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HO W HARD IT S IT T O BE C OMEA USCITIZEN OurMainOffice: 20801 Biscayne Blvd, Suite403, Aventura, Florida,33180 Phone:1-844-wetranslate Fax:1-212-933-9849 www.universal-translation-services.com info@universal-translation-services.com
Dreams are important, which is why parents never stop their childrenfromsettingupwildgoals.Evenifachildwishestobecome aprincessorvisitanothergalaxywhentheygrowup,parentsnever tellthemthatitisimpossible.Ifchildrenarestoppedfromdreaming abouttheimpossible,theywillneverbeabletocreatethepossible. There was a time when the telephone was impossible, but our abilitytodreamledtoitscreation.Whenkidsgrowup,theyrealize that some dreams are not worth wasting their time on. But they also figure out that even the achievable dreams require a lot of effortfromthem.Forinstance,someonewhowishestobecomea doctor will have to study hard for years. They will also have to work in the field to gain experience to get better at their job. For many people, living in a different country is the dreamthattheystartpursuingfromanearlyage. Becoming a USCitizen: WhetheritwasalwaysyourdreamtobecomeaUScitizenoryouaremovingtherebecause ofthepoliticalsituation ofyourhomeland, you willfindoutprettyquicklythatitisnotan easy process. Not only does it have many steps, but it also has many limitations. The requirements of USCIS have only increased in recent years. The threat of terrorism has made countries more conscious about who they give entry to their territory. Many states around the world have made their immigration and citizenship policies stricter. However, there are still many countries where people can immigrate to easily. But sadly, for those whowishtobecomeAmericancitizens,theUSisn’toneofthosecountries.Infact,itisone ofthosecountriesthatmakeithardestforforeignerstogettheircitizenship. www.universal-translation-services.com | info@universal-translation-services.com
How Hardis it to become a USCitizen? • Justbecausesomethingisdifficulttoaccomplishdoesnotmeanitisimpossible.Theeasiest waytogetoveranobstacleisbylearningallaboutit.Whenyouknowallthewaysinwhich something can go wrong, you can keep that from happening. You will have to familiarize yourself with the process if you wish to get through it successfully. Reading about the requirementsoftheUSCIScanhelpyouunderstandhowhardisittobecomeaUScitizen. Afterthat,youcanmakeaplanaboutsolvingalloftheseissues.Hereiswhatyouwillhave todoforyourAmericancitizenship: • Get a GreenCard: • ItisalmostimpossibleforpeopletogetthegreencardiftheyarenotrelatedtoaUScitizen oranemployeeofanAmericancompany.Peoplewhofallunderthesecategoriesandrefu- geescanapplyforagreencardbyfillingtherelevantformandsubmittingittoUSCIS.There isalsoafeethatapplicantswillhavetopaywiththeirapplication.Alongwiththeirapplica- tion, people have to submit their documents like a birth certificate. However, these docu- mentsmustbetranslatedintoEnglishaccuratelybeforetheyaresubmittedtotheUSCIS. Applicants must find reliable linguistic experts for the translation; otherwise, their docu- mentswillnotbeacceptedbytheauthorities. • The speed of the rest of the process will depend on how you get your green card. For instance, if you got it through your spouse, who is an American citizen, you will get your citizenshipalotquicklythanothers. • Physical Presence: • YouwillhavetostayintheUSfromthreetofiveyearsafter getting your green card. This does not mean that peoplecannotleavetheUSduringthistime.Howev- • er,theywillhavetoshowproofoftheirpresencein the US for at least 30 months. The requirement is 18 months for those who are married to an Amer- icancitizen. www.universal-translation-services.com | info@universal-translation-services.com
English Skills: • Applicantsmustbeabletoread,write,andspeakEnglishfluentlyinordertobeeligiblefor UScitizenship.Anyonesubmittingtheirapplicationwillhavetogothroughatesttoprove thattheycanreadandwriteEnglishwithoutanyproblems.AlongwithEnglish,knowledge ofUShistoryandgovernmentwillalsobetested.So,applicantsmustprepareaccordingly. • Clean CriminalRecord: • Another important requirement that people have to fulfill is to show their clean criminal record. It is one of the requirements of USCIS that the applicants must have good moral character,andthatcanbeproventhroughthecriminalrecord.Submittinganyfalseinfor- mationforimmigrationisconsideredacrimeandwillmaketheapplicantineligible.Thisis why everything must be accurate in the application, and no false information must be sharedwiththeauthorities. • Although most of the requirements of USCIS seem pretty simple in nature, they can get quite complicated in real life. There are a lot of layers of each requirement, which can be difficult for people to get through. Many applicants spent hundreds of dollars on getting the help of experts so they can go through this process easily. However, apart from afew documents, they don’t really need the help of anyone. As long as they can get accurate translationsoftheirpersonaldocumentsfortheprocessfromaqualifiedexpert,theywon’t need the help of anyone else. Applicants can get through the rest of the immigration processontheirown.Theywillhavetostayconfidentandcalmandprovideaccurateinfor- mationintheirapplicationiftheywishtogetthroughtheprocesssmoothly. www.universal-translation-services.com | info@universal-translation-services.com