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Comparison of search facilities Flash memory

Comparison of search facilities Flash memory. By Soumar Saloum. Outlines :. Presentation topic and goals . The definitions of ” F lash memory ” in Wikipedia and the other two sources . Comparsion between the results . Conclusion . References . Presentation topic and goals.

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Comparison of search facilities Flash memory

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  1. Comparison of searchfacilitiesFlashmemory By SoumarSaloum

  2. Outlines: • Presentation topic and goals. • The definitions of ”Flashmemory” in Wikipedia and the othertwosources. • Comparsionbetween the results. • Conclusion. • References.

  3. Presentation topic and goals • This is a small research shows the definitions of “Flash memory” in Wikipedia and two other similar sources on the Web “Scribd”, and “TechTerms”. • The goal is to compare between the three results, evaluate them, and try to verify the risks included when relying on one source only, such as Wikipedia.

  4. The threesourcesused in thispresentation EnglishWikipedia: Started in 2001, it currently contains 4,051,640 articles.Often the first result in all the search engines. Scribd: the world's largest online library. The third result in Bing. Techterms: Free online dictionary of computer and technology terms. It was first published in 2005.the thirdresult in the secondpage in Google.

  5. The definitions in the threesources: Scribd: Wikipedia: TechTerms:

  6. Comparsionand Evaluation • The three of themstartedalmost with the samesentencetellingthat the flashmemory is an electronicerasablestoragethatcanbereprogrammedelectrically. • Wikipediahad the longestintroduction, as well as, the longestdetailsabout the History, limitations, filesystems, and applications of the flashmemory. • Scribdwent into details as well, butitwaspoorcompared to Wikipedia, and the poorestwasTechTermswhichsettled for just a small 10 lineintroduction.

  7. Conclusion • WecannotdenythatWikipedia is currently the strongestsourceon the web, but in my point of view, relyingexclusively on onesourcelimits the access to differentformulations of the writteninformationthatgive a widerunderstanding of the information. • Eventhough I foundthrowthisresearchthatWikipedia is leadingifit is compared with othersimilarsources, butI personallyrecommendto usethe searchenginesoftento explore an information, so the userwillbe in front of varioussources.

  8. References • http://en.wikipedia.org/ • http://www.scribd.com/ • http://www.techterms.com/

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