, - P. Spiteri, IRIT-N7, - J. Bourgeois LIFC, - A. Frommer, Wuppertal University, Germany, - G. Jourjon, NICTA, Eveleigh, Australia. CDA
6. Notoriety • Program Committee Chair and Organizing Committee Chair of PDP Toulouse, February 2008. • Program Committee Chair of PDP Weimar, February 2009. • Chair of Special Session IPIA, CEI 39, 2009, Troyes. • Program Committee Chair of MSOP2P 2010, Pise. • Chair of Special Session MPDPE at Roadef 2010, Toulouse. • Organizer of Tutorial NVIDIA, Toulouse February 2009. • Reviews : ANR, Journals: IEEE TPDS, JPDC, Par. Comp., JSA, SIAM JNA, ETNA, Comp. Math.,EJOR, Comp. Op. Res., EJIE, …. CDA
7. Data 2005-2009 and Analysis • 8 papers in International Journals. • 10 papers in International Conferences. • 1 Ph. D. thesis, December 2007. • Coordination of ANR Project CIP 2007. • ANR project Smart Surface. CDA
7. Data 2005-2009 and Analysis • Better organization - independence, motivation, interactions; - attend events, buy machines more easily; - take benefit of opportunities (HPC); - work on new topics, e.g. GPU computing. • Production: many more papers late 2009 - at least 5 papers on October-November 2009. - 5 papers in preparation. • Visibility - CNRS, LAAS, partners, students, - domain of research, events organization (confs). CDA
8. Project 8.1. Short term • GPU computing - Speedup = 15 with GTX 260 for dynamic programming applied to knapsack problems as compared with Intel, Xeon Quadro; - two papers on this topic at Roadef 2010; - Iblis machine at CINES; - 3 permanents (100%, 33%, 33%), 1 post-doc (50%); - Contacts with NVIDIA, Vega Technologies. CDA
8. Project (cont.’d) 8.2. Long Term Grand Challenges in distributed computing and HPC • Easiness of programming and using architectures → P2P computing, decentralized environments, programming paradigms and models, application deployment; ANR CIS CIP, ADREAM (reconfiguration); platforms: GRID 5000. • Quest for efficient algorithms asynchronism: convergence, stopping criteria … self organization: characterization, models, strategies: efficiency → everlastingness. • From D.S. to I.S. (very long term) CDA