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VIVO show & tell. 1. vision 2. goal 3. e xamples 4. v isualization 5. ecosystem 6 . l inked open data 7 . s earch 8 . community. Collaborative Software Development to Address Strategic Challenges in Higher Education: Kuali , VIVO and UCosmic Jon Corson- Rikert
VIVO show & tell 1. vision 2. goal 3. examples 4. visualization 5. ecosystem 6. linked open data 7. search 8. community Collaborative Software Development to Address Strategic Challenges in Higher Education: Kuali, VIVO and UCosmic Jon Corson-Rikert VIVO development lead Cornell University Library Information Technology
goal discoverable, reusable, networked data about research and scholarship across 1 institution or many
Linking facilities and equipment to researchers, projects, grants & publications
creating new ecosystems:Deep Carbon Observatory tw.rpi.edu/web/project/DCO-DS
linked open data structured data in a common format using defined ontologies so anyone can post, consume, & reuse data linked by direct cross-reference without need for APIs
multi-institutional search leverages VIVO-ISF ontology harvest incrementally integrated relevance ranking 4+ software platforms
community ontology, implementation, development, apps&tools, and engagement working groups with regular calls annual implementation fest at Duke March 19-21 annual VIVO Conference in Austin August 6-8
questions? Andy Goldsworthy