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Fundraising Options. Burnaby Central PAC. Desserts & More. Make 20-30% on orders Great idea around holidays Phone 778-895-8558 Email: groupfundraising@Hotmail.com. Boston Pizza. Fundraising: Operation Education and Celebrity Server Events
Fundraising Options Burnaby Central PAC
Desserts & More • Make 20-30% on orders • Great idea around holidays • Phone 778-895-8558 • Email: groupfundraising@Hotmail.com
Boston Pizza • Fundraising: • Operation Education and Celebrity Server Events • Sign up for Operation Education and anytime a family, student, or staff eat at the Boston Pizza you are signed up with during the school year, we earn 10% back at the end of the school year. • Celebrity Server Events donate a portion of the event sales back to the school with the students/staff/parents helping as servers for that event.
Flying Wedge Pizza Contact for Options: info@flyingwedge.com 604-681-1288
Contact Purdy’s Fundraising Team: 604-301-4495 fundraising@purdys.com Free shipping to most areas in BC and Alberta Minimum order of $475 (no minimum for Christmas Catalogue programs)
Giants Hockey Group Ticket Nights Minimum Ticket order: 100 tickets; additional tickets are sold in blocks of 50. Tickets are sold to school for $11. You charge $15 - $17 per ticket (must charge a minimum of $15) Purchase tickets well in advance of your group date to allow time to sell tickets. Contact Alexis Demmery at 604-718-7479 to order tickets. No refunds on tickets!
Kibooco: Create Custom T-shirts & More • PAC signs up for a Kibooco account and you receive a link to your fundraiser page • Students design custom T-shirts and Notebooks for themselves/family/friends • $5 for each T-shirt and $4 for a notebook go to the PAC • Direct home shipping and payment made directly per order to Kibooco so PAC doesn’t have any administration
St. John Ambulance: First Aid/Emergency Kits St. John Ambulance offers the sale of first aid and emergency kits of all kinds via their Safety 360 catalogue. Over 25% of profits go to the group/organization Visit www.sja.ca/fundraiser360 to submit a Request Form for more information Heather Allen is the Burnaby Branch Manager: 604-294-1980; Heather.Allen@bc.sja.ca
Trans-Continental Textile Recycling Schedule the Clothing Drive Advertise the event using their turnkey kit Collect the clothes Paid on a scaled weight, on a per pound basis. The more you collect the more you earn. Examples: collected pounds 7,848/earned $1,826; collected 4,343/earned $955 Cheques are issued within 24 hours of a Monday-Friday collection date Contact: Jim Maedel at 604-351-1309 or info@transtextile.com
SaveAround Fundraising Coupon Book The coupon book sells for $25 The school earns 50% profit for every book sold ($12.50) Books are sold on consignment, so no money upfront. You pay only for what you sell and return unsold books Contact: Joan Belgrave Stewart 604-805-7315 joanbelgrave@hotmail.com http://savearound.com/Vancouver-2014-savearound-coupon-book
Metrozen Performance Wellness Contact Fayme: findyourzen@metrozen.net/www.metrozen.net Yoga Party Student Event By Donation Class the parents / students could enjoy a class (we suggest a Hatha or Flow so the class would be accessible to all) and make what ever size donation they feel good about - there is a minor fixed cost to this option for the infrastructure that goes along with providing a class (i.e. the instructor) which we would ask to be covered by the PAC. length of event is fairly flexible, 75 minutes+ is a good time frame to consider. The 'party' could include healthy snacks and drinks, and a sampling or two of different types of classes we offer at MetroZen. MetroZen does have a fixed cost to provide the party which would need to be paid for by the PAC, the cost is dependent upon the options chosen for food/drink, time length, and how many yoga samples are included. Yoga Marathon event - the student body would need to be involved to work with Zen Services to design or decide the yoga classes that would be included. When it comes right down to it, the nature of the fundraiser can really be up to you (the PAC) - we can put together many different options based on what interests you.
Other Ideas • Pub Nights with silent auction and 50/50 tickets • Carnival or Casino Night • Haunted House • Bowl-a-thon • Movie Theatre Rental (ticket proceeds go to school; note ticket prices have to cover cost of rental plus profit desired) • Merchandise sales; such as keep-a-coins, books, bracelets, flowers, manure, etc.
PAC Secretary is a Resource For more information or details, The Pac Secretary has the flyers/handouts for these items Email PAC at: burnabycentralpac@gmail.com