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UNDERSTANDING CHILD ABUSe & MANDATED REPORTing : A refresher for cdph employees. CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE OF VIOLENCE PREVENTION 2010. Access the full Mandated reporter manual at:. httpwww.state.il.us/DCFS/docs/MANDATED2002.pdf://. 1-800-25-ABUSE. #1. 1 8 0 0
Access the full Mandated reporter manual at: httpwww.state.il.us/DCFS/docs/MANDATED2002.pdf:// 1-800-25-ABUSE
#1 1 8 0 0 2 5 A B U S E Are you a legally mandated reporter? THE FOLLOWING ARE CONSIDERED TO BE LEGALLY MANDATED REPORTERS OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN ILLINOIS • Physician, resident, intern, hospital, hospital administrator and personnel engaged in examination, care and treatment of persons, surgeon, dentist, dentist hygienist, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist, physician assistant, substance abuse treatment personnel, funeral home director or employee, medical examiner, emergency medical technician, acupuncturist, crisis line or hotline personnel, school personnel, educational advocate assigned to a child pursuant to the School Code, truant officers, social worker, social services administrator, domestic violence program personnel,, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, advanced practiced nurse, home health aide, director or staff of a nursery school or a child day care center, recreational program or facility personnel, law enforcement officer, licensed professional counselor, registered psychologist and assistants working under the direct supervision of a psychologist, psychiatrist, or field personnel of the Illinois Department of Public Aid, Public Health, Human Services, Corrections, probation officer, or any other foster parent, homemaker or child care worker, clergy
1 8 0 0 2 5 A B U S E The Abused and Neglected reporting act- #2 Child abuse is against the law! https://www.dcfstraining.org/manrep/docs/Abused-and-Neglected-Child-Reporting-Act.pdf THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! • The victim must be under the age of 18 • The alleged perpetrator must be a parent, step-parent, paramour of natural parent, guardian, foster parent, immediate family member, anyone living with the child, a person who came to know the child through an official capacity (health professional, teacher, volunteer) or a person responsible for the welfare of a child (babysitter, day care, residential facility) • There must be a specific incident of abuse or neglect • There must be either demonstrated harm or a substantial risk of physical or sexual injury to the child.
1 8 0 0 2 5 A B U S E CDPH PROTOCOL #3 When A CDPH employee makes a call to the hotline: • The mandated reporter will notify the immediate supervisor at the CDPH site that a call has been made • Appropriate documentation will be completed. Copies of the DCFS CANTS 4 report will be forwarded to the CDPH site administrator, CDPH attorney at DePaul, and the Executive Team member responsible for the program involved.
#4 OTHER WAYS TO HELP When a call to the hotline is not called for, there are other ways you can help: • Speak empathetically to the child and the adult. Express your concern about their safety and your desire to help. Be non-judgmental. Keep communication open. • Stay alert- notice details. • Increase your knowledge of local support services- parenting education programs, counseling, recreational programs, etc. • Share local support resources for children and adults with parent or caregiver. • Model calm, kind, professional service provision: assess your work environment. Maintain a “safe zone”/violence-free workplace.
1 8 0 0 2 5 A B U S E #5 NECESSARY INFORMATION • Provide the abuse hotline with the following • information: (as much as you have) a) Child’s name, address and age b) Name and address of parent(s) caretaker(s)/suspected perpetrators c) Relationship of the perpetrator to the child d) The nature of the suspected abuse or neglect,including specifics of the incident(s), location and severity of injuries, any pattern of neglect or abuse,and andphysical evidence. e) Any explanation provided by the child f) Other relevant information that will assist in the investigation
1 8 0 0 2 5 A B U S E Mandated reporting #6 Be who you are- you do not have to be the detective, the judge or the jury- be who you are • Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have “reasonable cause to believe” that a child known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child.” • This is done by calling the DCFS Hotline at1-800-252-2873 or 1-800-25-ABUSE • DO NOT DELAY THE CALL BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION. PROVIDE WHAT YOU HAVE.
Got questions? Contact the OFFICE OF VIOLENCE PREVENTION : 312-745-0381 Ovp_dir@cdph.org 1-800-25-ABUSE