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Media Summative. Part of your summative assignment, worth 5% of your final mark, involves media with an oral component. There is a list of different tasks you may choose from. Please note that not every assignment requires an oral presentation; some have the oral component built in.
Media Summative Part of your summative assignment, worth 5% of your final mark, involves media with an oral component. There is a list of different tasks you may choose from. Please note that not every assignment requires an oral presentation; some have the oral component built in.
Visual Representation • students must generate a book jacket, poster, sculpture, drawing, collage, etc that demonstrates an important theme from Romeo and Juliet. Students will then provide the class with a 3-5 minute presentation explaining why they created what they did and what theme is being explored. DO NOT WING IT! Students must have a preconceived notion of what they are going to talk about (i.e. notes, cue cards, etc.)
News Report • students must create an original news report reporting on the suicides of Romeo and Juliet. This must be a 3-5 minute, televised report. It must seem authentic. Think about the news reports you see and try to mimic them. You may choose to speak using Shakespearian English or modern English. You may choose to include an anchor, a reporter on location, and an interview with a character involved in the tragedy. You may have your friends/parents/siblings play the different characters for you. The final product must be burnt on a CD or sent via email. Remember to test your report on the school computers to make sure it is compatible before you send it to your teacher.
Things to Keep in Mind… • What does a news room look like? • How does an anchor sound like? • Where would be a good place to interview, say Lord Capulet? • What would he look like/ be wearing? • What type of questions would a reporter ask him? • How would he respond? http://ottawa.ctv.ca/
Radio News Report • students must create three original news reports. Your top news stories include the first street brawl, the second street brawl, and finally the suicides of Romeo and Juliet (don’t forget dates!). Your radio show must include a musical interlude and at least two commercials advertising things what would appeal to the people of Verona. Think about the radio news shows you hear and try to mimic them. It must be 3-5 minutes in length.
Things to keep in mind… • What are the dates of these different reports? • What would be advertised to the citizens of Verona? • How do radio commercials sound? • How do radio news reports sound? • How much information would have been released to the public?
Photo Story • students must create a 3-5 minute photo story that relates to one of the themes addressed in Romeo and Juliet. Extend beyond the play; where else do you see your theme in action? Relate the theme to something other than the play. You may capture your own images or use ones you find on the internet. Remember to reference images that are not yours. You must create a voice over where you discuss your theme and possibly its link to your images.
Infomercial • students must create a video-recorded infomercial encouraging their audience to buy Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Think of infomercials you have seen in the past (snuggie, slap chop, etc.). What elements do they incorporate? You may include testimonials played by family and friends. Try to encourage Canadians to buy the play! Your infomercial must be between 3 and 5 minutes in length.
Music Video • there are two steps to this task. First, students must retell the story of Romeo and Juliet as a rap song. Essentially, you are to turn the play into a narrative poem. Then students are to create a music video for their rap song. Think of the different music videos you have seen and try to mimic them. You may have your family and friends be back up dancers, extras, whatever, but you must be the sole rapper. Try to make this look legit! It must be at least 2 minutes in length. There are many downloadable freestyle beats on the internet to use as your background music. • http://www.bigvidpro.com/?v=SmcuG_m8caJ6rsEU3m77CQ