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EU-Central Asia Taking stock of the cooperation in the water management

EU-Central Asia Taking stock of the cooperation in the water management. Gheorghe Constantin Chair, EUWI-EECCA WG Bishkek, 13-14 February 2013. IWA - The Premier Global Network for Water Professionals. 7,000+ members in over 120 countries

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EU-Central Asia Taking stock of the cooperation in the water management

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  1. EU-Central Asia Taking stock of the cooperation in the water management Gheorghe Constantin Chair, EUWI-EECCA WG Bishkek, 13-14 February 2013

  2. IWA - The Premier Global Network for Water Professionals • 7,000+ members in over 120 countries • Professions: Science & research, utilities, consultants, regulators, manufacturers • Scope –> All aspects of water management -> water and wastewater • “Leading Edge” of science and practice

  3. Development of World Cities 1950 World Cities exceeding 5 million residents Data source:U.N. Population Division

  4. Development of World Cities 2000 World Cities exceeding 5 million residents Data source:U.N. Population Division

  5. Development of World Cities 2015 World Cities exceeding 5 million residents Data source:U.N. Population Division

  6. Projected Changes in Annual Temperatures for the 2050s The projected change is compared to the present day with a ~1% increase per year in equivalent CO2 Source: The Met Office. Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research

  7. Impacts of climate change on the hydrological cycle (2): Increase of river floods and summer droughts • Meuse river, December 1993 • Rhine river (secondary channel in floodplain), August 2003

  8. a globalnetworkfor water professionals

  9. a globalnetworkfor water professionals

  10. Worldwide Water Use by Sector

  11. Water Availability Per Capita 1950 a globalnetworkfor water professionals

  12. Water Availability Per Capita 1970 a globalnetworkfor water professionals

  13. Water Availability Per Capita 1990 a globalnetworkfor water professionals

  14. Water Availability Per Capita 2025 a globalnetworkfor water professionals

  15. Water Supply-- Doubling of Global Nitrogen Pollution Green et al. 2003

  16. Vörösmarty et al. 2000 UNH

  17. EUWI – EECCAObjectives • Water supply and Sanitation (MDGs) • Integrated water resources management

  18. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesA policy process • NPDs are a platform for the policy discussions and preparation and implementation of national policy documents (policy packages) as well as for coordination between different sectors (for instance water, agriculture, energy, housing…) • NPDs are led by a senior official (Minister, Deputy Minister), who chairs a Steering Committee and gather governmental agencies, NGOs, academia, private sector • The process can last several years (with milestones) and is funded by donors Bishkek

  19. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesNPDs • Key objective to support water sector reforms through implementation of policy packages (e.g. new governmental regulations, revision of policy instruments, development of financially realistic management or investment plans) • A demand driven process • Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), by UNECE • The economic and financing dimension of water policies (WSS, IWRM), by the OECD • A regional component (EUWI EECCA Working Group annual meetings) Bishkek

  20. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesScope according with countries’ interest • Strengthening water legislation (EU WFD and other directives, Water Convention) (AM, AZ, GE, MD, UA, TJ, TM). • Strengthening the use of economic instruments for water policies (OECD suite of tools on water pricing, charges, PES, reform of water harmful subsidies)(AM, GE, MD, KG) • Making the best use of scarce financial resources (OECD suite of tools on Strategic Financial Planning, efficiency of water utilities, business models for rural sanitation)(AM, AZ, GE, MD, KG, UA) • Issues of drinking water quality (UNECE-WHO Protocol on Water and Health) (MD, UA, AM, GE). Synergies on WSS with OECD • Transboundary water cooperation (UNECE Water Convention) (AZ, GE, MD, UA, TJ) • Adaptation to climate change (MD, UA) Bishkek

  21. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesSelected outcomes • accession to Water Convention by Turkmenistan facilitated through NPD process • Kyrgyzstan: basin management plan and Basin Management Council for Chu river; reform of economic instruments for water management • Azerbaijan and Tajikistan develop Water Sector Reform Strategies • Moldova develops a strategy to adapt water services and infrastructures to climate change • Ukraine reforms the scale and scope of WSS services • progress in transboundary cooperation (Dniester, Chu-Talas, Kura river basins) • SFP and investment plans for WSS in Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, etc. Bishkek

  22. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesLasting presence & demand for more • 9 EECCA countries are in the process of adopting and applying the IWRM principles (also the principles of Water Framework Directive) • regular involvement since 2006 has created good relations and built confidence in the region (other national or transboundary projects as spin-off) • after first phases of NPDs (2006-2010) several countries requested continuation: Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine • Many EECCA countries expect the continuation of the NPDs beyond 2015 EUWI-EECCA Component

  23. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesCoordination aspect • Close cooperation with the EU, supporting implementation of EU WFD in Eastern Europe • Donors and international organisations take part in the Steering Committee meetings • NPDs / Steering Committees are national coordination mechanisms for water-related projects carried out under the auspices of international organizations (EU, OECD, UNECE, UNDP) and donor countries (European Commission, Finland, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, USA) • joint Steering Committees established for both IWRM and WSS in most countries • progress in reaching out to broader stakeholders (through regular stakeholder meetings) • progress in communication (regular Newsletter, website) Bishkek

  24. Sharing main principles of the EU policy • Water Framework Directive • Climate Change adaptation • Water Scarcity and Drougths EUWI-EECCA Component

  25. Rehabilitation of the wetland areas in the Danube floodplain Indiguirea luncii Dunarii R. MOLDOVA Prut Perioada de indiguire UKRAINE PORTILE DE FIER I R.MOLDOVA PORTILE DE FIER II GALAŢI RENI Siret IZMAIL Km.0 BRĂILA 12 TULCEA 11 4500’ Calmaţui 0 Km. 1075 2900’ 0 HÂRŞOVA BAZIAŞ Cerna ORŞOVA BLACK SEA Ialomiţa TURNU SEVERIN Berzeasca JUGOSLAVIA 10 Argeş CĂLĂRAŞI ROMANIA 10 0 10 20 30 km 9 1 OLTENIŢA Legenda Drincea SILISTRA 8 TUTRAKAN Deznăţui Calmăţui VIDIN GIURGIU Olt Lunca Dunarii Jiu CALAFAT 2 Vedea TURNU RUSE 7 Principalele lacuri si meandre abandonate BECHET CORABIA MĂGURELE 3 5 ZIMNICEA Limanurile fluviale 6 4 NICOPOL ORJAHOVO SVISTOV 1-12 Unitati ale Luncii Dunarii Inferioare BULGARIA

  26. Ecological rehabilitation works Foto: Iulian Nichersu iuli@indd.tim.ro

  27. Afforested area – Independenta commune, August 2003

  28. The same area in August 2004

  29. EUWI EECCA National Policy DialoguesLessons learned • EECCA Component is the front runner within EUWI • High level of commitment of the EECCA countries is necessary • High level of involvement of the implementing agencies UNECE and OECD • Using the existing local experience and expertise is important • Using a regional approach to tackle the issue particularly within international river basins EUWI-EECCA Component

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