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WELCOME TO JUMS/JCIMS Brigade Training Mr. Jim Wood, Chief, Training and Operations. Training Goal. To provide quality training that allows instructors to model and practice strategies and techniques in a simulated classroom environment to accomplish the mission:. Inprocessing.
WELCOME TO JUMS/JCIMS Brigade Training Mr. Jim Wood, Chief, Training and Operations
Training Goal To provide quality training that allows instructors to model and practice strategies and techniques in a simulated classroom environment to accomplish the mission:
Inprocessing • Classroom Management • Restrooms / Telephones / Email / Fax/Class Leader • Health Clinics (Fort Knox - Ireland Hospital) • Breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express • Lunch- On your own (PX, HRC Café, Burger King, Hospital Cafeteria, etc.) • Breaks-Snacks/coffee/water daily ?? (peanuts, chips, crackers, fruit, etc) • JSOCC Training Facility • Off Limit Areas (Fax and Copy Room, Hallway outside Command Group) • No food in classroom & drinks with tops only
Inprocessing/Administration • Verification of information and update email address • Review Folder Content • Hotel Check-Out Thursday morning-Bring all of your bag with you • Business casual-No Shorts, No T-shirts w/o collar, No hats inside the building • Daily ARRs
JSOCC Telephone Numbers • Chris Lemke (502) 624-1880 • Cynthia Fields (502) 624-1327 • Mr. Jim Wood (502) 624-1793 • Renee Dozier (502) 624-1824 • FAX (502) 624-1768
Setting Class Standards: Building A Community • To Establish and Set Ground Rules • To Determine Standards that will Enhance the Effectiveness of the Course • State as a Positive
JSOCC Objective To provide assist Cadet Command in accurately assessing potential Junior ROTC (JROTC) instructors. The information, guidance, and interview protocol is a valuable aid in standardizing the selection of successful JROTC instructors.
Curriculum Overview • Customized Curriculum Management System (CM) • Higher Order Thinking Tools • Learning Styles/Emotional Intelligence Assessments • Thinking Maps • Serious gaming • Response Systems • SAT/ACT Prep • College Entrance Planning • Internationally Accredited by SACS/AvancedED • Service Learning • Distance Learning Modules • Partnership Programming (CERT, AF Cultural Studies) 20
2013 Air Rifle Competition Championships • The USACC JROTC Championship is held at 3 locations (Anniston, Alabama and Port Clinton, Ohio and Salt Lake City, UT) to determine the top precision, sporter, and individual competitors. • National Air Rifle was conducted by Civilian Marksmanship Program at Anniston, Alabama during 22-24 March 2013 • Participating schools represent the best JROTC Air Rifle Teams and individuals in the country (from each service) • 225 cadets are invited to Anniston to determine the top individuals and teams in both the sporter and precision classes 21
2013 USACC Drill Championships • USACC Army JROTC National Drill Championships • Saturday, 6 April 2013 • Sports Network International (SNI) contracted to serve as the Event Manager • 82 Army JROTC Drill Teams from 50 Schools and territories participated • USACC is the official host for the event • National High School Drill Team Championships (NHSDTC) • 2013 National Drill Competition Championships scheduled for 3-6 May 2013 at the Ocean Center Arena, Daytona Beach, FL • Sports Network International (SNI) coordinates and USACC serves as the host • Features the best Armed and Unarmed drill teams from all the Services JROTC programs nationwide 22
JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) • JLAB is a three phase competition • - 2 online phases • - 1 championship resident phase • JLAB energizes over 10,000 Cadets from around the world to participate in challenging leadership activities and compete at the largest academic bowl in the country. • Cadets, many from poor inner city and rural areas, compete in teams of four in the areas of Math, English, History and Science. • Students learn the values of leadership, citizenship and academic competition, while simultaneously preparing for higher education milestones such as college entrance exams. 23
Facts About JPS JROTC Quality Indicators SY 2010 / 2011 24
SROTC/JROTC Synergy • Expectations for SROTC Battalions Support: (availability dependent) • Establish a strong & supportive relationships with JROTC units • PMS/SMI can serve as the Guest Speaker at JROTC events • Attend or host local competitions at the university • Provide SROTC Cadets as graders at local competitions • Sponsor a campus visit for JROTC Cadets (LET 3 & 4) • Provide support for JCLC • Provide a PMS/SMI to assist with in-ranks inspections and other activities • Provide assistance or training to stand-alone units in supply procedures • Visit each JROTC unit, or designate someone to visit at a minimum once each school year • Brief any changes with the scholarship process • Provide information to Cadets WRT college admissions (SAT/ACT requirements) • Support other activities/events as appropriate 25 25
Challenges • DOD & DA conducting pilot test to issue CAC cards to Retirees/Family Members • Termination of JROTC instructors as GPC holders at the unit level • Automating the qualification and instructor pay process • Revision of CCR 145-8-3 (Accreditation Process) • Helping instructors develop an ethical student-instructor interactions • Communicating with stakeholders (i.e., Superintendants, Principals) • Obtaining qualitative data to measure effectiveness of the program • Messaging the goodness of the program • Implement a qualified instructor recruitment plan without funding • Continue to seek resources to sustain the Strategy of 2022 26
Talking Points • Standards and accountability • DAI/SAI taking care of your AI and Cadets • Updating your records is an individual responsibility • Major Moving Muscles for JROTC: • Executing 1731 units (314K Cadet, 4000 instructors, 95 civilian employees) • 124 JCLC (24K) • Army JROTC Air/Drill/Raider Championship • JLAB (mandatory level 1) • STEM events hosted by universities • Expansion of JROTC (1910 by FY20) • Sexual Misconduct • Purchase of cold weather gear for Cadets (40% for JCLC) • Hazing within the Command (CCR145-2 wrt Cadets and instructors) • Weight control • Education Requirements (requirement will not go away) • NCOs serving as SAIs (exception granted until an AI departs) • Tell us how we can help you to execute the mission of JROTC 27
Conclusion The JROTC program provides an invaluable return on investment to the school, community and nation. 28