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Year 11 Mock Exam

Year 11 Mock Exam. There are two reasons for Mock Exams So everyone knows where you’re at So you can learn. Year 11 Mock Exam. General comments. What Went Well? Paragraphs – most of you wrote in paragraphs most of the time

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Year 11 Mock Exam

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  1. Year 11 Mock Exam • There are two reasons for Mock Exams • So everyone knows where you’re at • So you can learn

  2. Year 11 Mock Exam General comments • What Went Well? • Paragraphs – most of you wrote in paragraphs most of the time • Knowledge – there was a lot of evidence of good understanding of living conditions Even Better If? 3. Time – most of you did not divide your time well; question 6 should be one quarter of your time 4. Sources – most of you did not use the sources to support you, especially with later questions

  3. Year 11 Mock Exam Look at your answers carefully. Which question did you do best on? Eg. Question 1 – I got five out of five Which two questions did you drop most marks? Eg. Question 2 – I got two out of seven

  4. Answer all questions with at least a paragraph. • Answer longer questions with at least two paragraphs. • Divide my time according to the marks, and stick to it! • Use details from the source to support your idea. • Use other sources to back up your ideas. • Answer the question that is asked. • Use the words and phrases from the question in your answer. • Always explain ideas fully. • Argue both sides of a question – agree and disagree. • Use specific details from my own knowledge. • Use several sources to judge reliability and usefulness. • Refer to the Aim, Author and Date when discussing reliability

  5. Year 11 Mock Exam Question 1 What can you learn? What can you see?

  6. Year 11 Mock Exam Question 3 Use knowledge to support What is the message? What can you see?

  7. Year 11 Mock Exam Question 4 How heavy are the ‘bags’? Own Knowledge… Other Sources… Aim Author Date … RELIABLE UNRELIABLE

  8. Year 11 Mock Exam Question 5 How heavy are the ‘bags’? Own Knowledge… Other Sources… Aim Author Date … NOT USEFUL, for finding out about living conditions USEFUL, for finding out about living conditions

  9. Year 11 Mock Exam How far did conditions improve? Good Living Conditions Source H Source A Poor 1800 2000

  10. What can you learn? East London, 1860s Glasgow, 1860s

  11. What can you learn? Saltaire, 1860s Saltaire, 1860s

  12. What can you learn? Back to Back housing in Birmingham, 1900

  13. What can you learn? A Bournville home from 1900 An aerial view of Bournville, built around 1890

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