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Practical Information and Guidance to Applicants Green Industry Innovation Poland Launching seminar, Poznan , 26 th February 2014. Mr. Magnar Ødelien, Innovation Norway. Agenda outline
Practical Information and • Guidance to Applicants • Green Industry Innovation Poland • Launching seminar, • Poznan, 26thFebruary 2014 Mr. Magnar Ødelien, Innovation Norway
Agenda outline Programme web-siteRoles and responsibilitiesBilateral relations / How to find a partnerEssentialreading /ImportantdocumentsProject assessment and methodologyHow to apply / Application PortalThe Project Contract
www.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no Main informationchannel One general «landing» page:Information abouttheprogramme area Green Industry Innovation, bilateral relations and othercommonissuesSelect thespecific page for Green Industry InnovationPoland (PL flag)All relevant information and Programmedocuments
Roles and responsibilities- InnovationNorway – fund manager – overallresponsibletowardsthe donor (financier)- The National Focal Point – no formal responsibility(consultation/advice/coordination)- Project Promoter (applicant) fullyresponsibletowardsInnovation Norway - Project Partner responsible to fullfiltheirtaskstowards Project Promoter (Partnership Agreement)
Bilateral relations/How to find a partner?- Donor partnershipprojectsencouragedPolish applicant – Norwegian partner Joint projects – plan and implementtogether Long-term cooperation, beyondprojectlifetime- Enterprise Europe NetworkPartnershipRequest Form- Polish Chamber of Commerce- NPCC – Norwegian-Polish Chamber of Commerce- The Norwegian Trade Portal – www.nortrade.com
Essentialreading / importantdocumentsCall for Project ProposalsRules and ProceduresStandard Terms andConditionsState Aid RegulationsReg. EC 800/2008Assessmentcriteria andmethodology
Eligibilitycriteria - Promoter and Partner-Applicant– legal entityin Poland- Partner – Independententities (no legal bindings) - In operation for at least one fiscalyear- Cleancriminal and taxrecords- Financial capacity (co-financing)- SignedPartnershipAgreement (draft)- Applicant’s/Partner’s main activitiescloselylinked to the area for whichtheapplication is made
Eligibilitycriteria – ProjectsRelevance, contributeto:- overall objectivesof Norway Grants- objectivesof Green Industry InnovationProgr.- expectedprogrammeoutcome for Poland- No overlapping or double funding- Compliancewith grant min./max. amounts and co-financing- Implementationperiod: max. 28 monthsCompliancewith EU and Polish legislation
Eligibilitycriteria – expenses- In line withthe state aidprovisionsDependon type ofprojects and activities- Eligibilitydates: from approvalofprojectuntil 30 April 2017- Normallyonlynewequipment/machinery- Normallyonly 10% ofprojectcostcan be buildings/land
Project co-financing and Disbursement-Applicant’s co-financing: Cash – internalresources or bank loan Man-hours (= cash), No in-kind.- Disbursementofgrants:Advancepayment: 10-20% ofapproved grant Reimbursement ofaccruedexpenses Interim Reporting/paymentclaimsCurrency: EURO
State aidEU and EEA: state subsidies should not distort competition, butGeneral Block Exemption Regulation (800/2008)- research, development and innovation- Aid for environmentalprotection- Regional aid(25-50% + possible bonus for SMEs)- De minimishttp://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/overview/index_en.html
State aid - Application oftherules Part oftherules and procedures, standard terms and, ifneeded, specialconditions in theprojectcontract Travel support will be awarded as de minimis SME- and de minimis-declarationswill be required
Green Industry Innovation Programme Poland Relevant State Aid categories- Regional Aid– maximum grant rate 50% plus 20% bonus for small enterprises or 10 % bonus for medium sized enterprises.- Research and Development and Innovation, experimental development – maximum grant rate of 25% plus SME bonuses and collaboration bonus of 15% under certain conditions.
Green Industry Innovation Programme Poland Relevant State Aid categories –cont.- Aid for environmental protection – maximum grant rate of 35% plus SME bonuses.- Aid for training – specific training 25%, general training 60% plus SME bonuses.- Aid for consultancy in favour of SMEs- maximum grant rate of 50%.
Public procurement In compliancewiththeRegulationon Norway Grants Polishlegislationimplementing EU-legislation Special conditions in theprojectcontracts The purpose is to ensuretransparency and «best value for money»
Startingpoint: A Project Promoter that receives 50 per cent public funding or more of the eligible expenditures of the project shall conduct its procurement for that project in compliance with the national public procurement law as though the Project Promoter were a contracting authority Polish nationalthresholdswilldecide
AssessmentOrganised by Innovation NorwayInternal and externalexperts20 criteriaScoring 1-6 points per criteria
A specialvocabularyExpected OUTCOMEoftheproject:thelikelyshort-term and medium effectOUTPUT:projectdeliverables(products, goods, services)INDICATORS: How do weverifysuccess?A tool to verifywhether or not theproject is achievingitsexpectedoutcome and outputsEnvironmentalperformance (quantitative/qualitative)
Electronic ApplicationFormAvailable at the websitewww.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.noAll mandatoryattachmentsand supporting documentsto besubmitted inelectronic versions ONLY
Mandatoryattachments to the Application Form- Project Implementation Plan (PIP) – template – English- Detailed Activity Based Budget – template – English- Disbursement Plan (DP) – template – English- Procurement Plan – template – English-
Attachmentscont.- Letter ofCommittment(also for partner) – template – English- Publicity Plan (Publicity Guidelines onProgramme web-site) - English- Relevant registrationcertificate – Polish (an excerpteither from KRS or from the CEIDG register) (For Norwegian Partners –available from public sources)- Clean criminal and tax record (self declaration)
Attachmentscont.- Partnership Agreement (ifapplicable) – template – English- CV’s for Project Management Team - English(Manager, financial and technical/technological)- Project Document/Business Plan – English- Certifiedannualaccountsoftheapplicant - PolishBalance sheet and profit & loss statements for 2011 and 2012 (For Norwegian partners – available from publicsources)
The Project ContractGrant Offer LetterStandard Terms andConditionsDetailedActivity BudgetProject Implementation PlanDisbursement Plan
Thankyou for yourpatienceGoodluckwithprojectpreparations and applicationsQuestions to: poland@norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no